Grizzlies @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
I am on a well deserved spring break. Have no control over internet access and people who do don't really care about kings much. So, a little too early but still here
And just because it was so much fun last night...

On March 10th 2002 Kings won @ Bucks 98 - 73 to improve to 44 - 17 for the season. Kings won this one on the defensive end. Bucks once again had no answer for Webber who finished with 20/15/4 Pedja had 21 pts, Mike had 13/9 assists/3 st, Vlade had 8/8/4/3bl, DC had 7/7/4. Bobby had 15 and Hwdo had 8 of the Bench.

Peja Stojakovic scored 21 points and Chris Webber added 20 and 15 rebounds for the Kings, who have the best record in the NBA but have struggled at times both on the road and on the defensive end

"We need to wins games on the road if we want to win the West,"
Kings coach Rick Adelman said. "This was a big test for us, as this entire trip will be."

Kings @ 30-31 almost at .500 which is not what we are used too but it still is nice considering where we were almost the entire season. Still 9th in the West which will change no later that Tuesday if Kings can sweep the difficult 3 games home stand riding on a 10 games home winning streak . (Lakers will lose on SA). After an amazing 4-1 road trip where Kings dominated everything except one half of the game in DC, Kings have a golden opportunity to salvage a "Titanik like" season. The best thing of all is that Kings play much better than the record shows.
Grizzlies, Mavs, lakers - how big and how great could this yurn out to be. And best of all - it is at ARCO and ARCO sure as hell knows what to do in such situations. In fact - Ron Artest has never seen ARCO in a way that he will see in this coming Tuesday. These 3 games will be great. First we will see Bobby again and Grizzlies have a solid team that can cause trouble. Then, Mavs will be in town and yes we hate Mavs too. I am sure that Dirk won't kill us like he did last time. We have a bench too - now. It is payback time and payback is a *****. And then on Tuesday. How big that game will be ? Considering the rivalry, the standings and the last meeting in LA ? Can You hear "BEAT LA !!!" chants. It will be loud. In case You didn't realize - I am pretty hyped about those 3 games right now;). Are You ?
What a great road trip. We had all guys giving it all and the best part is that there is room for improvement. 4-1 is well above what we could have realistically expected. Too bad we missed out on a previous trip and the trade came too late. What is done - is done. Kings finally have it in their hands. If we play this way for the ret of the season - pretty soon we won't need to look at the other scores because they won't matter. Sounds just like good old times - doesn't it ? Sure we will still look at them because - it is fun watching other teams lose.
Taking a look at the standings there are still 5 teams fighting for 2 spots. Kings are right in the middle of the pack with hard schedule but also with momentum and confidence.
NOH - they alread exceeded their expectations. They have a very young team and they have never been in such a situation. They do have a great coach. Lately - they suck. Chances of making 7th 0% 8th 3 %- lottery 97 %
LAL - They have a great coach and Kobe. Big market, tradition, Dick Bavetta, fairly easy schedule - all those arguments would speak for them. One thing that speak against them is the fact that they are ready to implode and we can help. Realistically chances of making 7th 50% 8th 30 %- lottery 20 % (I still hope that they will end up 9th causing a mass hysteria on this site;))
KINGS - have by far the most talent, momentum, energy, great coach and ARCO. It stands against hard schedule, Violet Palmer and Finley. Chances of making 7th 33% 8th 50 %- lottery 17 %.
JAZZ - Coach, solid team that is starting to get healthy. They have been solid as of late. It stands against no shooting and no back court and injuries. They do play hard every night. Chances of making 7th 7% 8th 10%- lottery 83 %
ROCKETS - Great coach, good defense, momentum and 2 superstars. Yao is playing out of his mind lately. It stands vs health. Chances of making 7th 10% 8th 10 %- lottery 80 %
This can obviously change every day but I expect it go to the last day of the regular season. Tie breakers are so important. Kings have got to beat LA, NOH and HOU at HOME and we also play in SLC.
Last night we beat Bucks yet again on the road. They are turning to be Clippers of the Eastern conference. Ron was 1 pt away for Kings to have all 7 players in the double digits. Very balanced. Kenny was great. Mike was unbelievable offensively and Brad would have had a tripple double if he could only rebound. Everybody else put a great effort. Great defensive battle.
Tomorrow night Kings finally get home where they are on 10 games winning streak to face Grizzlies trying to tie the series (You never know). Bobby will be there again. We just have to continue playing hard and we will be fine. A low scoring game will favor Grizzlies. It is a big, big game and Kings know that. Should be fun.
Mike - Chucky and Bobby won't matter if Mike still has it stuck on automatic.
Ron - is due a good shooting game (and pills still working)
Brad - imagine Brad rebounding. (if You are able to - stop drinking and get of drugs)
Bonzi - awsome - just hope he can stay healthy
SAR - that was a nice game from him
KT- wow - there are signs of consistency
Kevin - You are finally home man so just play like home
Cisco - get well soo
The rest - keep the bench warm and for love of god - stay there
RA - pretty good coach if You ask me
Grizzlies can only beat us if we play to their level. Pau is coming of his 1st career tripple double. Bobby will play harder than usual. Warrik will try to sweep TDM award for the season and so put a lot of pressure on Milt Pallacio. I just hope that we don't get killed by Atkins. I don't know - if I could handle that. .500 - we are coming
Go Spurs !
Go Pacers!

