Kenny/Corliss for Odom/Cook?

AriesMar27 said:
so by that logic, you wouldnt want lebron or duncan either?

and doesnt the second part describe webber with absolute perfection?
Lebron and Duncan haven't lived up to their potential and matched the hype? Really?
Bricklayer said: Cook has shocked the hell out of me by becoming a very useful player this year. Kind of reminds me of Terry Mills, and creates a lot of matchup problems out there as a reserve..
Eh, perhaps I should have explained myself. I've had the chance to watch him a lot this year, and he just really doesn't impress me. He has a decent shot, but thats about it. Perhaps I exaggerated at first, but he just seems like another soft bigman, not really something the Kings need.

Edit: I just realized that I say "perhaps" a lot.
I really don't know if I would do it. I think Odom is way overrated. I do like Brian Cook though. I would seriously consider this deal.

It is no shock that LA is looking to dump some bigger long term contracts plus Odom is considered a bust in LA with he and Kobe not able to fit together. I don't see this deal putting us over the to though. I would seriously consider it.
Bricklayer said:
Can't guard big guys or block a shot is the other weakness. There's a reason our interior defense is so bad despite having guys with attitude in there. Attitude but no size = still can't stop people in the paint.
And thats the problem with Odom as well. He gets beat up inside because he isn't that strong and is fairly thin.
Bricklayer said: Cook has shocked the hell out of me by becoming a very useful player this year. Kind of reminds me of Terry Mills, and creates a lot of matchup problems out there as a reserve.

As for Odom -- its a talent thing. He's big, athletic, multi-skilled, a top 10 reboudner in the league despite not being a true PF, can in fact block shots and finsih inside. He is not a superstar player, but he's a young guy (25?) who can do just about everything on the court, and maybe just needs a little push to become something really special. Responded very well to Riley last year with the Heat (where he and Wade led the Heat turnaround and playoff run). KTs pretty much maxed out his talent, and he still isn't as good as Odom. And he can't do anything about his height. And Odom still has a ton of room to grow. It would be well worth the minimal risk. But from LAs perspective there is no reason for them to do it for the same reasons. If you have two guys who cna put up siomilar numbers, but one of them has the potential to do far better while the other is busting his *** just to maintain, you take the over-talented guy who can create for teammates and cross your fingers. Worst case, you're just as good. Best case the guy turns into 20-10-5 and you're wearing a perma-grin.

Dude, I think you seriously underestimate the worth and the POTENTIAL of Kenny Thomas. Of course, you're not the first and unfortunately, probably won't be the last. This stint is his first opprotunity to shine, so far, he is blowing me away.
AriesMar27 said:
so by that logic, you wouldnt want lebron or duncan either?

and doesnt the second part describe webber with absolute perfection?
I do not get your logic, lebron and duncan came in and produced immediately, odom did not! and webber has always won, he has never won a championship, but he has always created a winning enviorment around him.

Odom is a talented player, but I also think he is lazy and trys to play on talent alone, and the league has had a ton of player who have been that way and never produced as winners.
Perhaps Lamar may be better than Thomas if he was in the Kings. But I think most PF position in the Kings will end up being good cause of the system? I like how Thomas is in the Kings now and I want to see how it continues. I don't see the point of having Lamar, at least right now. ...Plus, I wouldn't want a trade with the Lakers. :|


Diehard Jim said:
I do not get your logic, lebron and duncan came in and produced immediately, odom did not! and webber has always won, he has never won a championship, but he has always created a winning enviorment around him.

Odom is a talented player, but I also think he is lazy and trys to play on talent alone, and the league has had a ton of player who have been that way and never produced as winners.
oh please.... you said that you would nt want odom because he couldnt help team usa win more than a bronze.... lebron and duncan were also on that team and they couldnt help the team win anything better so by that logic you wouldnt want lebron or duncan..... because they couldnt help team usa win anything more than a bronze.... lebron produce what immediately? a losing record on a bad team.... potenially losing a playoff spot when at one point they were leading their division and are now 8th seed in the "east"

