Hate to bring this up but worst case scenario... Warriors or Super Sonics

If Kings leave who do you support?

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thats ridiculous thinking. what are supposed to do as Die Hard NBA basketball fans? im not jumping ship to the lame *** Warriors.
I didn't say you have to stop watching basketball. Are you that reliant on aligning yourself with something that you have to be a fan of a new team immediately. Make absolutely no logical sense to me and tells me you are not a true fan.
It's sports code. Your team up and leaves, you reject them. I don't care where you live.

If they do move (and obviously I really hope they don't) and you are a Sacramento Kings fan, you wait until Sacramento gets a team again. Period.

You can still watch the NBA, but you can't be a fan of any one team. Because if you do, and Sac gets a team, you cannnot switch back.

I follow multiple sports and you are making up your own rules. They are certainly not part of the unwritten rules of being a sports fan. I have no idea where this angle you're pushing has come from, or what motivates you to it. Perhaps you're just venting your frustration. Anyway, not much point in engaging with you further as you'll continue to spout the same nonsensical, superior rubbish.
It's sports code. Your team up and leaves, you reject them. I don't care where you live.
the team itself has nothing to do with what our lame owners decide to do.

if this tragedy were to happen, i would hate the Maloofs till the day i die, but i would be a Seattle Sonics fan aswell.

and IF, IF Sacramento ever got a team again, and i still lived around here, i would 100% switch to being a fan of that team.
the team itself has nothing to do with what our lame owners decide to do.

if this tragedy were to happen, i would hate the Maloofs till the day i die, but i would be a Seattle Sonics fan aswell.

and IF, IF Sacramento ever got a team again, and i still lived around here, i would 100% switch to being a fan of that team.
If you don't understand why that is just awful, I cannot help you.
look at the poll results. clearly the majority has the same thinking as i do. your just being bitter towards Seattle because they would be "stealing" our team

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
There are some pretty specific rules for being a sports fan.
No there aren't. Let this 'No True Scotsman' fallacy go, already.

If the Kings move to Seattle and change their names to the Sonics. They are no longer the Kings. Sure, you can be a Sonics fan moving forward, but now you are a Sonics Fan, no longer a Kings fan. If Sacramento then gets another team, you cannot just switch back. You have aligned yourself with the Sonics and Seattle.
So what? Contrary to your opinion, it is the same team. If the Kings move to Seattle, and are re-branded the Sonics, they will still be the Kings for anyone who is old enough to know the difference: even if other people want to claim otherwise, the histories of the franchises do not transfer, not for anyone who knows better. Dennis Johnson did not play for this franchise, Jack Sikma did not play for this franchise, Nate McMillan did not play for this franchise, Gary Payton did not play for this franchise, Shawn Kemp did not play for this franchise, Ray Allen did not play for this franchise, Kevin Durant did not play for this franchise. Jack Twyman did, Maurice Stokkes did, Oscar Robertson did, Nate Archibald did, Mitch Richmond did, Chris Webber did, Vlade Divac did, Kevin Martin did. That will remain true, whether the team is in Sacramento, or Seattle, or Virginia Beach, or Moscow.

You will have

Different Town
Different Name
Different Owners
Different Coach
Different Front Office
Different Players (some)

So why would you all of the sudden decide to root for that team? It's not smugness it called the unwritten rules of being a sports fan.
Because, your perception to the contrary, I would not, "all of the sudden," decide to root for that team. I would be rooting for the same team I've always rooted for. The accusation of smugness, whether it is fair or not, comes due to your apparent conceit that all Kings Fans have to show fealty to the Sacramento area, above the team itself. As I've said before, I sympathize with the "townies," and hope beyond hope that you can get a deal done at the eleventh hour to keep the Kings in Sacramento. But, what people like you need to understand that there is no rule to being a sports fan, written or otherwise, that requires us to be a fan of a team because of where it is. I grok, that there are people who are only fans of the Kings because they are in Sacramento, and I can appreciate that. But, if you're not a fan of the team because they're in Sacramento, why should you feel compelled to stop rooting for the team if they leave Sacramento? The team didn't fold, it wasn't contracted, it moved. Sometimes teams do that.

When I became a fan, some twenty-four years ago, or however long it was, I pledged my loyalty to the team, not the city of Sacramento.
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This is like asking "will you support your former husband who has married another woman" or "will you go look for another man". HOW ABOUT NEITHER!!!

