Kevin Martin as 30th most "untouchable" player in the NBA

This was just posted on, Simmons does this every year.

Group H: "You'll Have To Bowl Us Over, But We're Listening"

30. Kevin Martin
Seems a little high until you remember he's averaging 27 a game with 46 percent shooting on 3s since New Year's. Wouldn't you try to pry him from the Maloofs right now? If I'm Houston's Daryl Morey during the All-Star break, I'm buying Patron shots for the Maloofs until 3 a.m. Sunday, then offering them T-Mac and a 2009 No. 1 for Martin and Kenny Thomas' deal that expires in 2010. Then again, Daryl went to MIT -- he probably couldn't do three shots without passing out or giving away Luis Scola straight up for Channing Frye. Bad plan.

Speaking of Kenny, did anyone see the irony of the Kings' retiring C-Webb's number last weekend even though his lavish extension genuinely murdered their franchise for the last six years of this decade? Continuing the girlfriend analogies, the poor Kings were like a buddy who had the greatest, most life-altering girlfriend for five years ... right until she gained 30 pounds, gave him VD (in this case, Kenny's unwieldy contract) and left him relatively destitute until 2010. But seriously, thanks for the memories, C-Webb! This is your night!

Just when you think you've heard every Kenny Thomas analogy you get Kenny Thomas = VD. Which burns more?
Continuing the girlfriend analogies, the poor Kings were like a buddy who had the greatest, most life-altering girlfriend for five years ... right until she gained 30 pounds, gave him VD (in this case, Kenny's unwieldy contract) and left him relatively destitute until 2010. But seriously, thanks for the memories, C-Webb! This is your night!
Webb didn't give us K9, Geoff Petrie did.

Simmons sometimes types without thinking. He just tries to get cheap laughs.
This was just posted on, Simmons does this every year.

Just when you think you've heard every Kenny Thomas analogy you get Kenny Thomas = VD. Which burns more?
BTW, JT also made his list under honorable mentions who almost made the cut. He admits to being wrong for ripping the pick on draft night.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Simmons has been potshotting Webb as long as I can remember. Now it becomes his fault we traded him for a pile of crap and a cow paty to be named later.
Martin = Peja

Scoring = good(most nights)
Rebounding = bad
Ball Handling =bad
Defense= bad

Scoring = good(most nights)
Rebounding = bad
Ball Handling = bad
Defense = bad

Martin is not a player I would build around. I would trade him if the deal was right.
Im againist trading Martin period unless its for a franchise player so yes i would consider Kevin Martin untouchable seeing that we gave him that contract to keep him in Sacramento and by the way hes putting up 20+ per game one leg. If you havent read the story i will need to elaborate
Simmons is still mad about how the Webber era Kings would kill the Clippers, and how Elton Brand could never sniff Webb's jock. He was just too short.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Scoring = good(most nights)
Rebounding = bad
Ball Handling =bad
Defense= bad

Scoring = good(most nights)
Rebounding = bad
Ball Handling = bad
Defense = bad

Martin is not a player I would build around. I would trade him if the deal was right.

You can't claim that comparison since I have been making it for 3 years now. ;)

They go about it in different ways, but they really are very similar players in impact and production. Pure scorers who can play off the ball, and need to because they are without great ability to create their own shot, and guys you have to beg to do the other things. They also have been successively annointed as golden boys and "nice guys" etc. etc. by the franchise

Which BTW, is not an untouchable player. Nor is it a must trade player. A good player, a very useful player in the right circumstances. But worth about zero wins for you in the wrong ones (as now).
Kevin is an amazing player, but he would be best as the second option, maybe even the third.
That's not true. Kevin is a solid first option. What the Kings need is a leader. Kevin is not the first option in that regard. Every team needs someoen who can score, and score efficiently. Kevin can do that so if he's open defeinitely get him the ball. I look back to our Vlade led team when CWebb was injured, and Peja of course led the team in PPG at like 25.
I found his little aside in the blurb about Hedo interesting

39. Hedo Turkoglu
His last season of being the "underrated and underpaid go-to guy on a contender." I actually thought he was better last season than this season, but whatever. Check out the '02 Kings again, an entertaining team that never ended up winning the title but secured a place in our hearts (as well as the All-Ugly Hall of Fame). Back in 2002, did you ever think Hedo would be their most relevant player from 2007-09? In a million years?

