Kings coaching prospects (Merged)

Perhaps this has been mentioned, I haven't been following this thread too closely, but...

Has there been any talk of Gary St. Jean? I mean, at one point, this guy was the most successful coach in the Sacramento era! Have the Maloofs even considered this diamond in the rough?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
zeke04 said:
Brick do you think Brown is a bad coach or just not a good fit for the kings?
I think Brown is obviously a very good coach...if everything and everyone is set up just right and reduced to kissing his ***. he could work here -- he's a good enough coach he could work anywhere. But at the very least it would be bumpy. And on the other hand, he is the sort of ego that could really mess things up clashing with the most important pieces to the Kings franchise. He scares me, because its like adding Terrel Owens to your team -- talent, but all about him.
Bricklayer said:
Took a bad situation and made it much much worse. Its hard to even describe how ugly it got for people not in the NY area. Roster was clearly upgraded, but from the very beginning of the season Larry did the "me" thing and within 3 months it was absolutely embarrassing. Not only bad, but not even really a team. Sabotaged, IMHO almost on purpose, by their own coach. I've seen this play out first hand (well, in the city), and am completely uninterested in seeing a replay in Sacto.

BTW, Ron/Larry would be questionable. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Remember, Larry was NOT amused by the brawl and is big into his players being quiet humble pros (as opposed to Larry himself). Larry and Bibby would probably not last -- Larry has spent his entire career lusitng for what he does not have, but in the end a shooting PG who doesn't play defense is complete anathema for Larry.

The kids would be in real danger -- anyone see what Larry did to Okur and Darko in Detroit? How he jerked around and ultimately lost the Knicks rooks? Kevin might, MIGHT have established himself enough to be entitled to a little respect. But you think Rick is bad wiht young players, wait till you get a load of Larry, who not only hates playing them, but seems to delight in crushing their confidence along the way.

The Petrie/Maloofs power relationship would also get a major test, maybe its final test, because just as he's done in every stop, Larry would start trying to muscle into the front office decisions. Want his guys, try to reduce Geoff to a service provider for Larry's wants. And Larry's wants are often quite stupid over time to -- trading away young talent for old creaky vets, getting disappointed with them, and bringing inthe next set of creakky vets. And if Larry is hired, he'll be the Maloof's guy. The question is not if, but when he tries to go over Geoff's head, and how the Maloofs will respond. And of course how Geoff will respond to being caught in the middle of all the egos.
Well then we're in the same boat there as before.
And everyone remember, this all hinges on: #1 the Maloofs wanting him, and #2 the Knicks actually paying Larry Brown $40 million for one season of coaching, which, even though it is the Knicks, I don't see happening.
Bricklayer said:
I think Brown is obviously a very good coach...if everything and everyone is set up just right and reduced to kissing his ***. he could work here -- he's a good enough coach he could work anywhere. But at the very least it would be bumpy. And on the other hand, he is the sort of ego that could really mess things up clashing with the most important pieces to the Kings franchise. He scares me, because its like adding Terrel Owens to your team -- talent, but all about him.
I hear you. Not sure if California can handle Phil Jackson and Larry Brown's ego at the same time. Not sure how I feel about him in Sac.
SacTownKid said:
And everyone remember, this all hinges on: #1 the Maloofs wanting him, and #2 the Knicks actually paying Larry Brown $40 million for one season of coaching, which, even though it is the Knicks, I don't see happening.
Oh the buy out is all but a done deal. You do NOT let this kind of story get out unless it is true and if it is untrue you imediatly issue a press release deneying the story and voicing confidence in your coach. Zeek sat mum: you can bank on Brown leaving NY with a fat check soon.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
QueensFan said:
Perhaps this has been mentioned, I haven't been following this thread too closely, but...

Has there been any talk of Gary St. Jean? I mean, at one point, this guy was the most successful coach in the Sacramento era! Have the Maloofs even considered this diamond in the rough?
There you go.

I know he'd meet their requirement to get out and about more... I used to see him about once a month in various spots around town.

VF21 said:
There you go.

I know he'd meet their requirement to get out and about more... I used to see him about once a month in various spots around town.

My favorite thing about St. Jean was you always knew when there was Kings game going on because you could hear him yelling his face off from the bench from just about anywhere within a 10 mile radius of Arco. Plus, you could always tell how bad things were going based on how red his face was at any given moment. That guy is a proven winner!
Thanks Queen, I have had to go through many years of heavy medication, drinking and nights wandering the streets to get that name out of my head. Now you go and bring it up again! :D

Brick - I agree with your last post.

If they go the direction of LB I hope they take a nice long look at it, have discussions with him on what he wants, what he expects from the team ownership/GM and so on. Lay out some groundwork right from the start. Otherwise we may have the circus roll into town.
Kings113 said:
He could make Bibby play defense too. As shown in 2003 olympics. ;)

Not sure about Brown, can't deny his experience though.
Firstly, you have to realise the big difference in international and NBA basketball. On top of that you have to consider that a lot of players Bibby came up against are no where near NBA standard.

