Jimmer Fredette


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
His option salary wasn't outrageous - it was $3.1M. He probably doesn't get that next year, but I don't think $2M would shock me, especially if he keeps playing like last night (a big if).
he has no leverage.

A short list of the guards the Lakers alone managed to sign for less than $2mil this year:

Meeks $1.55mil
Duhon $1.5mil
Farmer $1.1mil
Young $1.1mil
Henry $0.92mil
Johnson $0.92mil
Marshall $0.55mil

(and yes, that Lakers team is composed of 100% guards)

In any case, Jimmer averages 11min a game and 5.9pts/gm. There will be dozens of guys at that level on the market. Put another way, if we signed him as a free agent this summer for $3.1mil people would be, and should be, screaming bloody murder. We have our heads pressed against the tax limit as it is.
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I watched the end of that game again. Two important things I noticed:
1) Jimmer was being checked by DJ Augustin who is 6 feet tall and 180 pounds and not at all fast. Jimmer went where he wanted.
2) Noah had been kicked out with the two T's by then. So when Jimmer got by Augustin there was little interior D.

So I guess I will wait a few more games and see what happens before I declare Jimmer the second coming:)


Let's give it up for the, um, Musclin' Mormon?

Nice day for Jimmer. He's definitely earned the kudos for improving all year. He's another player who I feel got outSmarted the past two years.
He kind of was slowed down by Malone and his DNP's this year. When he gets consistent time every night he well also adjust better on the defensive side. Problem is he is still too scared to make 1 mistake because Malone pulls him faster than most.


he has no leverage.

A short list of the guards the Lakers alone managed to sign for less than $2mil this year:

Meeks $1.55mil
Duhon $1.5mil
Farmer $1.1mil
Young $1.1mil
Henry $0.92mil
Johnson $0.92mil
Marshall $0.55mil

and yes, that team is composed of 100% guards.

In any case, Jimmer averages 11min a game and 5.9pts/gm. There will be dozens of guys at that level on the market. Put another way, if we signed him as a free agent this summer for $3.1mil people would be, and should be, screaming bloody murder. We have our heads pressed against the tax limit as it is.
Look at their FG AND 3pt percentage and look at Jimmers... yes he averages 6 points, but on 47 percent on 2s and 50 percent on 3's, I have to say he has more leverage then all of them.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Look at their FG AND 3pt percentage and look at Jimmers... yes he averages 6 points, but on 47 percent on 2s and 50 percent on 3's, I have to say he has more leverage then all of them.
You can't walk into somebody's office and say look at me! I shot 47% in 11min a night! Best that might convince somebody to do is to take a shot at you as a bench shooter. Nobody is goin to sign you as a starter, nobody is going to sign you as their sixth man. The real crux of the issue is if you can convince anybody you are a backup PG, and on that front your shooting % isn't the issue. You're even more unlikely to convince them you are a 6'2" SG with defensive questions. Which leaves you going for 5th guard slots, and hoping for a 4th guard slot.

If I was Jimmer I would be looking to sign next to LeBron if they'd have me. Go someplace guaranteed to win alongside somebody who handles the ball most of the time and kicks it to me for wide open threes. That was the original idea with Reke/Jimmer. Get that winning cache attached to my name without pressure to create much. Angle for a Derek Fisher career. If Jimmer is very lucky, at some point in the next 2 or 3 years, if he hangs on long enough, some team will have major injuries and open a Top 6 spot in their rotation for a month or something for him, at some point before he's old enough that nobody will care how he responds. But right now today he will be lucky to even get multiyear offers. I do think he will get offers though, not just camp invites. But everything is left to prove, and nobody is going to tie up their cap just because he used to be Jimmer! in college years ago.

P.S. What would be really helpful to his career is if our front office could somehow convince the NBA to take him as one of the contestants in the Three Point Shootout. Highly unlikely though.
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You can't walk into somebody's office and say look at me! I shot 47% in 11min a night! Best that might convince somebody to do is to take a shot at you as a bench shooter. Nobody is goin to sign you as a starter, nobody is going to sign you as their sixth man. The real crux of the issue is if you can convince anybody you are a backup PG, and on that front your shooting % isn't the issue. You're even more unlikely to convince them you are a 6'2" SG with defensive questions. Which leaves you going for 5th guard slots, and hoping for a 4th guard slot.

If I was Jimmer I would be looking to sign next to LeBron if they'd have me. Go someplace guaranteed to win alongside somebody who handles the ball most of the time and kicks it to me for wide open threes. That was the original idea with Reke/Jimmer. Get that winning cache attached to my name without pressure to create much. Angle for a Derek Fisher career. If Jimmer is very lucky, at some point in the next 2 or 3 years, if he hangs on long enough, some team will have major injuries and open a Top 6 spot in their rotation for a month or something for him, at some point before he's old enough that nobody will care how he responds. But right now today he will be lucky to even get multiyear offers. I do think he will get offers though, not just camp invites. But everything is left to prove, and nobody is going to tie up their cap just because he used to be Jimmer! in college years ago.