but most importantly

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Super Moderator Emeritus
One change, piksi:

Mike - Chucky and Bobby won't matter if Mike still has it stuck on automatic.
Ron - is due a good shooting game and pills still working
Brad - imagine Brad rebounding. (if You are able to - stop drinking and get of drugs)
Bonzi - awsome - just hope he can stay healthy
SAR - that was a nice game from him
KT- wow - there are signs of consistency
Kevin - You are finally home man so just play like home
Cisco - get well soo
The rest - keep the bench warm and for love of god - stay there
RA - pretty good coach if You ask me
I don't think you can just stop putting that proviso there. It's been good for us so far.

Kings win by 4, this game should be in the high 80s/mid-90s. Bobby goes off again, but not as huge, my boy Dahntay Jones gets TDM award in an upset. :p

BTW, Milt Palacio got the TDM award twice (back in November and the road game), not thrice. 11 pts on 4-10 shooting last game vs. Utah.
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I think the TDM is the funniest thing i have ever heard... rememeber whn KWame brwon droped like 40 on us 2 years ago? hahahaha major TDM... becase kwame is the biggest upset in league history
SacKings4Life21 said:
I think the TDM is the funniest thing i have ever heard... rememeber whn KWame brwon droped like 40 on us 2 years ago? hahahaha major TDM... becase kwame is the biggest upset in league history
I would LOVE to be there. I know that it is going to be rocking!!

However, I am a little nervous about a letdown tomorrow. Hopefully, they come with the same intensity.
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chelle said:
I would LOVE to be there. I know that it is going to be rocking!!

However, I am a little nervous about a letdown tomorrow. Hopefully, they come with the same intensity.
Why are you nervous about a letdown? They have won 10 straight games at home. I'm hoping it will continue since I will be at the game.


HA! They're going to show it here! Go Kings! Crush all opponents! Crush the one who we were up against this March 14!
I'm nervous because we (as do other teams) have a tendency to drop the first game at home after a long road trip. Of course, I want them to win and expect them to do so, BUT I am still a bit nervous about it.
First game home after a long road trip can be tough. But I think the fans will bring a lot of energy for the team and we can avoid a let down.
This is a winnable game, that makes it a must win.

I think the Kings will pull it out. I hope to see Garcia back in the game.

The mavs game is important. We could be playing them in the first round, should we get there. A win on sunday makes that potential PO series an interesting one.
any word on Garcia's ankel? And did anybody see me get published on

I know he got off to a rough shooting start for the Kings this year, but Francisco Garcia has really taken off in the month of January. He has stepped into the starting lineup with their recent injuries and made solid contributions on both offense and defense, helping them win some games despite missing three regulars in the lineup. He plays with confidence and is starting to cut back on the rookie miscues that plagued him in November and December. I'm not saying that this warrants him a place in the top 10 rookies right now, but he is trending upwards and needs to be considered in the next few weeks.
jbocardfan76 - Louisville, Kent.

RR: Garcia has certainly stepped up with Bonzi Wells out (11.7 PPG, 5.0 RPG, .459 FG% in the last nine games). It looks like Kevin Martin is still ahead of him in the rotation, so with Artest, his playing time could go back down when Wells comes back.
KingKong said:
Can Artest guard Dirk?
I believe Artest could guard Dirk. In their career meetings so far, Dirk scored 20 ppg at 42.3% fg against Ron (though Dirk scored 31 pts on 11-19 shooting in their only meeting this season). A look at the Bowen tapes couldn't hurt either.
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I think Ron definately has a shot at gaurding Dirk. Becaus he is 6'7" or 6'8" Dirk won't have a HUGE height advantage over him. Ron has problems with little quick guys or just any quick guys in general. Given that Dirk is not the quickest guy in the world Ron will be able to do this.
We are going to the game tonight! Hopefully all of the fans will bring their energy and do their part to help the players stay on top of the game. .500 .... I can feel it coming!
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