Kevin Garnett... why?



Why is it that people want Kevin Garnett so much? I know he's a great player and he would fit in nicely with any team but the Kings? No, they would have to give up too much for a player that is not so dominate that he's going to take you to the title. I think the Kings need to worry about getting another young big man like Yi. The Golden State Warriors want Garnett but I don't see it happening without giving up to much for a team that is on the upside. I think the best place for Garnett is... the Wolves. I know Kings fans want him but they don't need him. If the Kings were smart they'd keep Artest, trade Bibby for a big man and start to get younger. Artest is only 28, he has plenty of years in him and can play some ball.

PG - Douby
SG - Martin
SF - Artest
PF - Williams (resign hopefull)
C - Hawes

Thats a young team with a veteran bench. Run and Gun!
Why is it that people want Kevin Garnett so much? I know he's a great player and he would fit in nicely with any team but the Kings? No, they would have to give up too much for a player that is not so dominate that he's going to take you to the title. I think the Kings need to worry about getting another young big man like Yi. The Golden State Warriors want Garnett but I don't see it happening without giving up to much for a team that is on the upside. I think the best place for Garnett is... the Wolves. I know Kings fans want him but they don't need him. If the Kings were smart they'd keep Artest, trade Bibby for a big man and start to get younger. Artest is only 28, he has plenty of years in him and can play some ball.

PG - Douby
SG - Martin
SF - Artest
PF - Williams (resign hopefull)
C - Hawes

Thats a young team with a veteran bench. Run and Gun!
I haven't seen a KG thread for a long time even when the KG trade rumors were going on... Are you sure the kings fans really want KG that bad like your making it to be in your post :confused:


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
If the Kings were smart they'd keep Artest, trade Bibby for a big man and start to get younger. Artest is only 28, he has plenty of years in him and can play some ball.
I agree with the general sentiment, but if you're making a point about getting younger, you should also consider that Bibby is only 29. He's not exactly over the hill yet. And that's only one year older than Artest. Either Bibby or Artest could be the veteran presence on a younger team without limiting your window of opportunity too much.


I haven't seen a KG thread for a long time even when the KG trade rumors were going on... Are you sure the kings fans really want KG that bad like your making it to be in your post :confused:
In the ARTEST TOLD HE'S NOT BEING TRADED BY PETRIE turned into a KG trade thread and I get tired of people talking about KG.
In the ARTEST TOLD HE'S NOT BEING TRADED BY PETRIE turned into a KG trade thread and I get tired of people talking about KG.
so your basing of a few member's comments in a thread that went off topic to say that kings fans are wanting KG.

I for one do not care much for KG and think it would be a waste of time to think about KG because one, we suck and why would he want to play for another team that sucks and two, he would rather play for the Suns.


Super Moderator Emeritus
In the ARTEST TOLD HE'S NOT BEING TRADED BY PETRIE turned into a KG trade thread and I get tired of people talking about KG.
Actually, no it didn't turn into a KG trade thread. There were a couple of posts but that's nothing compared to what it used to be.

The best way to handle getting "tired of people talking about KG" is simply to move on to the next thread.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I get tired of people talking about KG.
It happens. I personally get tired of people suggesting that we would be better off dumping Bibby and Miller for basically nothing simply because they had down years last year while working under an incompetent head coach. You just have to shrug it off.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
#8 because you got tired of people talking about KG you started another KG thread? ;)

Here's the deal. I think had management gone with an experienced head coach and not a rebuild (I know, crazy) there would have been a bigger push for KG, possibly at the cost of Martin, Reef, and some picks. In which case your starting five would have been

Salmons/Cisco (?)

Which in reality, ain't too shabby assuming a healthy team. However, management decided on another direction, so the point is moot. Truth be told, pretty much every board, including this one, had people drooling at the prospect of Kevin Garnett. When a player of that caliber is "available", there should be talk. He's the type of guy who can light a fire under those who haven't played up to par. I think Bibby/Miller/et al would listen.

Anyhoo, that's my two cents. Time to turn the page.
I couldnt agree more. I think some people just think adding talent will make the team a winner as if this were a fantasy bball league, or a videogame. Trading away all of our talent for KG would make us the TWolves, a mediocre, boring team to watch, that doesnt even make the playoffs.