Also listed Salmons' contract in the Top 15 "Best Cap-Appealing Deals"
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
That's not true. Kevin is a solid first option. What the Kings need is a leader. Kevin is not the first option in that regard. Every team needs someoen who can score, and score efficiently. Kevin can do that so if he's open defeinitely get him the ball. I look back to our Vlade led team when CWebb was injured, and Peja of course led the team in PPG at like 25.

Its semantics to a degree, but Kevin is not a #1 option, unless you like your #1 options to be .419 shooters when they are guarded. He is a scorer, and if you put together a good enough crew of passers you can help him be efficient, but a true #1 does not need that help. When you have a Dwayne Wade or a LeBron or a Kobe their percentages do not go up or down according ot their treammates. It does not matter. They beat whatever is thrown at them -- that's why they are #1s. Along the way they make the game infinitely easier for thie teammates by drawing crazy attention and beating iot wiht passes. Kevin is a classic #2, the guy who can get you points, but who doesn't make his teammates better and who thrives when the defense isn't focused on him. Get a true #1 in front of him, add LeBron to this team, then Kevin becomes potent. Ask him to do it himself (the sine qua non of #1hood) and its always going to be a struggle.

Kevin might very well lead your team in scoring, but he can never be the #1 guy or goto guy on a great team, or probably even a good one. Might be their leading scorer, but as a finisher, not the the guy who makes it all go. Liek I say, semantics, but an important and I would think after this season a fairly obvious distinction.


yeah, martin is a good number 1 option as long as you have relly good 2nd and 3rd options on offense and stellar defense. this team needs leadership and martin isnt that player. but from the looks of things neither are hawes and thompson. though they could develop into really good 2nd and 3rd options on offense in a couple of years.

we really need a pg... not just a good one but a borderline great one.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You can't claim that comparison since I have been making it for 3 years now. ;)

They go about it in different ways, but they really are very similar players in impact and production. Pure scorers who can play off the ball, and need to because they are without great ability to create their own shot, and guys you have to beg to do the other things. They also have been successively annointed as golden boys and "nice guys" etc. etc. by the franchise

Which BTW, is not an untouchable player. Nor is it a must trade player. A good player, a very useful player in the right circumstances. But worth about zero wins for you in the wrong ones (as now).
To give the devil his due, so to speak, Peja was able to defend against Nowitzki... and actually did fairly well one-on-one. It was just his help defense that ... well, you know.


yeah, in pejas defense his defense was pretty good for an unathletic shooter... he defended the entire mavs team better than anyone. dirk, finley, anyone on that team could be stopped by peja. his only real problem was that he was easy to defend by putting a smaller, quicker player on him. kinda like how bibby was defended by bigger guards like sprewell or kobe.

i really dont remember peja being that bad of a defender. a bad rebounder for 6'10 but an all right defender. martin on the other hand is a horrible defender which is weird because in his rookie season he was a good defender and was asked to guard pg's... i dont know what happened.
They go about it in different ways, but they really are very similar players in impact and production. Pure scorers who can play off the ball, and need to because they are without great ability to create their own shot, and guys you have to beg to do the other things. They also have been successively annointed as golden boys and "nice guys" etc. etc. by the franchise

Which BTW, is not an untouchable player. Nor is it a must trade player. A good player, a very useful player in the right circumstances. But worth about zero wins for you in the wrong ones (as now).
Very true.

If you want Sacramento to remain a mediocre team at best, then annoint Martin as your best player to build around and consider him as our #1 option on offense.



Hall of Famer
I'm very dissatisfied with Martin's defense. Sure, he gets some steals by playing kamikazee defense, but that' not real D, just a way to pad the stats while he plays no D. He shies away from physical contact, he doesn't keep his man in front of him 95% of the time, he makes no impact whatsoever other than shooting the ball. How many times are we going to hear from Kayte after the game that Martin needs to get up on his man so the guy can't easily throw the ball over the top? Watch Kevin on D. Then watch Garcia on D. There's no comparison whatsoever. It's like watching a man play D vs a boy. If you keep him, then you've got to surround him with players who are very physical defensive players who can make up for his deficiencies. It's either that or trade him.