and since when was webber a winner? losing in the playoffs doent make you a winner.... what exactly has he won? are richard jefferson and kenyon martin winner for losing in the finals 2 years in a row? are the eagles winners for losing the super bowl? i love webber but he is not a winner..... is fisher a winner for his 0.4 heroics? c'mon.....
webber might not win titles but he's lead his team into the playoffs almost every year especially considering he has been moved to teams which for most of the time have been yearly losers. what he did for Sacto was pretty impressive. He might not have won titles, but if you really look at it that, only players on the 5 following teams are winners, the Bulls, the Rockets, the Lakers, the Spurs and the Pistons. Is Karl Malone not a winner? Jason Kidd? Reggie Miller? Please, you don't need titles to be a winner.
AriesMar27 said:
oh please.... you said that you would nt want odom because he couldnt help team usa win more than a bronze.... lebron and duncan were also on that team and they couldnt help the team win anything better so by that logic you wouldnt want lebron or duncan..... because they couldnt help team usa win anything more than a bronze.... lebron produce what immediately? a losing record on a bad team.... potenially losing a playoff spot when at one point they were leading their division and are now 8th seed in the "east"

and since when was webber a winner? losing in the playoffs doent make you a winner.... what exactly has he won? are richard jefferson and kenyon martin winner for losing in the finals 2 years in a row? are the eagles winners for losing the super bowl? i love webber but he is not a winner..... is fisher a winner for his 0.4 heroics? c'mon.....
Just look at Lebron's stats for his first 2 seasons. I can't think of anyone who's had more pressure and expectations coming right out of high school than Lebron. The kid has simply been amazing. He's already in the top 5 players in the league and has potential to be truly great. It's not his fault that he doesn't have any help on his team. MJ couldn't do it on his own either and neither can Kobe. Duncan has won 2 titles and the MVP.

Criticizing players for their teams not winning it all is like saying a QB isn't good enough since he can't do it all by himself (ignoring the other 10 guys on the field, the defense, and special teams). Was Dan Marino a loser?
aries lebron did not get playing time in the olympics and odom did. I cannot say the same for duncan, he did not do well in the olympics either.

but odom is notroius for being a threshold player, only playing on his talent not playing with any heart. look at his nba track record. odom is a good player but he will never be on the level of lebron and duncan or even webber (sans injury)

it is obvious your an odom lover so what anyone says your going to come back with some stat to say your right! truth is being a winner does not always mean that a person must win a championship, I brought up the oly because he played big minutes there. there can only be one champion in each sport every year no more no less. but to compare things the way you are would make darko milic one of the best players in the nba because he won an nba championship last year!

being a winner has nothing to do with winnning a championship.

and to answer your questions, yes the jefferson and martin are winners and so are the eagles. and so is fisher. (all of which I am not a fan of any of them but donovan mcnabb)

Here are some facts the records of the teams odom has played for since he came into the league 188-299 including a nice rookie year of 15-67 and the best year the clippers had 39-43 was when he was out for most of the year played 29 games. the best record of a team he has played on was last year with the heat at 42-40.
he has played with some great players in elton brand, dwayne wade and kobe bryant.

now to compare him to lebron and lebrons record is possible

odoms first 2 years in the league teams record 46-118 28% winning percentage
the clips mark the yeear before 9-41 18% next year 15-67 18% no improvement

lebrons first 2 years in the league teams record 74-84 47% winning percentage
the cavs mark the year before lebron 17-65 20% next year with lebron 35-47 42% an 18 game win increase 100+% improvement
Bricklayer said: Cook has shocked the hell out of me by becoming a very useful player this year. Kind of reminds me of Terry Mills, and creates a lot of matchup problems out there as a reserve.

As for Odom -- its a talent thing. He's big, athletic, multi-skilled, a top 10 reboudner in the league despite not being a true PF, can in fact block shots and finsih inside. He is not a superstar player, but he's a young guy (25?) who can do just about everything on the court, and maybe just needs a little push to become something really special. Responded very well to Riley last year with the Heat (where he and Wade led the Heat turnaround and playoff run). KTs pretty much maxed out his talent, and he still isn't as good as Odom. And he can't do anything about his height. And Odom still has a ton of room to grow. It would be well worth the minimal risk. But from LAs perspective there is no reason for them to do it for the same reasons. If you have two guys who cna put up siomilar numbers, but one of them has the potential to do far better while the other is busting his *** just to maintain, you take the over-talented guy who can create for teammates and cross your fingers. Worst case, you're just as good. Best case the guy turns into 20-10-5 and you're wearing a perma-grin.

Wow, can I predict the future or what, I should get my own 1-900 number, same old same old, pathetic!


Super Moderator Emeritus

Sorry but I find it extremely humorous that people are still trying to take potshots at Webber...


