Grant calls out front office on his radio show

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This community and this fan base has fought too damn hard and has been too loyal to just sit back and watch what's happening right now. They need to know what the plan is!
That's just a brief snippet. Grant is totally going off and I'm very proud of him because he's voicing concerns in our behalf and in the behalf of the players.


Hall of Famer
Grant Napear just called out the front office, saying they need to come out and address the fans. Listen to his show!
I don't listen to radios so undoubtedly have missed the real goodies. I think at some point, as soon as possible, Vivek has to address the fans. Vivek, being a human being, has had his dream shattered and instead of developing a new brand of basketball that would dominate the NBA, he has become a laughing stock. He probably has found some cave and is in the deepest recess licking his wounds. However, when he addresses the fans, he is going to have to address the Malone firing. Is there anyone here who would let him get away without discussing that?

He is going to have to be ready to fall on his sword and say he screwed up. That's the only thing that would satisfy me. I doubt if he has that capability.


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That's just a brief snippet. Grant is totally going off and I'm very proud of him because he's voicing concerns in our behalf and in the behalf of the players.
first the front office has VF21 herself turning against them, now Grant Napear has decided to risk his job to call out the front office on his show. That's when you know things have gotten REAL BAD
This has not been Grant's MO in all the years I've listened to him. He's never ripped into the ownership and front office like this. If anything he's been criticized for being a mouthpiece for the Maloofs. This makes me think one of three things:

(1) He's really so frustrated as to risk his job by hammering Vivek and the front office.
(2) The Maloofs had him under lock and key and the new ownership has given him more free reign to express his true feelings
(3) Grant still largely works as a mouthpiece for ownership and Vivek is having him lay the ground work to try and fix this mess. Maybe by walking it back and rehiring Malone.

I'd love it if it was (3) but I seriously doubt it. I also don't believe it's (1). So I'm left to think Grant has a little more freedom to express his true feelings and unsurprisingly he feels the same way we do.

Whatever the case, I'm so much happier hearing this from him than, "We have to be patient, the team almost moved and there's a plan in place blah, blah, blah."

Good for Grant.
That's just a brief snippet. Grant is totally going off and I'm very proud of him because he's voicing concerns in our behalf and in the behalf of the players.
I am still at work therefore can't listen right now. However, I am glad Grant is not holding back at all.
I don't listen to radios so undoubtedly have missed the real goodies. I think at some point, as soon as possible, Vivek has to address the fans. Vivek, being a human being, has had his dream shattered and instead of developing a new brand of basketball that would dominate the NBA, he has become a laughing stock. He probably has found some cave and is in the deepest recess licking his wounds. However, when he addresses the fans, he is going to have to address the Malone firing. Is there anyone here who would let him get away without discussing that?

He is going to have to be ready to fall on his sword and say he screwed up. That's the only thing that would satisfy me. I doubt if he has that capability.

Thats the exact point. Even if he addresses the Malone firing, it will be with excuses. He will say that there were differences in the style of play that the FO wants vs Malone's. He would never admit that he f-ed up. If he does own it completely, I would actually have a little respect for him. But I doubt he would. He is too full of himself.
That's just a brief snippet. Grant is totally going off and I'm very proud of him because he's voicing concerns in our behalf and in the behalf of the players.
Good! it's about time he started being real with his responses rather than catering to whoever cuts his paychecks. That has always been my biggest issue with him, never felt i could take him seriously because he always talked out of both sides of his mouth.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I can't really transcribe from radio as easily as I can from TV. Bascially, if you've read rainmaker, Padrino, Bricklayer, funkykingston, and a few others, you just have to reread their stuff in Grant's voice and you'll get an idea of what he said.

Here are some of the points I remember him saying:

Wrong to not let players know first what's going on.
Team is considerably worse now than they were before firing.
Sacramento fans are knowledgeable and loyal and should not be treated this way.
Malone should NOT have been fired mid-season, especially the way we started.
National media is asking him what the heck is going on...he has no answers.
Players are demoralized and confused, along with all of us.
Front office absolutely must come out and give us real answers not vague meaningless phrasings.
If front office doesn't do something, even best fans are gonna tune out. Been through too much for too long.

He's going to be taking calls and I can only imagine what else will be said.

I've given Grant a lot of grief over the years but he's speaking for US right now. He said he'd love to be able to give us answers but he doesn't have a clue about what's going on and we ALL deserve better.
Thats the exact point. Even if he addresses the Malone firing, it will be with excuses. He will say that there were differences in the style of play that the FO wants vs Malone's. He would never admit that he f-ed up. If he does own it completely, I would actually have a little respect for him. But I doubt he would. He is too full of himself.
Vivek needs to have what he's going to say all ready to go before he steps before the fans. Refer to this mornings interview with Jed York to hear what happens when your not prepared.


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Our front office sure is on fire....

Jason Jones @mr_jasonjones
DeMarcus Cousins said most players found out on the internet/social media that Tyrone Corbin would be their coach the rest of the season.
And Boogie also said that's how he found out about the Malone firing despite PDA claiming Cousins was notified. How do you have a FRANCHISE player and fire a coach he respects and is playing his best basketball for with zero advanced notice? Ridiculous.
It might have to do with the fact that Grant's contract was recently renewed and he is set financially, or that the station decided not to make the same mistake it did with the Maloofs and not let the Kings dictate what the jocks can say......Regardless im glad he is actually speaking for the fans for once, and not giving us the tired old wait and see theres a grand master plan and shouting down callers who believe otherwise.

One can dream that this is groundwork for a Malone return(PDA/Mullin out) or at worst a Karl hire.
Season ticket holder calling in now - sits about 10 rows behind Grant and Jerry. He's demanding that the front office come out and be honest or they're gonna lose a lot of ticket renewals.
Maybe the front office believes the real truth will make public sentiment worse than it already is.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Grant really having to cut callers short because he's got so many waiting. He's also making sure he sets the record straight when someone tries to put the blame on someone like Chris Granger, who has absolutely nothing to do with the basketball operations side of the business.

Turn on the sprinkler system. Grant Napear is on fire.
Never in my time as a fan in the past eight years did I think I would hear somebody from 1140 stand up and say what Napear is saying right now.

I certainly and without apology have my issues with 1140 and got to the point where I gave up on them, but Grant has stepped up to the plate today and while I've always had respect for his knowledge, what he did today was GREAT!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Never in my time as a fan in the past eight years did I think I would hear somebody from 1140 stand up and say what Napear is saying right now.

I certainly and without apology have my issues with 1140 and got to the point where I gave up on them, but Grant has stepped up to the plate today and while I've always had respect for his knowledge, what he did today was GREAT!!!
And he's still doing it. As I posted above, the show will be archived on KHTK so those who aren't able to listen right now will be able to hear his opening. It's CLASSIC and it's one of the best things I've ever heard on sports talk radio. And this is from someone who has pulled no punches with Grant, often referring to him as Howdy Doody or other terms of non-endearment.
And he's still doing it. As I posted above, the show will be archived on KHTK so those who aren't able to listen right now will be able to hear his opening. It's CLASSIC and it's one of the best things I've ever heard on sports talk radio. And this is from someone who has pulled no punches with Grant, often referring to him as Howdy Doody or other terms of non-endearment.
My wife loved the howdy doody reference. She's always referred to him as "big red".


Super Moderator Emeritus
To give you an idea of just how compelling Grant's show was for the first hour, I actually turned off the TV to listen to him. The last time I did that was the day Chris Webber signed his contract to stay with the Kings. :)
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