How many Kings wins in round one?

How many wins against the Spurs?

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Saturday is the big day, the Kings start of the 2006 playoff season! So, I ask you this.. how many wins do our Kings get again the defending champs?
My bad, I thought the question was how many wins will the Spurs have? I didn't think to look at the header for the poll.

(My non-admittal)
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I just can't vote. My heart just refuses to let me put down the number my head says. It would feel like not believing. And I gotta believe anything's possible until I can't.;)


Homer Fan Since 1985
kennadog said:
I just can't vote. My heart just refuses to let me put down the number my head says. It would feel like not believing. And I gotta believe anything's possible until I can't.;)
kennadog, I am so with you on this. I gotta believe, or what's the sense in playing. My head is realistic, however. Sometimes, you just gotta follow your heart.
6th said:
kennadog, I am so with you on this. I gotta believe, or what's the sense in playing. My head is realistic, however. Sometimes, you just gotta follow your heart.
And thank goodness Ron Artest believes...its what drives him. And though less vocal, I'm sure Biibby believes, too.:D
2- one on the road, one at home. Sorry, I'm trying to think otherwise, but this is what my head is telling me. My heart tells me we'll win in 7, though...
I want to not expect anything... so when we upset the Spurs its that much sweeter lol... and when we loose, its not that disapointing lol.

realistically i see spurs in 6
kings win 5 games...thats heard it here...we will "technically" win 4 games..but there will be one game where we will get slaughtered by the refs that we should of won ...that equals 5 games..

in my opinion we won 4 games in the 2002 WCF
ultraman206 said:
I voted for 4... because I don't like the other numbers; they are not nice.
lol, of course they are not nice. What the questions should have been "How many games will the spurs win", and it only goes up to three.:D


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Perhaps this poll should have been phrased: "if you had to bet your life savings, and the lives of all your family members on how many games the Kings will win this series, how many will it be?"

Might have come up with a tad different results. ;)
Bricklayer said:
Perhaps this poll should have been phrased: "if you had to bet your life savings, and the lives of all your family members on how many games the Kings will win this series, how many will it be?"

Might have come up with a tad different results. ;)
Er... I can think of at least one that'd be different.