P.S. What would be really helpful to his career is if our front office could somehow convince the NBA to take him as one of the contestants in the Three Point Shootout. Highly unlikely though.
So how much do you think he will get?
he has no leverage.

A short list of the guards the Lakers alone managed to sign for less than $2mil this year:

Meeks $1.55mil
Duhon $1.5mil
Farmer $1.1mil
Young $1.1mil
Henry $0.92mil
Johnson $0.92mil
Marshall $0.55mil

(and yes, that Lakers team is composed of 100% guards)

In any case, Jimmer averages 11min a game and 5.9pts/gm. There will be dozens of guys at that level on the market. Put another way, if we signed him as a free agent this summer for $3.1mil people would be, and should be, screaming bloody murder. We have our heads pressed against the tax limit as it is.
How many 11 minute 6 point guys are there out there really? I mean there are probably a lot of 11 minute guys and tons of 6 point guys but I don't think that there are many that are both. I could be wrong though.
How many 11 minute 6 point guys are there out there really? I mean there are probably a lot of 11 minute guys and tons of 6 point guys but I don't think that there are many that are both. I could be wrong though.
Does it matter? Unless he had the production behind him,(which 11 mins, 6 PPG does not equate to)teams aren't going to break the bank for a 6'2 limited athlete/defender. Brick hit it on the head. I think he'll get plenty of min. 1yr deal offers to be a bench shooter for somebody. Could see him really thriving in Indy with how many big ball-handlers they have on that team.

I'd be surprised to see any sort of 2 yr guaranteed deal
You can't walk into somebody's office and say look at me! I shot 47% in 11min a night! Best that might convince somebody to do is to take a shot at you as a bench shooter. Nobody is goin to sign you as a starter, nobody is going to sign you as their sixth man. The real crux of the issue is if you can convince anybody you are a backup PG, and on that front your shooting % isn't the issue. You're even more unlikely to convince them you are a 6'2" SG with defensive questions. Which leaves you going for 5th guard slots, and hoping for a 4th guard slot.

If I was Jimmer I would be looking to sign next to LeBron if they'd have me. Go someplace guaranteed to win alongside somebody who handles the ball most of the time and kicks it to me for wide open threes. That was the original idea with Reke/Jimmer. Get that winning cache attached to my name without pressure to create much. Angle for a Derek Fisher career. If Jimmer is very lucky, at some point in the next 2 or 3 years, if he hangs on long enough, some team will have major injuries and open a Top 6 spot in their rotation for a month or something for him, at some point before he's old enough that nobody will care how he responds. But right now today he will be lucky to even get multiyear offers. I do think he will get offers though, not just camp invites. But everything is left to prove, and nobody is going to tie up their cap just because he used to be Jimmer! in college years ago.

P.S. What would be really helpful to his career is if our front office could somehow convince the NBA to take him as one of the contestants in the Three Point Shootout. Highly unlikely though.
It's an interesting idea. Miami (and L.A.) have made a habit recently of picking up dross from around the league and attempting with varying results to turn it around.

I think Chalmers is going to get paid somewhere in the offseason which means that cap conscious Miami will be looking for a point guard to either start or back up Norris Cole (who really isn't all that good). It is one of the very few places in the league where Jimmer could conceivably play in the starting five without screwing things up completely.
Does it matter? Unless he had the production behind him,(which 11 mins, 6 PPG does not equate to)teams aren't going to break the bank for a 6'2 limited athlete/defender. Brick hit it on the head. I think he'll get plenty of min. 1yr deal offers to be a bench shooter for somebody. Could see him really thriving in Indy with how many big ball-handlers they have on that team.

I'd be surprised to see any sort of 2 yr guaranteed deal
Who said anything about breaking the bank? 2-3 million for a player isn't breaking the bank for NBA teams. I think that there will be more than a couple teams interested in Jimmer. He can shoot lights out, sees the floor well, can handle the ball well enough and plays good team defense. He is also 25 and hasn't really played that much so there is still some upside.
I don't think anyone can look into their crystal ball and say what kind of contract Jimmer may get. There are too many variables. He could get traded or stay a King. What other guards are there on the team he is on. Are they healthy? How many minutes does he play?