kevin is a solid second option but he's too inconsistent and streaky to be a first option on a GOOD team...and his defense..lets just not go there. I wouldn't be too upset if gets traded and we get a good pick in return.
Um, traded for a good pick? You have to be mores specific because I'm sure you didn't mean trade him for a lottery pick this year only, that'd be rediculous... Trading him for an all-star level player(Like Bosh or Amare) or in a bigger trade where we get a great young prospect and possibly swap picks in a draft day trade I might consider
Um, traded for a good pick? You have to be mores specific because I'm sure you didn't mean trade him for a lottery pick this year only, that'd be rediculous... Trading him for an all-star level player(Like Bosh or Amare) or in a bigger trade where we get a great young prospect and possibly swap picks in a draft day trade I might consider
Sorry but we are the worst team in the league with Kevin Martin so no one on this roster is untouchable.

As usual Kings fans tend to think there players are worth more in trade then they actually are. You can also throw in the fact that if he breaks a fingernail he's out for two weeks.
Peja had one of THE BEST pump fakes i have ever seen... when he pump fakes then side steps and shoots.. thats a thing of beauty

what peja doesnt have that martin has is that ability to draw in fouls on the fly.. martin is so good at it that he makes his defenders rack up the fouls so it wont matter much on who he will be guarding on the other side... if the best player was guarding martin and he makes him get at least quick fouls.. that guy either sits on the bench.. eases off of him or can get called for a charge. if he can get the bigs like howard, duncan, oden and alike in foul trouble by drawing the fouls... he makes life a lot easier for our bigs on offense and defense...

btw did you guys see pejas defense during the playoffs.. on nash and finley? i wouldnt say he was a bad defender.. people only say he is a bad defender because for a 6"10 guy he couldnt block a shot... he was a finesse guy pretty much underrated on the defensive side
Um, traded for a good pick? You have to be mores specific because I'm sure you didn't mean trade him for a lottery pick this year only, that'd be rediculous... Trading him for an all-star level player(Like Bosh or Amare) or in a bigger trade where we get a great young prospect and possibly swap picks in a draft day trade I might consider
How about Martin to NY for Lee, NY #1, and fillers? Something like that, what your saying?
Scoring = good(most nights)
Rebounding = bad
Ball Handling =bad
Defense= bad

Scoring = good(most nights)
Rebounding = bad
Ball Handling = bad
Defense = bad

Martin is not a player I would build around. I would trade him if the deal was right.
I don't know. If you ask me their scoring is basically a push with Martin just slightly edging out Peja. Peja wins when it comes to rebounding. You have to remember he had Webber, Divac and Pollard cleaning up most of the boards while he was around. He had a nice 6+ rpg total the year Webber was hurt and he scored 24pts/gm. Ball handling slightly goes to Martin and Defense goes to Peja easily. Martin has no skills at all, at least Peja was spotty with it and could actually play good D once in a while.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
How about Martin to NY for Lee, NY #1, and fillers? Something like that, what your saying?

The problem with trading Kevin is that we are going to need somebody like him eventually. Or at least we will need somebody like him who actually tries to play both sides of the ball. But regardless, we either have a weakish #2 guy or strong #3 guy already on the roster, and if you trade him away just for pieces and prospects, all that does is open up yet one more hole we will have to fill going into the future. I don't think Kevin should be untouchable because there are literally dozens of more important players in the league, and if you can get one of them (a young one), or get a draft pick that nets you the next LeBron or whatever, then you'd be stupid not to make the move. But barring that, there are a lot of little boxes we need to check off if we are ever to reach elite status again, and we've only got a few of them even tentatively filled in. Unchecking one of those few just for random maybes and pieces doesn't move us toward the goal.
Martin is overachieving right now. Even though the “selfish” label is as loud as ever, Salmons has been very efficient at around 14 shots. That frees up opportunities for Martin. But with a true first option scorer, that will eat heavily into opportunities for Martin. He'd more than likely fall back down into the 20 range. Even when we had Bibby and Artest, who were both accused of not passing enough, they didn't take anywhere near the amount of shots a Wade or Bryant takes by themselves.

With a dominant scorer Martin may fall into the Odom range of 12-13 shots. Or things could go back to where we were a few years ago- a core of scorers who average 15 or so shots each.