I am a very civic minded person who has lived in the City of Sacramento all of my adult life. I also was born and raised in San Francisco and at one time was a Warriors fan until the whole Nelson/Cohan/Webber fiasco. If the Kings leave, I would never, ever, ever root for the Seattle Sonics. Why? Because they are not Sacramento. I would give the Warriors another look though.

When I became a fan, some twenty-four years ago, or however long it was, I pledged my loyalty to the team, not the city of Sacramento.

What team? The Sonics? They will not be the Kings anymore. It's not like Mr. Oracle is buying them and moving them to San Jose and keeping everything the same. This a complete change.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
So does this mean I should be a Nuggets fan because I no longer live near Sacramento?
F that. Same for the Broncos. I know where my loyalties lie, even though I no longer live in the region.
Kings would be dead in a Seattle move. The only way I switch to Seattle is if there is some player I am fond of gets me there. Right now, that is not the case.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
What team? The Sonics? They will not be the Kings anymore. It's not like Mr. Oracle is buying them and moving them to San Jose and keeping everything the same. This a complete change.
Here's the part that you need to wrap your head around, macadocious: I don't care what they're called. I don't care if they're not the "Kings." If they become the "Sonics," that doesn't magically stop making them the same team I've been a fan of for 20+ years. They can call themselves the Kings, the Sonics, the Blues... Hell, they can call themselves the Lakers, part Deux. They're still the same team.
I would be a Sonics fan and anyone who says I am not a "true fan" can shove it where the sun dont shine. I am moving to Seattle within the year anyways. I would obviously prefer they stay in Sacramento because I have so many memories from Kings games. I could never root for the Warriors or Clippers. The Sonics would be the closest thing to the Kings I could get. Plus they will be the local team.
The whole Sacramento Kings era from Richmond, Theus etc through Webber, Divac, Peja Etc will not be connected to the Seattle Sonics if the team moves. I guess in the mind of some fans they will be, but the franchise will have no ties to that Kings era or those players.

Because they were still The Kings, the orginization still had ties and history to the players, coaches etc from the past when they relocated from Kansas City. And they were acknowledged as such when they came to Sac. That won't be the case in Seattle.

The only reason I've endured these last years of suck was because they were the Kings and had history with other Kings/ Royals teams and players.

The Sonics belong to Seattle. And yes I think of players like Kemp, Payton etc when I think Seattle Sonic basketball.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
This is like asking "will you support your former husband who has married another woman" or "will you go look for another man". HOW ABOUT NEITHER!!!
Bollocks, that's an utterly false equivalency. It's more like asking, if your kid plays D-I for UNC, and then transfers to Georgetown, who will you root for? If you grew up around Chapel Hill, and/or root for UNC, you might say that you should have loyalty to UNC... But what about if you grew up in Atlanta, and went to Mercer? Then you have no attachment to UNC, or Chapel Hill: your allegiance goes where your kid goes.

The Kings/Royals/Sonics/whatever the **** are my kid. I go where they go.
What does that have to do with anything? They are no longer the Sacramento Kings. Hell, they won't even be the Kings anymore. They will be a different franchise completely.

I don't think there are a lot of old Houston Oiler fans who are now Tennessee Titan fans. The only people who will be a fan of this team, that were "Kings Fans" will be ones who were a fan of player or players(s), not the team itself.
You are sooo right. I couldn't root for the Seattle Sasquatch. I will change my allegiance back to the Warriors I rooted for before we stole the Kansas City Kings.
Bollocks, that's an utterly false equivalency. It's more like asking, if your kid plays D-I for UNC, and then transfers to Georgetown, who will you root for? If you grew up around Chapel Hill, and/or root for UNC, you might say that you should have loyalty to UNC... But what about if you grew up in Atlanta, and went to Mercer? Then you have no attachment to UNC, or Chapel Hill: your allegiance goes where your kid goes.
Which makes you a fan of a player not the team. Also, you get a mulligan if you child or close family member plays for a different team. So that is not a fair example.

