Kings @ Lakers Game Thread

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HndsmCelt said:
Ah yes Kings Lakers again... Hobbits Vs. Elves... my money is onthe Hobbits, toughter little guys who ought to controll the boards again, if RA will bring in Treebeard (00) the Kings could also just flat dominat the paint as well. While I do not expect anouther blow out I will not be surprised. Ironicly the Lakers have very little to play for and much to loose over. I hate to see a team intentionaly bobing for loto balls but that could well be the case.

Hobbits vs Elves.............................LMAO!!!!
piksi said:
Kings win again.

Recomand watching for everyone who likes "crab dance"
I should watch this game more often.
BTW- No crab dance from Bibby on this one.
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Do I hate the Laker's? Oh yeah! It's not as intense at the moment, but the flame can become an inferno at the slightest provocation. I kinda like the Spurs...except for a certain player I hate with the initials RH. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch that game again.
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Kobe also asked that everyone in attendance donate 5 dollars at the door, to help pay for food and beer and such.

Latrell Sprewell was outraged, as he had set aside the money in order to feed his children that week.
I see everyone is on rare form with the jokes. This thread is just too funny lmao It just shows that playing the Lakers brigns out the best in us.
Heuge said:
and Walton, and refs.
yup. Walton was disgustingly one sided I'm surprised it was humanly possible

Heuge said:
I should watch this game more often.
BTW- No crab dance from Bibby on this one.
yeah no crab dance BUT there was a nice little yell ;) ahh those were the days
Webber4tHREE said:
kind of hate laker fans more than their players lol
lol yeah me too especially now when the Lakers stink...

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the Mavs? Well anyway I hate hate hate the Mavs players but I think I hate their fans a smidge more and they are easily my pick for the fans I love to hate the most
JayBird said:
Kobe also asked that everyone in attendance donate 5 dollars at the door, to help pay for food and beer and such.

Latrell Sprewell was outraged, as he had set aside the money in order to feed his children that week.
I edited my post...didn't realize Kobe's wife was having serious medical problems. I hope she's alright...our prayers go out to her!
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She has a tubular pregnancy and I know that's very traumatic, a friend of mine had one and it can kill you. I hope she does OK.I always felt sorry for her.
BibbyForPrez said:
I have respect for anyone who has had to put up with as much crap as she has had to in the last year. I mean could you imagine what it must be like in that household?!? She deserves some kind of award or something!

Can't wait til the game starts!!!!
(deleted) I hope no one saw that.

didn't realize she was having medical issues.
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iheartBrad said:
I hope not either^^

I pray that everything is alright with Mrs. Kobe Bean Bryant...I've always liked her (some)
Is something wrong with Kobe's wife?? Sorry, no TV or radio on so I don't know.:eek: I hope she's OK though.

I agree with chelle, no Kobe...I hope the Kings still don't take the Lakers lightly!
HndsmCelt said:
Poor woman! I wish her the best. Beating the Lkaers with no Odom or Kobe will be like drinking decaf...
Like chelle said hopefully we don't play down to their level...lets just hope we actually beat them otherwise we will never hear the end of it from everybody...i expect Caron to possibly look like Jordan tonight..a big load is on his shoulders tonight..
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