Kings @ Pistons Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Way early but I might not get to it tomorow so..
Not much going on tonight anyways ;)
10 games left (6 on the road) Kings still hanging on to a 5th spot. Hey, nobody else wants to have it either. We are getting very close to clinch the play of spot and I hope that it happenes on the night when we beat Wolves and put them out of their misery. It would not be a pay back for the last year but it would at least be a downpayment.
6 road games left we need at least 2 to be in the 6th spot or in a some kind of 3 way tie for the 5th. We do play 3 lottery teams (LA, Utah and Portland) but there are certainly no gimmies here. We have the 2 next in the east where we usually do OK. We need at least one and we will get one. Let's forgett the standings for a moment and just think in terms of Kings beating a quality team on the read. Yes, it has been a while. We desperately need a road victory here. We need to play well for 4 quarters without ant letdowns. Also we have to hope that V.P. will not show up at any of those games because that would drastically reduce our chances
After the Philly game the circle has closed and now we can hopefully move on. CW got what he deserved, we won the game - everybody happy.
At least for the last night - the trade looked good mainly bacause 2 guys showed up on a mission with the intention to prove something or somebody wrong. Last night - thay did it. We expect more now that we know what they can do. We shot great but still did not put the compleate game. We had a slump at the end of the first half. Guys played lots of minutes too.
It was nice to see a Kings player have a career night for a change. Usually, it happens other way around. King Tut (I like Pharaoh more) was everywhere last night. made me wonder wheather GP will make a vacation in Egypt this summer - just in case. Keep it up Brian!!!!!!!!!
We play champs tomorow night. We have done well there. Last time we lost in Detroit - Grant Hill was still there (I might be wrong on this one). Yes, I know - those were different Kings. We have got to start somwhere. We can play with Pistons who are in a little slump which might be a problem because they will try hard to get out of it. We need to stay close in rebounding and need to contain their guards. Billups is playing great lately. Their bench sucks but then again they are playing us so...:eek: We could surely use some of that shooting from last night - minus the stupid turnovers. We can not afford those. We really need this one badly tomorow.
Mike - that 4 quarter give hope for more. Tough defensive asignment either way. Hopefully his shots will fall early. Does not need to play 40+
Pedja - Improving gradually. Shooting well too. can he remember the game from last year. We can sure use another one like that.
Mobley - I am glad he decided to stay aggressive without struggling. Played 4 quarters and pretty much killed the sixers. Can he do it again tomorow ?
Thomas - can he repeat the last game's performance ? Will be much harder.
Skinner - It is safe to say thay expectations have increased a bit here.
House - very solid - could and should help Mike get more rest
Evans - that was nothing again. We need him more than he is giving us at the moment.
Darius - too much fouls making it hard for him to get into a rythm
Tag - we thought - he was done and luckly we were wrong.
Corliss - can he avoid a migrane and be extra motivated agains his former employer.
Martin - no minutes left here.
Daniels - ???????
RA - well, did well agaist Philly. I do not like the big minutes but we need to win whatever it takes and if that means 5 guys playing 48 each - so be it. He is doing well with what he has. I even think that he is doing much better job since the talent level decreased. go figure.
Pistons - They will defend and rebound. RW always plays us well. Billups is "hot" Their bench is weak and I hope we do not change that. Look out for Arroyo and Delfino.
Go Celtics!!!! (mavs)
Go Sixers!!!!! (suns)
Go Blazers !! (houston)
Go Jazz!! (nuggets)
spurs play sonics - honestly it does not really concern us

also for tonight

Go Sonics!!!! (grizzlies)

Knicks play Lakers - In my case always against LA but I kinda pitty both of them ;) .

OK - I lied - so what ?
First off maybe im having a brain fart here but who or what is V.P.??

As for the said it we definetly need to beat this elite team on the road...i think we have a good chance...if we play like we played last night minus the turnovers like you said...we should be okay...wasn't it nice to get 2 of the big 3 both shooting well on the SAME NIGHT...i thought it was o so lovely...hopefully the starters can continue to step it up...and again lets all pray that Mike is out of slump...Eddie will still be solid i just know it...and is Darius beginning to look more and more like Brad with those high post passes he's been making or what?...stay out of foul trouble Darius and you'll be okay...I hope since last night Corliss didn't get to stick it to his lastest old team he'll stick it to this (Detroit) old team...