You can't make a player like Bibby be a good defender. Its physically impossible for him to be that.

Secondly, IMHO, Brown is over-rated. He has had some good sides but never quite got there. He doesn't handle the big players all that well. He is too "dictatorial" which means he loses his players eventually. I just can't see him fitting here all that well for the long term.

Having said that, I bet the Maloofs sign him up if he becomes available. Stan Van Gundy would be my first choice.

Never liked Brown and never will.
Brown's next stop might be Golden State

Jon Heyman
May 15, 2006

While the Knicks are taking measures to remove Larry Brown as coach, he probably won't have to head to the unemployment line. Golden State has emerged as a possible landing spot for Brown.

Although speculation has centered on Sacramento, which has an opening for a coach, a person close to Brown told Newsday that Golden State is more likely to be the well-traveled Brown's next employer. The Warriors are owned by Brown's neighbor, Chris Cohan, who resides less than one-tenth of a mile from Brown in East Hampton.

The Knicks seem determined to go ahead with their plan to buy out Brown in any case, but the emergence of a new suitor for Brown could mean the Knicks wouldn't have to swallow the entire $40 million remaining on his contract.

Things appear headed for a repeat of last year's severance scenario, whereby the Pistons bought out about half the $14 million left on Brown's contract. However, Brown and agent Joe Glass are so proficient at this severance game by now, Brown could actually profit after a 23-59 record in his one and only Knicks season.

Top Golden State executive Chris Mullin said April 17 that Mike Montgomery will return as coach after their league-worst 12th straight playoff-less season. But that was before there was any serious indication that Brown's Knicks bosses wanted the Hall of Fame coach out.

Montgomery, the former Stanford coach, had a bumpy adjustment to the pro game.

Newsday reported April 23 that Brown's bosses were so disenchanted with him that they'd already discussed a buyout. The Post reported yesterday that Knicks owner James Dolan gave the go-ahead to replace Brown with Isiah Thomas, and Newsday confirmed that is their current plan.,0,4234674.story?coll=ny-basketball-headlines

Eventhough I'm all for Larry Brown, I don't believe our players will take to lightly to the strangle hold that Larry Brown imposes in his offense, especially after the carte blanche that Adelman had given the players in that respect, during his tenure. However, if all egos are in check, Larry Brown can make this a true contendor barring a few moves.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
If Brown went to Golden State that should free up Elie if we wanted to gamble on him. If we're hiring an assistant I would much rather go that route than PJC.
the only way i could stomach the idea of larry brown coming to town is if he had channing frye and nate robinson tied to his back.

thats allowed...right?
Wow if Larry wanted to go to Golden State that just proves he's really lost it. Baron Davis is a better but more injured version of Francis basicaly. They have no good defenders. Their only really good player is JRich. If he passes up Bibby, Wells, Artest, Martin, etc(this roster is freakin loaded) to go coach that bunch of clowns in the bay area he's just insane.
SacKings4Life21 said:
golden state has amazing talent... i have seen them live a few times. If not for a few injuries this yr... they would def be in the playoffs

Don't we hear this every year?! I think its been 5 straight off seasons we've heard that the Warriors were going to make the playoffs. It never fails.

< sighs >
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slugking50 said:
Don't we hear this every year?! I think its been 5 straight off seasons we've heard that the Warriors were going to make the playoffs. It never fails.

< sighs >
A big AMEN for this post. If your team is really that good you'd make it to PO even riddled w/ injuries like the Kings every year.:)
Bricklayer said:
I think Brown is obviously a very good coach...if everything and everyone is set up just right and reduced to kissing his ***. he could work here -- he's a good enough coach he could work anywhere. But at the very least it would be bumpy. And on the other hand, he is the sort of ego that could really mess things up clashing with the most important pieces to the Kings franchise. He scares me, because its like adding Terrel Owens to your team -- talent, but all about him.
Do you really think that you should be comparing Larry Brown to T.O.? Gimme a break.
Bricklayer said:
Before being handed a largely prebuilt Detroit team, he was also the guy you hired to make a bad team good, but never a good team great. Better at building than closing the deal. And almost as good at bleeding the franchises he was in control of of talent, especially young talent, as he was at winning. The ultimate old roleplayer = better than young talent coach.

If he comes...well, you can't jump up and down in protest ebcause he is one of the few coaches who can match or exceed Rick's record. But people are increasingly fed up with his ****, he's getting older, crankier, even more full of himself, and its not a no brainer. There are significant risks.
Sorry brick I missed this post, Night shift will do that to you.

I hear you there and I can agree with all that. As much as I like Larry he does have some big risk factor associated with him. Funny we are on opposite sides regarding him and it was the exact opposite for Artest. Well I was more in the middle.

Actually I think GS is a much better fit for him. Well... hmm it seems every team has 1 or 2 players with some egos issues. For sure LB is best suited in an environment were he can teach the game.