If you were a Bulls fan in the 90's because of Jordan, would you switch to being a Wziards fan?
Here's the part that you need to wrap your head around, macadocious: I don't care what they're called. I don't care if they're not the "Kings." If they become the "Sonics," that doesn't magically stop making them the same team I've been a fan of for 20+ years. They can call themselves the Kings, the Sonics, the Blues... Hell, they can call themselves the Lakers, part Deux. They're still the same team.
thank you
I don't care if they're not the "Kings." If they become the "Sonics," that doesn't magically stop making them the same team I've been a fan of for 20+ years. /COLOR]

Sorry forgot to address this part.

Yes it does. In this scenario, it magically stops making them the Kings. They will be the Sonics, they will also share the Sonics history.

Same thing happened in Cleveland, with the browns.
I couldn't imagine supporting Warriors or Clippers after so many years of rooting against them so hard. I think I'd stick with the Sonics, they will have part of our history.
No they won't. That history will either be gone or staying in sacramento. They would be getting the Sonics history.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
There ain't no such thing as a mulligan.

The Royals didn't become a different team when they moved from Rochester to Cincinnati. They didn't become a different team when they became the Kings and moved to Kansas City. They didn't become a different team when they moved to Sacramento. And they won't become a different team when they move to Seattle. Their history isn't deleted. You can pretend that it didn't happen, or that it happened with a different team, all you want, but you don't get to take the memories out of my head:I know what happened. I know that the team that Richmond and Webber played for is not the same team as whatever team Sacramento ends up with, if the Kings leave.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Sorry forgot to address this part.

Yes it does. In this scenario, it magically stops making them the Kings. They will be the Sonics, they will also share the Sonics history.

Same thing happened in Cleveland, with the browns.
No, it doesn't. Stick your head in the sand if you want to. The "Cleveland Browns" were created in 1999. Anyone who says that's the same team that won four NFL Championships is lying to themselves.
There ain't no such thing as a mulligan.

The Royals didn't become a different team when they moved from Rochester to Cincinnati. They didn't become a different team when they became the Kings and moved to Kansas City. They didn't become a different team when they moved to Sacramento. And they won't become a different team when they move to Seattle. Their history isn't deleted. You can pretend that it didn't happen, or that it happened with a different team, all you want, but you don't get to take the memories out of my head:I know what happened. I know that the team that Richmond and Webber played for is not the same team as whatever team Sacramento ends up with, if the Kings leave.
The great players and history of those teams was acknowledged in Sacramento and the great players' jerseys hung from the rafters. Webber, Divac, Archilbald, Richmond etc will NEVER hang in the rafters in Seattle or be considered by anyone in Seattle as history for them. Webber and Divac will never be invited to attend in a championship parade if the team ever wins one in Seattle. Kemp and Payton will be though.
There ain't no such thing as a mulligan.

The Royals didn't become a different team when they moved from Rochester to Cincinnati. They didn't become a different team when they became the Kings and moved to Kansas City. They didn't become a different team when they moved to Sacramento. And they won't become a different team when they move to Seattle. Their history isn't deleted. You can pretend that it didn't happen, or that it happened with a different team, all you want, but you don't get to take the memories out of my head:I know what happened. I know that the team that Richmond and Webber played for is not the same team as whatever team Sacramento ends up with, if the Kings leave.
No. Your missing the point. The sonics history currently ends in 2008. The Thunder started over. They do not own that 1979 championship the sonics do. If the Kings move to Seattle they will no longer be the Kings. The Kings history will stop. The team would continue the history from where the sonics left off.

When you go to look up stats on the 2000 Sonics it will be the Sonics history not the Kings.
You can convince yourself of anything if you want it to be right. Logically they are no longer the Kings, that is really no debatable. Hell, part of Clay Bennets deal when he left was to relinquish all Sonics trademark and history back to seattle if they got a team. I guess you could argue that they would merge Kings history into that, but I don't see that happening.
You are sooo right. I couldn't root for the Seattle Sasquatch. I will change my allegiance back to the Warriors I rooted for before we stole the Kansas City Kings.
What you said is both ironic and a contradiction. You support his statement (supposedly), but then proceed to do exactly the opposite by switching teams.

I personally would continue to follow the team to Seattle. Of course, I would much prefer the Kings to stay in Sacramento. When I say "Sacramento Kings," there is just a flow to it that no other team has for me. I feel for all the Sacramento region residents. In all honesty, if Sacramento would get a team back, I would once again be a fan of the Sacramento Kings. I just enjoy basketball too much to not have a team. And I refuse to like any other team. This is the closest I can be to being a Sacramento Kings fan.
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