KHTK now streaming

Not sure if this has already been posted, or if its in the right spot....

However, to all of those who have asked me many times...


Go to and hit the button at the top....

If you want to participate out of the area on any of the shows, you can at 1-800-920-1140.....


Obviously, the actual Kings games won't be available, right? What about other events like UCD games, monday night football, etc.?
Not sure if this has already been posted, or if its in the right spot....

However, to all of those who have asked me many times...


Go to and hit the button at the top....

If you want to participate out of the area on any of the shows, you can at 1-800-920-1140.....


COOL! Thanks Carmichael Dave.

I thought they'd never do it.

Are the Kings games going to be available here?

Occasionally work takes me out of town and if I could "tune in" via my laptop in a hotel with free wireless internet.... :D

i knew i forgot something....

Of course, the Kings games will not be available due to NBA's audio league pass....I'm not sure what will be broadcast during the games, but it wont be Kings basketball.....

I'm pretty sure that's a 5 hour block around the games. for instance 7:00 PST tip off, 6-11pm will be blocked out. I'm not sure what will fill in, but it will be something...


Super Moderator Emeritus
i knew i forgot something....

Of course, the Kings games will not be available due to NBA's audio league pass....I'm not sure what will be broadcast during the games, but it wont be Kings basketball.....

I'm pretty sure that's a 5 hour block around the games. for instance 7:00 PST tip off, 6-11pm will be blocked out. I'm not sure what will fill in, but it will be something...
Thanks for the info, Dave. I moved it to the General forum, which I'm sure you noticed.

As far as the bolded comment goes, I certainly hope they don't go with the dreaded five hours of dead air.

Great news! It would be nice to have a heads up though on the website of upcoming player, coach interviews, etc. Too bad about blocking out around the game. Whenever I make it up to a game, I like to listen to pregame analysis and the postgame interview. Oh well, I'm still happy not having to try to listen through static down where I'm at.

I tried it out and couldn't get it to work. I'm not the most computer savvy of people, so if anyone manages to get it to work, tell me.
I already signed up. Ive been waiting for this along time, I moved to Socal from Sac bout 7 mn ago, and i really miss KHTK lol. I hope i would be able to hear the Post Game Train afterwards!
Awesome news... Only took 6 years or so. I heard ths moning on the Rise Guys they were testing it for a bit.

The question is, Will the local pregame with Coach T and Jason Ross show be avaliable? Or the Pregame with Jason and The G man, Or even the post game with Jason and Coach T?

Everybody would get to hear how annoying how Coach T is:p
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I can completely understand the Kings games being "blacked out" due to contract issues with the NBA and the ALP; I don't even sweat that... But the pre and postgame shows don't make it to ALP, and if they're not going to have that, it kind of comes across as a Pyrrhic victory for us out of towners.
I was able to connect Thursday night. I tried last night after the Dallas game and couldn't connect. (Don't know if it was blacked out during the time) I tried some time before and after the Spurs game including now and can't connect. I don't know about blackout times or if it's my connection.. No connection after I hear the DR Horton ad. It might be back to pulling out the good old radio for me. Reception from the bay area can be fickle though. Sorry, not much help. :( Good luck!
i knew i forgot something....

Of course, the Kings games will not be available due to NBA's audio league pass....I'm not sure what will be broadcast during the games, but it wont be Kings basketball.....

I'm pretty sure that's a 5 hour block around the games. for instance 7:00 PST tip off, 6-11pm will be blocked out. I'm not sure what will fill in, but it will be something...

Some of you guys need to reread the above post.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Well then, at the risk of sounding "ungrateful," it's a waste of time for people that don't live in/around Sacramento... I mean, I didn't have any expectations of actually getting to listen to the games, and besides which, I already pay for League Pass, so I don't care if they don't stream the games. But, I would like to hear the pre and postgame. In fact, for my money, that's the only thing that makes streaming KHTK worth the effort. Why else would I listen? For JT? For Don and Mike?
Some of you guys need to reread the above post.
Sorry.. that would be me. My bad. I was just trying to figure out the actual blackout time to see if I can catch a little pre- or post-game
anything. It would be nice though if the actual times were written on the website. That way we could know if it's blacked out or if it's computer related. Right now I'm not getting anything and there's not a game today. Just trying to figure things out.

I watch the games on league pass so actually listening during the game isn't that big of a deal for me. Only sometimes when they show the other team's broadcast, the announcers can be somewhat dry and derogatory towards the Kings. An audio alternative would be nice.

I do like to listen or see a Kings interview after a win though. League pass automatically shuts off less than a minute or two after the buzzer. Another time the KHTK audio would be nice. I understand though why it's blacked out.

Things I would like to listen to.. around election time, I would have liked to have caught more of the arena debate. Although I'm sure people in Sac are getting tired of it all and there's plenty more to come. Also, any of the interviews or player shows that they do. I would enjoy catching Kevin or Brad or whoever else calls in or drops in regularly. Just nice getting a personal feel for the players.
Sorry.. that would be me. My bad. I was just trying to figure out the actual blackout time to see if I can catch a little pre- or post-game
anything. It would be nice though if the actual times were written on the website. That way we could know if it's blacked out or if it's computer related. Right now I'm not getting anything and there's not a game today. Just trying to figure things out.

I watch the games on league pass so actually listening during the game isn't that big of a deal for me. Only sometimes when they show the other team's broadcast, the announcers can be somewhat dry and derogatory towards the Kings. An audio alternative would be nice.

I do like to listen or see a Kings interview after a win though. League pass automatically shuts off less than a minute or two after the buzzer. Another time the KHTK audio would be nice. I understand though why it's blacked out.

Things I would like to listen to.. around election time, I would have liked to have caught more of the arena debate. Although I'm sure people in Sac are getting tired of it all and there's plenty more to come. Also, any of the interviews or player shows that they do. I would enjoy catching Kevin or Brad or whoever else calls in or drops in regularly. Just nice getting a personal feel for the players.
Please dont apologize, That was direct at me also. I read the messege correctly. I didnt try to get on during game time as i knew it would be blacked out.I also have League pass. I tried to get on Fri morn during the rise guys. And Fri night around 11, and also Sat morning with no luck. I was just wondering if it was my connection or if others like urself were experiencing problems like me. But instead of giving us a simple yes or no. He would like to sound smart and have us re-read instead of helping.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Please dont apologize, That was direct at me also. I read the messege correctly. I didnt try to get on during game time as i knew it would be blacked out.I also have League pass. I tried to get on Fri morn during the rise guys. And Fri night around 11, and also Sat morning with no luck. I was just wondering if it was my connection or if others like urself were experiencing problems like me. But instead of giving us a simple yes or no. He would like to sound smart and have us re-read instead of helping.
It's new and they're still working out the bugs. I don't think anyone has tried to sound smart; it's a common occurence for people to not always read entire threads. That's all that was meant by referring some of you back to the first posts.

There's no reason for people's feathers to be ruffled.