Grant calls out front office on his radio show

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Jones also made vague reference to unknown future plans of the Kings. To paraphrase:

"Who knows? They could be waiting to make a move on Kings James."

And that, in a nutshell, is why I find it so hard to believe anything Jones says. Our team is a mess, the fan base is frustrated and yet he thinks there's even the remotest chance in hell that Lebron James would consider that a favorite change from Cleveland?

I know Jones was most likely attempting to be ironic or sardonic or somethingic, but it just fell flat in my opinion.
In order to communicate with the fans, they have to communicate with the media. It's a symbiotic relationship.
There's communicating with the media (which I support) and spending too much time spoon-feeding information to way too many members of the media. In my honest opinion, I think that both the organization and the players are distracted by the amount of media who surround the team.
Jones also made vague reference to unknown future plans of the Kings. To paraphrase:

"Who knows? They could be waiting to make a move on Kings James."

And that, in a nutshell, is why I find it so hard to believe anything Jones says. Our team is a mess, the fan base is frustrated and yet he thinks there's even the remotest chance in hell that Lebron James would consider that a favorite change from Cleveland?

I know Jones was most likely attempting to be ironic or sardonic or somethingic, but it just fell flat in my opinion.
he was talking about George Karl possibly hanging out and seeing if he can take the Cleveland job if Blatt gets fired


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I just loved this call Grant just got. Guy said that Vivek and PDA, being so smart and all, should come out and show us what they know that we don't.
You and me both. "Ken" pretty much just said what almost all of us feel. I wish I could transcribe radio because this call epitomizes exactly what a lot of us are saying here.


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LOL! Grant just told "Ken" he's going to use his call as "Grant's rant" in about 15 minutes.


Question our passion at your own risk.


Hall of Famer
Ken did say he was in a Kings "focus group," but that they weren't advised of the Malone move and obviously had no input in the decision...:)
Aww damn, I started listening right after Ken concluded his rant.. I will relisten to it tonight whenever KHTK posts it up.

I agree with the last caller. The FO made us all believe Malone was the guy... FO ****ed up big time. I tried my hardest to believe that they had some type of plan in place, but it's all blown up now..


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FYI, for anyone who may have missed it in the middle of this, Grant and Jason Jones both confirmed that it was not public knowledge that Corbin had been signed for the remainder of the year and that the players didn't even know until they read it on Twitter last night. They were operating with the belief that Corbin was just a sit-in until their new real coach came on board, but didn't know who he would be.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ken did say he was in a Kings "focus group," but that they weren't advised of the Malone move and obviously had no input in the decision...:)
I know Fireplug has just been selected to the FAB (Fan Advisory Board) and I'm going to drop him a note and tell him to give our thanks to Ken for really representing all of us.

Kings fans are the freaking best. We may fight like family but it's because of our passion for our Kings. We did it before and we can do it again. Don't mess with us.


Okay, that last part made me feel a little like Mel Gibson in blue facepaint. :p
PDA is the general manager. It seems to me part of his duties are to keep players updated about significant team developments. Moreover it seems that his fanbase is in open revolt. Where is he?? Where is the explanation, the rationale? Rome is burning and he is out playing the violin.


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Okay, Grant's Rant is beyond classic...and light-hearted and funny as hell. He didn't replay Ken, so if you missed it you'll have to catch it when the show posts. His rant is about the employment of guys in top restaurant men's rooms who just stand there and pull paper towels off the rack and hand them to guys.


Hall of Famer
Maybe Vivek will get all butthurt that we arent down with his NBA 3.0 trash and sell off his shares to the other owners.

I'd rather have Shaq calling the shots than Vivek.


Hall of Famer
You don't understand the meaning of interim.
Wrong again.

I know you're confused and obviously not up to date(I'd suggest you get up to date) but when you have read and are up to date on what's happening, then quote me.

When writers covering the Kings have come out and said Corbin is no longer the interim coach and the players just found out, and aren't happy about finding out Corbin was just given a deal as the head coach for the rest of the year(removing that interim label), little Section 101 on the sidelines with his own chain of events doesn't matter.

Now, back to bigger issues like what's actually happening with our Kings.


Hall of Famer
Season ticket holder calling in now - sits about 10 rows behind Grant and Jerry. He's demanding that the front office come out and be honest or they're gonna lose a lot of ticket renewals.
This is really one of the bigger issues. On top of everything else, Vivek and PDA have gone into hiding. They're letting players and fans alike get in an uproar over the unknown as no one has any idea what's going on, what the plan is and as that caller pointed out, why we're all so wrong and the FO and Vivek is right.

That caller made a good point. When media, writers, fans and players are all questioning what's going on and the presumption from the FO is they're right and everyone else is wrong, then come out and tell us why we're all so wrong! Tell us your plan. Tell us why what we're all witnessing is actually the improvement you claimed it would be.

We're being treated like the dumbest fanbase across pro sports, as if we don't have a clue what bad decisions and losing basketball looks like. We're Kings fans, we're experts on losing basketball and bad decisions! It's our history.


Super Moderator Emeritus
General note: One caller suggested the front office should just admit they were wrong, apologize and bring Malone back. Grant made it abundantly clear that's NOT going to happen.

In my opinion, they will find a way out of this that will involve them saying something conciliatory to the fans like "We heard you and we agree" or some other such nonsense. At this point, I don't give a rat's patoot what they say. I'm only going to be looking at actions. Bring in George Karl, or any other nationally renowned coach, and we're golden. Bring in anybody else and we're gonna talk some more and it's not gonna be friendly.
General note: One caller suggested the front office should just admit they were wrong, apologize and bring Malone back. Grant made it abundantly clear that's NOT going to happen.

In my opinion, they will find a way out of this that will involve them saying something conciliatory to the fans like "We heard you and we agree" or some other such nonsense. At this point, I don't give a rat's patoot what they say. I'm only going to be looking at actions. Bring in George Karl, or any other nationally renowned coach, and we're golden. Bring in anybody else and we're gonna talk some more and it's not gonna be friendly.
Even if they do, fans will remain suspicious of their motives and overall abilities to manage a franchise. Damage is done.


Hall of Famer
Hmm, I guess the caller I heard was Ken, not the previous STH. I've been listening since the Jones interview. I'm going to want to hear Grant's opening later.

As an aside, I've never seen Kings fans almost entirely on the same page. Nothing close to this. We disagree on trades and signings and use of players, stuff like that and it's normally your average split.

The entire fanbase is not only pissed, but getting angrier by the day. There's so many layers and so much going wrong. Every update, from player comments to hiding Corbin's new contract from both the players and fans is really sending fans to the edge. I really can't believe Vivek and PDA not only fired Malone without telling Cuz and presumably others, but then signed Corbin to a new contract without telling anyone either. I've never seen mismanagement on this level. This is just basic, common sense it seems our hierarchy doesn't have.


Hall of Famer
As an aside, I've never seen Kings fans almost entirely on the same page. Nothing close to this. We disagree on trades and signings and use of players, stuff like that and it's normally your average split.

The entire fanbase is not only pissed, but getting angrier by the day. There's so many layers and so much going wrong. Every update, from player comments to hiding Corbin's new contract from both the players and fans is really sending fans to the edge. I really can't believe Vivek and PDA not only fired Malone without telling Cuz and presumably others, but then signed Corbin to a new contract without telling anyone either. I've never seen mismanagement on this level. This is just basic, common sense it seems our hierarchy doesn't have.
The more that information is withheld, the more the fan base and players will wonder what else is being withheld.
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