Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
WOW !!!!!!!!
Kings responded - in many ways against the odds of the "experts" beating the champs. That was not supposed to happen;). I have read and heard many comments explaining the Pistons loss and none of them had anything to do with the way the Kings played. I am sick and tired of that BS.
You could feel how big that win was. The whole team wanted it. The team did it. Pistons made "the other guys" beat them and boy did they ever. There was defense, effort, will. There was "general" Bibby on the floor - comanding troups. Pistons came close several tomes and there was always someone that reasponded. When was the last time You saw RA giving such an emotional response after Mike sealed the game with the 3 - that is how big it was.
When ARCO was needed the most - it was there. That is what Kings needed. Energy and excitement usually get transfered both ways. This time the crowd nedded to be one that gives and it did. They welcomed the new guys and the new guys paid it back imedeately.
I have to mention the referees again here. Pedja and Mike got mugged many time on Sunday and that is called good defense. Last night D. Wade went to the line 23 times. If You thad to breath loudly while standing close to him - You were called for a foul. How does one explain the difference ?
Injuries - big part of every f... season. If You are a free agent and want to sign with Kings - You have to assume that You will be injured at some point while being a King:(. Is this ever going to stop ? No Miller and Mobley tonight again. Also no Thomas - my condolences.
No sympathy for any time any more. I do not care if an opponent show up - and their coach has to suit up because they do not have enough players.
BIG BIG game tonight. It counts "twice" We win tonight - we gain one more game on MEM and we clinch the series. It might end up being important. They are playing well currently but we are still more talented. They also have injured players but again I could care less. We have shown capability of defending and rebounding. Can we build on that today ?
Mike - played defense in the 4th on Sunday:eek:. We need more of that. He is due for a good shooting game. Always fun when Bibby vs Williams happens
Pedja - can he remember the last season game where he scored 41 against them. Can he remember how to score 20+? He is contributing in other ways not shown in numbers or stats but he needs to score more. The team needs it. 4-15 just sucks.
Darius - played great last game. His shot was on and he profited from Mike and Pedja being doubleteamed. Can he stay out of foul trouble ?
Evans - finnally was there when needed the most. Great effort. Can he stay under control ?
Skinner - won ARCO over in one single game. Very reliable at what he does.
Corliss - will get to play some 4 again. Should do just fine there. Can he also stay out of foul trouble ?
House - might have more minutes than usual tonight. Hit some important shots and plays a good D most of the times.
Martin - will get some minutes. Needs to relax just a bit out there.
Tag - may have to stop being "mateen" just for tonight although I do not expect to see him a whole lot.
RA - needs to pull another rabit out of that hat. Now, that ther is actual time for practice - he does not have his players. Must be frustrating
Grizzlies are playing well for a reason. They are very solind defensively and thay play more players with moderate minutes. Should not matter tonight. You can always expect a Kings opponent to have a career night. No Swift tonight - no posters.
Go Clippers !!!!! (LA)
Go Bobcats !!!!!!!! (Wolves)
Go Nets !!!!!! (Spurs)
Go Sonics !!!!!!!!! (Rockets)
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I agree, and here's our key as I stated in another thread....

PATIENCE on Offense and AGGRESIVE on Defense and we should not have a problem....
piksi said:
No sympathy for any time any more. I do not care if an opponent show up - and their coach has to suit up because they do not have enough players.
i actually lost all sympathy for other teams after that week where we got robbed on those two no calls (goaltending)

Im very excited about the game....gets gonna be interesting to say the least guys like Mo Evans and even a Kevin Martin (both who are gonna get some real nice minutes tonight) play better at home...and the crowd really gets behind them

I really enjoyed seeing Mike in such control out there on every way shape and form....keep up the good work Mike

Hopefully tonight both Mike and Peja can be hot like fire on the shooting are right piksi Mike is over due (and i guess Peja is to)


ps-RageMe11 have a blast at the game


i want this game really bad! it would really help build alot of confidence and possibly start a winning streak! too bad i have work today and wont be able to watch it.
I think Darius will eat Brian Cardnial alive. I predict he'll stay out of foul trouble and get us a very efficient 16 to 19 points.
I agree with everything you said, piksi.

gman23 said:
PATIENCE on Offense and AGGRESIVE on Defense and we should not have a problem....
Agree with this too.

Late last night on ESPN, they did a repeat of the Kings-Pistons game. I got to see the guys play without worrying as watching it Live. The ball movement was there, the defense was good, all players were patience on offense... and the shot selection was outstanding (finding the open man and getting the highest % shot). There was hardly any force shots and when there was, it was only because there was 2 or 3 secs left on the shot clock. If the Kings continue this, it's going to be tough to beat them.

GOO KINGS!!! BIG GAME TODAY!!! Grizz are also on a back 2 back.

Have fun at the game, RageMe11! We need to continue the Arco Thunder!
Brad >> Lorenzen
Songalia << Gasol
Peja > Miller
Mobley = Battier
Bibby > Williams

House < Watson
Skinner > Jake = Ostertag
Williamson < Wells
Evans > Whos Ever Left
Martin < Burks
Thomas > Cardinal

We get edge on SL, they get edge on Bench.
sloter said:

The Kings are better at every position except at PF.
I probably would lean towards the Kings side on this one but it is close.

Memphis may have an edge at the 2, and they have a significantly better bench.
bigbadred00 said:
Brad >> Lorenzen
Songalia << Gasol
Peja > Miller
Mobley = Battier
Bibby > Williams

House < Watson
Skinner > Jake = Ostertag
Williamson < Wells
Evans > Whos Ever Left
Martin < Burks
Thomas > Cardinal

We get edge on SL, they get edge on Bench.
You're forgetting Swift, Daunte Jones, and James Posey.
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sloter said:
How could anyone forget James '40 points' Posey ?
Evidently Peja did because Posey held Peja to 11 points in his next mtachup with him. That's too bad to because I was hoping Peja would have stuck it to him in Memphis.
sloter said:
You do realize you're talking about a guy who is shooting .364 from the field... ?
What am I saying about him....I am saying he is on their team. Is he great? No (though he did manage to shut down Peja). Is he worthy of mentioning?...absolutely.
sloter said:
Is he better than our SF ? Or our backup SF ? No.
Bottom line: Memphis is deep, but that's all they are.
Backup SF? Yes Posey is better then Corliss.
Hate to break it to you Sloter, but the Kings and Memphis are very similar. They are both good (even very good), but not great.
sloter said:
I completely disagree, and you should agree that we disagree as opposed to 'breaking it down'. Thanks.
I will "break it down" if I choose to, you can participate in the conversation if you have something worthwhile to add. Thanks.
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