As far as getting Odom and Cook, I don't think they'd be that much an improvement over what we have right now. While Kenny is small, he has shown already that he has a tremendous desire to prove himself - and that can really work to our advantage. As far as Corliss goes, I like the toughness.

Bottom line is that I seriously doubt if Petrie is going to trade with the Lakers. And, as usual, I think whatever he has up his sleeve is going to be a surprise.

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy THIS ride for as long as it lasts. We're going to have all summer to talk about trade potentials.


Pqster: We all KNOW you're a rabid Kenny Thomas fan. Give us a chance to learn for ourselves, would you please? If he is, in fact, as good as you seem to believe he is and can continue to show it as he has lately, then his play will speak for itself. You start attacking people because they're not convinced and it just makes you look foolish.
mbkings10 said:
If Kenny were only two inches taller, he would be a very very good power foward. Lets just hope he gets a late growth spurt.

Your right 2 more inches, and he will start to get some respect, just 2 more inches and he will be a much better NBA Player.


Hall of Famer
Hate to pee in the Kool Aide here but it may not be a coincidence that Kenny just put up career numbers against a team that played long min with only small forwards on it's front line and depended on Brian Grant and Vlade at center... I don't care what you have heard... size DOES matter.
VF21 said:


Pqster: We all KNOW you're a rabid Kenny Thomas fan. Give us a chance to learn for ourselves, would you please? If he is, in fact, as good as you seem to believe he is and can continue to show it as he has lately, then his play will speak for itself. You start attacking people because they're not convinced and it just makes you look foolish.
I have not said a word lately, not a word. Do you read Brick's Posts. You have always been fair in your assesment. I don't think Brick has! Thats my opinion, and I should be able to voice it here with being chastized. Read any of my posts and you have not seen an attack, my opinion is not an attack. Don't spend as much time protecting Brick, read his Posts.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Pqster said:
I have not said a word lately, not a word. Do you read Brick's Posts. You have always been fair in your assesment. I don't think Brick has! Thats my opinion, and I should be able to voice it here with being chastized. Read any of my posts and you have not seen an attack, my opinion is not an attack. Don't spend as much time protecting Brick, read his Posts.

This stops now. You are new to this site. In case you haven't noticed, is NOT about personal diatribes against other members, flame fests, etc.

I am NOT protecting Bricklayer. He does not need my protection. You can state your disagreement with his comments without resorting to the sarcastic one-liners. You're here because of ONE player. We are here because of the team, and we've got a really good thing going. It may be different than the majority of sports message boards, but that's because it's the way our members prefer it. One of the most important precepts of is we respect each other and our various opinions, provided they're given without malice or rancor. You may not agree with various member's (including Bricklayer) assessment of Kenny and that's fine. There are ways to express it without resorting to continual sarcasm.

I, for one, will judge Kenny Thomas by my own criteria, as will most other Kings fans on this site. I will base that on a lot of factors, including how well he is able to perform for us against the elite teams in the NBA. It may or may not agree with your assessment. It doesn't make me wrong simply because it doesn't agree with you. It just makes it different. We can discuss it civilly and without resorting to snide comments. That's what makes this site so very popular.

Thanks for understanding.
mbkings10 said:
If Kenny were only two inches taller, he would be a very very good power foward. Lets just hope he gets a late growth spurt.
I guess 15 and 10 while shooting a high percentage isn't very good then. Those are the numbers that he can produce. We don't need a "superstar" if Peja, Bibby, and Miller live up to their potential and the TEAM plays that great KINGS STYLE!!! I just would love to see what Brad and Kenny could do on the floor together once they got to know eachother. 2 deadly outside shooters, and 2 guys that can pump fake and take it to the hole. I like that!!!

Here's Kenny Thomas' stat line the past 10 games:

PPG - 17.0
RPG - 9.8
APG - 3.0

I'll take that any day of the week.
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bozzwell said:
The only player that I see fitting into our team and instantly solving our defense/rebounding/blocking issues is Tyson Chandler. He is 7'2'' with even bigger wingspan, rebounding machine, gives up his body tirelessly on screens and swats away anything in the paint that is not a dunk. He is not an offensive weapon and as such he fits perfectly with our potent scorers: does not demand the ball and provides all the hustle. Unfortunately, I don't see a way for us to pry him away from Chicago and I am afraid that we will continue to rebuild as it will take one of our stars to get something in return.

