Highest education + Career?


Hall of Famer
I saw this idea on a NFL forum so I figured I'd try it here and see if it gains any popularity. What is your highest level of education and what is your current career?

I'll start off...highest education is AA in Computer Science, currently working as a Network Administrator.
I saw this idea on a NFL forum so I figured I'd try it here and see if it gains any popularity. What is your highest level of education and what is your current career?

I'll start off...highest education is AA in Computer Science, currently working as a Network Administrator.
Nice, I just started school not to long ago for my AA in Network Admin! How do ya like it?
What the...?
Network Admin low stress? Which version of the term are you using, Server/System Admin, or Router Admin?

I've been a Network (System) Admin - it means you are the one person who's responsibility is the upkeep of the entire server network that keeps the company up and running. Basically, if there's any blip or bump in service, you are responsible for it.
This would include, of course, after hours and mandate weekend upgrades, troubleshooting, etc.

If you are a Network (Router) Admin, than your responsibility is every hub, switch, router, cable, server closet, in the company, and again if there is any loss or degradation in service you are on the hook for it. Every upgrade or main job is done after hours, since you can't take the network down in any company that would have a Network Admin position.

Also - both of those positions (unless there is someone higher up to take the job) are responsible for the entire computer security of the company.
Depending on the company, that part of the job alone can keep you up at nights.

Of course, I didn't get my AA in this - just 18 years of work experience in the field.


Hall of Famer
so far it's all IT people in here. I say low stress because I started the job not too long ago and I am more of a assistant Network Admin at the moment so the burden of stress and work load isn't as much as a Network Systems Admin.

Are you still in the field of Administration? Do you possess any certifications?
so far it's all IT people in here. I say low stress because I started the job not too long ago and I am more of a assistant Network Admin at the moment so the burden of stress and work load isn't as much as a Network Systems Admin.

Are you still in the field of Administration? Do you possess any certifications?
Do I have certs?
Oh, yeah -
I'm a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet on Windows NT & 2000, MCSA: Messaging (2000), Certified Trainer (expired), Comptia A+ and Network+, and even a Microsoft Office User Specialist at the Master level.

And I'm looking for a job. o_O


Hall of Famer
Do I have certs?
Oh, yeah -
I'm a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Internet on Windows NT & 2000, MCSA: Messaging (2000), Certified Trainer (expired), Comptia A+ and Network+, and even a Microsoft Office User Specialist at the Master level.

And I'm looking for a job. o_O
How long have you been on the job hunt?


Hall of Famer
The schools don't necessarily have to be by name...just the type of degree. Technical schools, trade schools, hygienist schools, etc etc.
MA in English - Creative Writing
Career in teaching English at the community college level
Passion/side-career in writing poetry, publishing, and the performance arts
Highest career levels, education levels? Can"t remember but it must have been good beings I'm in my 24th year of comfortable retirement. Aim high, enjoy it, work hard at it, and sit back and enjoy an interesting retirement.

PS: You don't have to be a Kings fan but it sure is enjoyable breing one.
MA in English - Creative Writing
Career in teaching English at the community college level
Passion/side-career in writing poetry, publishing, and the performance arts
Ever consider getting that Doctorate and teaching at the University level? Seems so competitive...
Ever consider getting that Doctorate and teaching at the University level? Seems so competitive...
i've definitely considered it. it may even be a likelihood that i go back for the doctorate at some point. but between my BA and MA, i was in college for seven years, and as much as i truly loved being in school, i was ready to graduate and start working (oh, and my student loan debt was also piling up rather quickly). and you're absolutely right, it's insanely competitive to find full-time teaching gigs at the university level at our present moment in time. institutions are hiring adjunct faculty at alarming rates across all levels of higher education, and tenure track positions are just vanishing for teachers entering the work force...
i've definitely considered it. it may even be a likelihood that i go back for the doctorate at some point. but between my BA and MA, i was in college for seven years, and as much as i truly loved being in school, i was ready to graduate and start working (oh, and my student loan debt was also piling up rather quickly). and you're absolutely right, it's insanely competitive to find full-time teaching gigs at the university level at our present moment in time. institutions are hiring adjunct faculty at alarming rates across all levels of higher education, and tenure track positions are just vanishing for teachers entering the work force...
I feel that... the only way I would pursue a doctorate now is because I can then defer my student loans (hooray for debt!); and what could I do with a doctorate in business or accounting other than be a university professor?


Hall of Famer
for my IT professionals out there, what are some of the most in demand certifications these days to help improve your chances of a good job? IT is one of those fields you can get into without having to do a load of school but pays well.
I have multiple Associates degrees from Sierra College. The first being in Business Administration, which is self explanatory. The second one being in Applied Art and Design, which might be unknown to some around here. For the AAD degree I specialized in, it was basically graphic design and web design intensive. I also took, as electives, a video editing class (which I absolutely loved to death) and a 3-D modeling class (which was probably my second favorite class right behind video editing).

Unfortunately, neither degree got me anywhere in terms of a career. I got a job after getting my AAD degree working as a front desk person/receptionist for an Emergency Medicine Residency Program in Las Vegas. That ended on a sour note.

Finally, after years of living in pain, and not being able to find employment, I decided to go back to school, and pursued some IT certifications. I got a few, and am currently studying for my final 2 exams (which will get me my final certification). After that, I intend to seek employment, and from what I've heard, I should find something fairly easily.
for my IT professionals out there, what are some of the most in demand certifications these days to help improve your chances of a good job? IT is one of those fields you can get into without having to do a load of school but pays well.
Windows 7
Windows 8
Server/Active Directory


I've just completed schooling for all of the above minus Linux, so if you have certification specific questions, go ahead and send me a PM with the questions and I'll be glad to answer them for you to the best of my ability.


Hall of Famer
Windows 7
Windows 8
Server/Active Directory


I've just completed schooling for all of the above minus Linux, so if you have certification specific questions, go ahead and send me a PM with the questions and I'll be glad to answer them for you to the best of my ability.
Do you actually have a IT degree or just those certifications listed above?
Do you actually have a IT degree or just those certifications listed above?
No degree, just some of the above certifications. I should have been a little more clear in post so my apologies. I have completed classes for all of those certs, minus Linux, but don't have the actual certs themselves for some (Security, Windows 8, Server, and A+). I am currently working on studying for A+ as we speak, actually......PM me for any additional info you may require.