Jimmer Fredette

There's nothing to lose, so just start him. Lets see what happens with him getting more meaningful time and IT back in the 6th man role where he thrives and can be himself
While I think that is a good idea there is no way IT is going to just roll with that. He wants to and feels like he deserves to start and play 40 minutes.
Great game tonight. He's starting to show that he might have a role in this league. Unfortunately, I don't think he will be a King after this year (or maybe after the trade deadline).


Super Moderator Emeritus
Malone: How about Jimmer Fredette? Have to give him a BIG shoutout because end of that 3rd quarter he comes in and it's like a 10-11 point game and he and Demarcus played great together down the stretch of the third and put that lead out a little bit. And I thought Jimmer's minutes in that second half were crucial to the win tonight...
Great game tonight. He's starting to show that he might have a role in this league. Unfortunately, I don't think he will be a King after this year (or maybe after the trade deadline).
At the least, he's probably playing himself into having a chance to stay in the USA playing in the NBA. Surely someone can make use of his playmaking and shooting ability
At the least, he's probably playing himself into having a chance to stay in the USA playing in the NBA. Surely someone can make use of his playmaking and shooting ability
Definitely an NBA player. His stats if nothing else back that up . I'm starting to lean back to Jimmer playing PG instead of SG.
Like I said in the game thread. Pete is wishing he had extended Jimmer on the cheap when he could have. I mean seriously Jimmer was channeling vintage Nash in the 4th quarter.


Let's not get carried away. Not even close to Nash. Plus if u r up by ten it a different story than leading your team to victory. It was a game won on defense. Thumbs up to Acy.

Like I said in the game thread. Pete is wishing he had extended Jimmer on the cheap when he could have. I mean seriously Jimmer was channeling vintage Nash in the 4th quarter.
There's nothing to lose, so just start him. Lets see what happens with him getting more meaningful time and IT back in the 6th man role where he thrives and can be himself
Wow after just one game.. some of you on here scare me a little lol... imagine if he had 2 good games. My guess some would be talking max contract. IT still had a better game and tonight's was probably jimmer best game yet
Wow after just one game.. some of you on here scare me a little lol... imagine if he had 2 good games. My guess some would be talking max contract. IT still had a better game and tonight's was probably jimmer best game yet
That's not fair. Jimmer has been solid off the bench for a while now. Yes he gets out of control sometimes, but Jimmer has also made some great plays this year. More importantly, he's had enough games as an efficient scorer this season. His offense has shown flash, and tonight was another example of that.


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Staff member
Let's give it up for the, um, Musclin' Mormon?

Nice day for Jimmer. He's definitely earned the kudos for improving all year. He's another player who I feel got outSmarted the past two years.
Let's give it up for the, um, Musclin' Mormon?

Nice day for Jimmer. He's definitely earned the kudos for improving all year. He's another player who I feel got outSmarted the past two years.
Was he wearing a Kings jersey? Then, yes, he got outSmarted. What I wouldn't give to have the last two years of Tyreke, Cousins, and, yes, Jimmer's development back under a real coaching staff. Heck, Tyreke may have been worth that contract were that the case.
Didn't get to see the game. I agree that Jimmers game has really started to come around now that his role has been defined. The thing that I don't like about him starting is that I think he's similar to IT in that his game is best suited for being a gunner off the bench. Jimmer is best when he has the green light to shoot the ball. I don't know if that policy would still work with Cousins and Gay on the floor at the same time. However, starting Jimmer would get the ball out of IT's hands and into the hands of Cousins and Gay more often. I'd be willing to try it out.
Was he wearing a Kings jersey? Then, yes, he got outSmarted. What I wouldn't give to have the last two years of Tyreke, Cousins, and, yes, Jimmer's development back under a real coaching staff. Heck, Tyreke may have been worth that contract were that the case.
the only reason that I'm not entirely comfortable blaming Smart entirely is that I feel a lot more comfortable extending a lot of said blame to the Maloofs.

great game/quarter yesterday. more of that, please. especially if it coincides with IT getting more rest.
Props to Jimmer on becoming a decent PG. He handles the pressure better and really has great vision, setting other guys up.
Any questions?

Hey, I had to do it. He earned it.

There are still a few questions.... consistency is one. But his defense is becoming passable, and his play making skills are getting much better. His shot is still there and he has incorporated a teardrop runner in the lane that has to be respected now.

Also his ball handling has gotten MUCH better. He seems more sure of himself coming up the court. There is a confidence in him that was not there before. He needs more playing time to progress.

Just a sidenote: Who starts is isnt as important as who finishes. I think Jimmer has earned more minutes to see if he can build on his recent solid play. He is certainly improving his trade value and that also benefits the Kings !! But if he continues to play the way he has, he wont be going anywhere...

Also I was happy to see Jimmer in with Cousins playing the 2 man game. That was just as effective as I thought it would be. They HAVE to double Cousins, but they cant leave Jimmer wide open. And when they double off Jimmer it is a small on a big which is not very effective against Cousins. Also when they double from the weak side, it leaves a slasher/open rebounder on the back side. All those scenarios are a positive for the Kings.
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Nice game from Jimmer. Still think he has a ton of value as our resident "Steve Kerr," especially as his ball-handling and defense becomes passable. I'd def like to see him get more burn with at least 1 of the big 3 on the floor, to get him some space.


Anything good we get out of Jimmer is just a showcase for a trade...so I was elated with his performance. Malone obviously wants to move on from this, judging from his first half snub.
Kudos to jimmer for giving the owners, Malone and guys like me a bit of the finger last night.
Like I said in the game thread. Pete is wishing he had extended Jimmer on the cheap when he could have. I mean seriously Jimmer was channeling vintage Nash in the 4th quarter.
Honestly, though, is he going to get more than 3 million a year on his next contract? I believe the Kings can bid up to his extension value against other teams even if it puts them over cap.

He would have to blow up like Thornton when he first arrived in Sacramento to command more than 3 million on the open market.
Honestly, though, is he going to get more than 3 million a year on his next contract? I believe the Kings can bid up to his extension value against other teams even if it puts them over cap.

He would have to blow up like Thornton when he first arrived in Sacramento to command more than 3 million on the open market.
If he keeps his production up like he has the last month AND he isn't traded by the deadline, he will be a unrestricted free agent and can sign with any team that wants him. I have no idea what is going on behind the scene in terms of trades or if there is any communication with his agent about coming back or what. However, because of the his status at the end of the year, I would think if a good deal comes along by the trade deadline he will be gone.
If he keeps his production up like he has the last month AND he isn't traded by the deadline, he will be a unrestricted free agent and can sign with any team that wants him. I have no idea what is going on behind the scene in terms of trades or if there is any communication with his agent about coming back or what. However, because of the his status at the end of the year, I would think if a good deal comes along by the trade deadline he will be gone.
I am on the record as favoring a trade. The Kings don't have the personnell to mask Jimmer's deficiencies and take advantage of his useful skills. Worst case scenario is to let him walk with nothing in return for that draft pick. For the time being, I will enjoy the times he plays well.

I loved seeing Cousins get absolute gimme buckets at the rim.