Grant to interview George Maloof (merged)


Super Moderator Emeritus
George Maloof is going to be on Grant's show between now and 5 p.m. And Grant is in full freaking rant mode over almost all his callers, to the point where he's yelling at everybody - even those who call in respectfully - and being sarcastic at every single comment. Any respect I may have had for Grant (okay, there isn't any) is gone. Grant needs to get over himself or just finally openly agree to being nothing more than the company shill.

Grant just said George is going to be on in 5 minutes.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Heheheh. George just called his arena "Arco"...twice. And he's pretty adamant about looking into renovating whatever-the-heck-the-name-will-be arena. Says maybe they should draw up some plans and show them to the fans. And, according to George, the family has been receiving a lot of positive feedback from people saying they (the Maloofs) are doing the right thing.

Grant has now just tossed AEG and the city under the bus in his zeal to paint the Maloofs in a good light and to allow George to once again talk about how they're doing this for the good of Sacramento and the General Fund.

I feel so badly. I've chastized them repeatedly and here they're just thinking of all the little people.
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Why does George insist in saying this is a burden to taxpayers and the general fund?

And now he says renovating Arco will not be so expensive....
Why does George insist in saying this is a burden to taxpayers and the general fund?

And now he says renovating Arco will not be so expensive....
Yeah, this interview is disgusting. Grant isn't following up on the few good questions he's asked. George just keeps saying that the deal is bad for the city. What a joke.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What happens now?

George: We focus on Power Balance and we focus on our team. We have a great nucleus. We spend money to bring in the right mixture of players. WE're prepared to do that. We put the arena on the back burner for now. I think we're all tired of talking about it. (Pretty much a DIRECT QUOTE. There's more but I couldn't type fast enough.)
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"
george: "bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
grant: "yep"

what a tool...


Super Moderator Emeritus
He adds that "we're committed to Sacramento and we're committed to putting the best team we can on the court."

Grant tosses another softball at George, what do you say to the fans?

George: First, thank you for putting up with all the nonsense on the arena. I shouldn't say nonsense because that's a bad word. Thank for your patience. It was our intent to get something done. We'll keep trying. Our intent is to stay in Sacramento. I've said that 20 times in the past week and I'm not going to say it again." He goes on to stress their commitment to the city of Sacramento, including all the charitable organizations.

"Get over it. We're gonna stay and we're gonna put together the best possible team we can."- - This in response to the accusation that the Maloofs are just waiting to take the team out of town.

Grant asks George what he might do differently if he could go back a couple of months. George says he wishes they would have done more negotiation one-on-one with Kevin Johnson and his group.

I'll give him this. He sounds passionate and sincere. But, I'm sorry fellow Kings fans. I do not believe him and will not believe him until I see proof. And that proof will be in the form of new players, increased salary, etc.
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How can he just expect us as fans to take them for their word. They went out and talked to another city for God's sake then killed a deal that gave us a chance to keep the Kings long term.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, after a mutual phone hug (and yes, I was thinking of saying something much more graphic AND inappropriate for this forum), Grant and George thank each other for being such great guys and it fades to commercial, with Grant's tag that he'll be back to take calls.

This should be interesting. I'm (almost) willing to bet all my Kings memorabilia that Grant goes into FULL BLOWN caller hate mode, because I can also predict that a majority of his callers are not going to roll over and play dead.
This person is repulsive to listen to.

Did you catch at the end when George was thanking Grant? Starting with "I appreciate you, Grant" then started to say "Thank you for everything you do for... *coulda sworn he was going to say something like "us" or "our family", but switched to ... Sacramento... you're really a champion for this town..." Just repulsive.
That interview was a train wreck. Grant asked no meaningful follow up questions after George sidestepped the collateral and lease questions. How hard would it for Grant to mention that the current collateral (arena and land) loses a ton of value with a new ESC and doesn't come close to covering the cost of the loan. And Grant has even said himself that the city absolutely needs a 30 year commitment, but let him off the hook when George sidestepped that issue. And I've heard Grant say himself that the Maloofs should stop citing concern for the city as a reason to kill the deal, but then he let George say at least 10 times that it wasn't a good deal for the city to put up that much money.

What a joke.
What a tool!

I don't see how the city would ever negotiate an arena deal with this family ever again.

I honestly think that they've burned every bridge with this city.

At least I can focus on 49er football instead of this huge letdown. Ugh!