Detroit has been struggling lately without Larry Brown....we must jump on them seems like lately on the road we get down by big and have to work our way out of'd be nice to kinda jump out on a team early for once...


edit: I just figured out that "V.P." stands for Violet "THE BEAST" Palmer...took me a little bit but i got it ;)
ofcourse the Sonics aren't helping us out any they are down by 14 to the Grizz on the road...ugh! Grizz just lost two straight...Sonics just lost to Washington on what'd think even on the road and without Rashard that they'd at least be in the game...this ticks me off a bit...c'mon Sonics get it together...
great 4th quarter comeback by the Sonics...i was watching at the end of the 3rd and they were down double digits just happen to walk back in front of the TV and Seattle was up 3 with 15 secs left...woohoo! Thank you Sonics! Glad to see they pulled it together...


Alright, I have been 2 for 2 so far so here it goes...

Pistons are **** and they are going down!
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Homer Fan Since 1985
DeAtHrOw said:
Alright, I have been 2 for 2 so far so here it goes...

Pistons are **** and they are going down!
I thought this sounded pretty funny the 1st time. Then the 2nd time I thought, "whatever works." Now, you had better keep it up. :p
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Super Moderator Emeritus
DeAtHrOw said:
Alright, I have been 2 for 2 so far so here it goes...

Pistons are **** and they are going down!

Every time you bypass the profanity filters, and every time I come back and edit your post.



Hall of Famer
Pistons are in many ways a nightmare match up for the Kings. The rebound, box out, presure the passers and paly very physical ball. The good news isthat they do not defned the out side shot as well as they do the paint, they are not muchif any larger than the Kings and they have trouble scoring SO... IF the Kings can hit thier out side shots, move the ball from side to side and get Wallace squared into foul trouble. nad pull down a respectable number of boards espcialy on the offensive end, Kings can do it. Sadly enough the Kings bench might be the key to a win. Detroit is NOT as deep as they used to be, and with the addition of Williamson and the maturity of Darius and Mo's energy (OK and Tag's sheer size) the Kings bench could well out hutle and out score Detroit's.... It will be fun to watch.


VF21 said:

Every time you bypass the profanity filters, and every time I come back and edit your post.

I don't mind at all :) Whatever gets us that win.

6th member I was thinking the same thing when I posted it...hopefully I (they) can go 3/3.
One thing I like about our schedule is that over the last 3 weeks of the season we only play 10 more games and one more set of back to backs. We have a couple of 2 day off stretches and one 3 day off strectch. Although most of the teams we play are tough we can really get some rest and finish off the season strong and hopefully gain some momentum going into the all starts tonight!!!!!
Detroit is struggling. We haven't played well on the road all year long. A win at the Palace would definitely give us some confidence and we should have alot of confidence against the Pistons because we have beaten them consistantly for the last 4 years (I think 7 of 8). We need this win, we need confidence and we need Bibby and Peja to both play well. If 90% of the team that whooped up on the Pistons earlier this year shows up we should have a W in the books.
the good thing about east coast road trips is that its an earlier start time...i keep thinking i have to wait til 10 or something but NOPE 7:30 woohoo!!

bigbadred00 said:
Detroit is struggling. We haven't played well on the road all year long. A win at the Palace would definitely give us some confidence and we should have alot of confidence against the Pistons because we have beaten them consistantly for the last 4 years (I think 7 of 8). We need this win, we need confidence and we need Bibby and Peja to both play well. If 90% of the team that whooped up on the Pistons earlier this year shows up we should have a W in the books.
I was watching the ESPN scroll across the bottom of the screen and it said we had beaten the Pistons 11 out of the last 12 games :eek:
Peja said:
This game could be our last chance for 4th place and home court advantage,so GO KINGS!!!
Well, more bad news. Skinner won't play tonight as he has the Stomach Flu. Get a damn flu shot guys!!!!!!
Ryle said:
Well, more bad news. Skinner won't play tonight as he has the Stomach Flu. Get a damn flu shot guys!!!!!!
For a second there I was going to ask how you knew....Dammit! Where's my little radio?


I keep hearing strange noises througout the house. If I didn't know any better I'd swear I not only have basement but a boiler in it as well

:: Off to investigate::
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Hall of Famer
Well, with no Skinner we will have a small lineup, very small lineup, ultra small lineup and a midget lineup.

Maybe Pedja will rebound more.;)

OK - we are screwed :eek:

Maybe we can forfit this game and focus on the Cavs :rolleyes:

Maybe we can play with Tag as a "sweeper." He can stay under our basket and play defense. Does not need to run in the offense since he never arrives on time anyways. We can take them 4 on 5 offensively ;)
Honestly, I don't think the Kings will lose tonight. The Pistons are on a really bad streak and Sac shoudl play really bad to loose. I expect Tag will step in 'cause the Pistons don't run up and down all the time so that will give him some time to rest. Not having Skinner is a bad thin but it shouldn't be of a much importance in this case.
Go Sac.
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