Jimmer has started to play better. If he continues to improve he could surprise us all.
Who said anything about breaking the bank? 2-3 million for a player isn't breaking the bank for NBA teams. I think that there will be more than a couple teams interested in Jimmer. He can shoot lights out, sees the floor well, can handle the ball well enough and plays good team defense. He is also 25 and hasn't really played that much so there is still some upside.
Every time someone decides to pressure him, Jimmer gives up the ball either to his teammate or the other team. If your SG/SF can advance the ball under pressure, then fine, but he hasn't shown, that you can throw him the ball and let run the bench unit.
P.S. Is 25 new 21? Cause recently some claim IT is young, now Jimmer...
The pick-roll play in the CHI game where he set up Cuz for the first time was odd.... wasn't it? First you had Cuz looking at him quizzically with his hands out (palms up) when Jimmer was trying to get the pick set...(like "what's wrong with you, what are you trying to do?") Cuz didn't do much so Jimmer drove left and then cut right.... then it was like Cuz realized that the play worked and crashed to the hoop for the easy bucket. Afterwards, there seemed to be some type of convo between Cuz and Jimmer, but I couldn't figure out what it was... Was Cuz chiding Jimmer? After that, they seemed to be on the same page though....
Every time someone decides to pressure him, Jimmer gives up the ball either to his teammate or the other team. If your SG/SF can advance the ball under pressure, then fine, but he hasn't shown, that you can throw him the ball and let run the bench unit.
P.S. Is 25 new 21? Cause recently some claim IT is young, now Jimmer...
That is just a load of crap. He doesn't always handle pressure well but sometimes, I would say even most of the time he handles it fine. Does he give the ball to an open team mate if some comes out to pressure him 35ft away from the basket? Sure. That is the right basketball play.
That is just a load of crap. He doesn't always handle pressure well but sometimes, I would say even most of the time he handles it fine. Does he give the ball to an open team mate if some comes out to pressure him 35ft away from the basket? Sure. That is the right basketball play.
Yeah, Gilles comment may have been relevant in 2011 in a handful of games.


I know but everyone's expectations seem to have raised for him. I'd hate to see him fall on his face or be embarrassed. I don't think he Is a legit NBA player but he is one of those guys you naturally root for.
I know but everyone's expectations seem to have raised for him. I'd hate to see him fall on his face or be embarrassed. I don't think he Is a legit NBA player but he is one of those guys you naturally root for.
The thing is guys like (not necessarily you) you are looking for him fail so you can prove yourself right so much that you find failure when failure isn't there. If he comes out and has 1 turnover and 1 assist while going 1-3 in 6 minutes you proclaim him a failure and pat yourself on the back for your insight and basketball knowledge.


Hall of Famer
The thing is guys like (not necessarily you) you are looking for him fail so you can prove yourself right so much that you find failure when failure isn't there. If he comes out and has 1 turnover and 1 assist while going 1-3 in 6 minutes you proclaim him a failure and pat yourself on the back for your insight and basketball knowledge.
Some people simply evaluate what they see. If that happens to be negative, do you think they are biased?


That is true too a large extent but jimmer will ultimately succeed or fail on his own merits.


Hall of Famer
No high expectations. He is a shooter. I actually don't expect a lot of assist. That's just a bonus. I would like a quick
4-4 with 10 pts that's what I expect. He he comes in for 4 min goes 0-3 then he failed at his job for that 4 min. If he was a starter and went 0-3 in first 4 min. Not much of a problem. With bench players I expect quick production in limited time. That is the mantra of a bench player. If you can get what he did the other night from a bench player then you win more games with average games from your stars. If you get nothing from bench then you need above average performances from stars.

If jimmer could play like he did against the bulls (dont have to be 100%). He would be a very valuable bench player
Sam Amick interviewed just now on KHTK thinks IT may be on trade block because on his impending FA. Although he doesn't think he'll be traded by deadline said Kings biggest immediate need is all centered in backcourt - both upgrading PG and SG.
No high expectations. He is a shooter. I actually don't expect a lot of assist. That's just a bonus. I would like a quick
4-4 with 10 pts that's what I expect. He he comes in for 4 min goes 0-3 then he failed at his job for that 4 min. If he was a starter and went 0-3 in first 4 min. Not much of a problem. With bench players I expect quick production in limited time. That is the mantra of a bench player. If you can get what he did the other night from a bench player then you win more games with average games from your stars. If you get nothing from bench then you need above average performances from stars.

If jimmer could play like he did against the bulls (dont have to be 100%). He would be a very valuable bench player
So...his bar is set at 100% shooting? Really? Yeah, that doesn't set him up to fail.........


Hall of Famer
So...his bar is set at 100% shooting? Really? Yeah, that doesn't set him up to fail.........
Guess you stopped reading right before I said dont have to be 100%. I understand you are angry to the point of reading what you want to. Good job.