We want get something for nothing, or better player/contracts in exchange for one or more of our new guys.
Well, the Bulls will have difficulty committing long-term contracts to Chandler and Curry this summer; who knows what'll happen there, it probably depends a lot on how they look in the playoffs. But I agree, he would be a good fit for us (pretty much anyone, actually), and a sign-and-trade might be worked out.
It's Curry that has the irregular heartbeat, but Chandler has been very injury-prone. Knowing our luck, if he ever dons a Kings jersey he might just spontaneously combust.

EDIT: ehh - thought the first page was the last page. Still applicable, if not timely.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Pqster said:
I have not said a word lately, not a word. Do you read Brick's Posts. You have always been fair in your assesment. I don't think Brick has! Thats my opinion, and I should be able to voice it here with being chastized. Read any of my posts and you have not seen an attack, my opinion is not an attack. Don't spend as much time protecting Brick, read his Posts.
Pqster, I need no protecting. Indeed, if you had adopted your attitude toward any other board member I would already have warned you to stow it. As it is, I find you vaguely amusing -- to get your nose so far up the rear end of a man who bounces a feuking ball for a living is...sad.

But of course you've been down this road before. Oddly it seems that the entire world is out to get your man by unfairly noting his lack of size and talent limitations. What a bunch of meanies! The coaches, the GMs, the fans, the press -- its all a giant conspiracy to be jerks by calling a spade a spade. But that some of us would do it without the apparent requisite waiting period is particularly offensive. I mean to call an undersized player undersized without even giving him an opportunity to prove that he can start growing again at age 28! I feel your pain.

Now given the particular place where your head appears to be jammed, I'm sure its a bit hard to watch the rest of the NBA. Let me cue you in on something -- Lamar Odom is pretty good. A borderline All-Star last year. He's also younger, taller, a better shotblocker, a better passer than KT. These would be facts. The suggestion was not to trade KT for Robert "Tractor" Traylor, Othella Harrington, or Vitaly Potapenko. The suggestion was to trade him for the 4th pick in the '99 draft.

Grow up.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SacTownKid said:
I guess 15 and 10 while shooting a high percentage isn't very good then. Those are the numbers that he can produce. We don't need a "superstar" if Peja, Bibby, and Miller live up to their potential and the TEAM plays that great KINGS STYLE!!! I just would love to see what Brad and Kenny could do on the floor together once they got to know eachother. 2 deadly outside shooters, and 2 guys that can pump fake and take it to the hole. I like that!!!
2 guys who can't defend the paint, 2 guys who can't post...

THIS is the main issue. Brad and Kenny together is every bit as bad as Brad and Webb at stopping the OTHER team from working us inside (indeed hobbled Webb blocked twice as many shos and grabbed more defensive boards than KT). And you can't call a play for either in the post. You might be able to have one or the other starting for you if you pair them with a big shotblocker. But both together = literally the worst interior defending frontcourt in the NBA (actually the Hawks might be worse). That's not going to work. You can win a lot of games over weaker opponents that way. Nobody has EVER won the big one that way. Mentioned before -- we are Dallas. Its fools gold that many a team has fallen into over the years, but that the serious ones get over and try to correct. You HAVE to have interior presence, or you're not going anywhere.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
2 guys who can't defend the paint, 2 guys who can't post...

THIS is the main issue. Brad and Kenny together is every bit as bad as Brad and Webb at stopping the OTHER team from working us inside (indeed hobbled Webb blocked twice as many shos and grabbed more defensive boards than KT). And you can't call a play for either in the post. You might be able to have one or the other starting for you if you pair them with a big shotblocker. But both together = literally the worst interior defending frontcourt in the NBA (actually the Hawks might be worse). That's not going to work. You can win a lot of games over weaker opponents that way. Nobody has EVER won the big one that way. Mentioned before -- we are Dallas. Its fools gold that many a team has fallen into over the years, but that the serious ones get over and try to correct. You HAVE to have interior presence, or you're not going anywhere.

I understand the discussion - I just do not see what is the point of bringing up Webber here.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
piksi said:
I understand the discussion - I just do not see what is the point of bringing up Webber here.
Simply that we were justifiably dissatisfied with the interior defense and rebounding at the time. And yet they were actually statistically BETTER. Also of course that we've seen what Webber/Miller looks like together, and can thus pretty well predict what Thomas/Miller will look like. A bleeping red carpet right to the rim.