FP on the Rise Guys mentioned something this morning and I think its a good point. Does LB have the fire anymore? I mean he got his ring, he has more money then anyone can ask for. Why did he even go to the Knicks? That franchise is such a disaster, to bad they don't have an award for worst GM of the decade. This is coming from an Isiah fan...from Indiana may I add.
Lots of things would need to happen to have LB as our coach, but if he is willing and available I think it's pretty much inevitable that he is in Sac. LB is just about everything the Maloofs want. (flash, won the title, defense, media attention). They went after Phil Jackson for the same reasons. If they have the opportunity, there is no way they pass up that big splash to hire a Terry Porter type or an assistent somewhere. You have to give the Maloofs credit for this at least - they are not boring owners and will not quietly allow the team to sit in mediocrity.

If indeed it was primarily their doing to bring Artest to Sac they have got to be feeling pretty good about their decision making. They are coming right off that public gambling comment and success with Artest. LB plays right to their preferences.
Larry Brown?

I'm not so sure about LB. He's been successful everywhere he's gone except for this year. But this year alone makes me suspect. He's too much of a drama queen as proven this year and last year's exit from Detroit. I have a feeling Mike and possibly Brad will potentially end up being in his doghouse, with all the drama that goes with it. I mean those guys do need to step up their defense, but do they need to be alienated and trashed in public by their coach if they don't? Plus, Rick established a winning tradition with the Kings over 8 seasons. How long will we have Brown (I'm predicting at most 2) and how far will we backslide after he leaves? How did teams do 1-2 seasons after he left? Detroit obviously never skipped a beat, but what about the others?
vgesurf said:
I'm not so sure about LB. He's been successful everywhere he's gone except for this year. But this year alone makes me suspect. He's too much of a drama queen as proven this year and last year's exit from Detroit. I have a feeling Mike and possibly Brad will potentially end up being in his doghouse, with all the drama that goes with it. I mean those guys do need to step up their defense, but do they need to be alienated and trashed in public by their coach if they don't? Plus, Rick established a winning tradition with the Kings over 8 seasons. How long will we have Brown (I'm predicting at most 2) and how far will we backslide after he leaves? How did teams do 1-2 seasons after he left? Detroit obviously never skipped a beat, but what about the others?
Yea, but this past year in NY was truly a mess. Isiah really outdid himself when actually managed to do a worse job that Scott Layden in assembling a team. LB gets into public feuds with strong egos such as Iverson and Marbury (who's always had problems wherever he's been). Bibby and Brad don't have those agressive personalities, I think they would both shut up and listen to the coach. However, I would worry about how LB would get along with both Artest and Bonzi, since the 2 of them have been known to have a few personality conflicts in the past. :p
Larry Brown and the Kings triggers my gag reflex. I can't see Larry Brown and his ego getting along with Artest or Wells if he comes back. Now that I think about it, how many Kings will after spending time under Adelman? Too much of a departure in coaching style, not to mention philosophy. He'll cost the Maloofs an arm and a leg as well. Finally, can Larry Brown coexist with Petrie? Petrie already has to contend with the Maloofs getting comfortable meddling -- adding Brown will drive Petrie out of town.
target said:
Larry Brown and the Kings triggers my gag reflex. I can't see Larry Brown and his ego getting along with Artest or Wells if he comes back. Now that I think about it, how many Kings will after spending time under Adelman? Too much of a departure in coaching style, not to mention philosophy. He'll cost the Maloofs an arm and a leg as well. Finally, can Larry Brown coexist with Petrie? Petrie already has to contend with the Maloofs getting comfortable meddling -- adding Brown will drive Petrie out of town.
I agree totally. I would also add that we Kings fans love our players and the first time LB trashed one of them to the local media, he'd be wishing he was back in NY. Maybe a Sacramento cheeseburger for him while he's dining out with the ownership!:cool:
Interesting Observation

While there are supporters and critics of every proposed replacement, I have noticed a VERY interesting trend among the posters. In general the most gushing praise an optimistic posts are in relation to either untried or EXTREEMLY new head coaches eg. Terry Porter, Avery Johnson, Cooper etc. But of the experienced coaches there tends to be more cautioned praise mixed with HEAVY criticism. Read the posts for your self and draw your own conclusions but it does say something.
HndsmCelt said:
Interesting Observation

While there are supporters and critics of every proposed replacement, I have noticed a VERY interesting trend among the posters. In general the most gushing praise an optimistic posts are in relation to either untried or EXTREEMLY new head coaches eg. Terry Porter, Avery Johnson, Cooper etc. But of the experienced coaches there tends to be more cautioned praise mixed with HEAVY criticism. Read the posts for your self and draw your own conclusions but it does say something.
I have noticed it also, and it's because all of the available coaches are failed coaches or ones that we have already seen wouldn't work with Sacramento. While the new coaches have no ego (as a coach) yet, we haven't seen any flaws in their coaching because they haven't coached yet. The big name coaches that are available all have OBVIOUS flaws that will make the Kings a worse team, while ones that we don't know draw more positive because there's nothing you can really say until they are given a shot.