Grades v. Pistons 01/02

Kings player of the game?

  • Brad Miller

    Votes: 31 60.8%
  • John Salmons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jason Thompson

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • Bobby Jackson, just for that play

    Votes: 12 23.5%

  • Total voters
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We got Stuckied.

Cisco ( C- ) -- hit the first shot of the game and got active early. But active in both good and bad ways with turnovers and fouls too (the fouls would become his story fo the game). Returned briefly in the second, but quickly picked up his third foul and sat the rest of the half. Quickly picked up his 4th, and should have had his 5th, not once, but twice in the early third. the first time the 5th was a shaky call when Prince tripped himself, and somehow the refs phantomed it on Beno to give both guys 4 fouls instead. Then a few minutes later Cisco again got his 5th...somehow called on Thompson instead. After the early burst, game aside from the fouling was largely ineffective. Prince pretty much ignored him, and neither small guard matchup (Stuckey/Iverson) was in his favor. Also fumbled several good looking backdoor passes by Brad.

Moore ( C ) -- started off getting creamed on the glass by a very active Amir Johnson, and responded by letting him free for dunk after dunk as well. That'll show him. Showed more life on the glass in the second quarter before leaving in favor of a scrappy Thompson, but that was about it for Mikki. Was back in the third, but you would never have known it, and in a dozen second half minutes came up wiht a grand total of 0pts 1reb.

Miller ( B+ ) -- combined with Cisco for all our early points, and was pretty smooth both with the jumper, and cutting down inside to take passes for layups. Started bricking the jumper as the game went along, but began to put up big rebounding numbers mucking around inside off of his own misses and getting little follows. In particular feasted when a pathetic Jason Maxiel brought his stubby self into the game with no energy or height. Missed a gimme follow at the rim down the stretch which hurt, and had multiple of his backdoor passes to Cisco and Kevin just barely off the mark and flubbed by fumble thumby recipients. Interior help defense was pathetic as he practically offered to take Stuckey's coat as he blasted through the lane again and again. I think big numbers here would justify an A-, but I was less pleased wiht the details to this one, so went half a grade lower.

Salmons ( B ) -- wrapped up by Prince in the early going, but came to life down the stretch in the second quarter, in particular with Kevin in there to draw some defensive attention away from him. Not sure any of his points were against Prince, but lit up Stuckey, A.I. and friends at will (which I think is more a blunder by Curry actually (shocker) -- the better macthup is the small quick guys on Kevin, and Prince on Salmons). Was quiet in the third, but a little burst in the mid 4th helped keep us within striking distance. Lack of size against post up SFs was again put on display as Prince took him down on the baseline to work his post game on him late. For the seocnd game in a row though gave us an uncommon effort on the boards -- John normally rebounds like an OG, which he in fact is. But the last couple of games he's put up solid SF board numbers.

Udrih ( D ) -- blown right by repeately by Stuckey in the early going, resumed getting lit up by Stuckey in the third quarter, and when he got sent to the bench on a phantom 4th foul that should have gone to Cisco (or more likely nobody) it may have been a blessing. Finally got his first, and only, two points on a pair of FTs to close the third quarter and get us back wihtin 7. Left the game late in the 4th limping, although whether it was a true injury or a Ciscoesque I did bad maybe if I limp it'll look better thing is an open question. Stuckey was certainly blowing by him like he had one leg. Must say, erratic and error prone as the early season Beno was, I liked him a lot better than this neautered non-factor Natt has created. Free him up Natt, for better or worse -- how could it get worse? We got outscored at the point tonight 38-4. :eek:


Martin ( C ) -- came into the game trying to do work as a passer, and set up Miller nicely for a layup with one of them. Also turned it over on another. Was playign the role pretty well, and as it turned out was better with the passing than he was with the scoring tonight. Kept on trying, and bricking threes. Was better inside, and took Iverson once nicvely in there. Often has problems wite quick defenders, but figured out to use his size this time. finally got another hit to close the first half and bring us within one. After half it was a struggle, but somewhat of his own making. Has to at some point here quit trying to play the refs, and start playing basketball. Really struggled with the shot (4-15), but inside at least some of it was again because he was looking for the refs to bail him out on every play rather than just finishing strong. Had a few good takes, and the early passing was nicely executed to salvage this somewhat despite the 30% shooting.

BJax ( B- ) -- little in the first half other than foul trouble as he could not slow down the Stuckey express. Better defense after half as he began to make use of his physicality, but was still headed toward an empty night until he suddenly came up with the play of the game. Great attempt to hero us back into it with 3 minutes to go, after Brad and Kevin misconnected on a backdoor pass (and with Kevin throwing his head back and quitting on the play) Bobby (who does not quit) snuck behind a casual Iverson in the backcourt, stole the ball, and then dribbeled into the corner to can the big three in Stuckey's face. Think it brought us to within three, and was as close as we would get to pulling the upset (if indeed it would have been that big of an upset with no Sheed/Rip).

Thompson ( B+ ) -- came in with hustle and more turnover problems, but began to impact things in the second quarter, although it was a wild mess as usual. We had bad passes, turnovers, blocked attempts, airballs, and yet through it all just by sheer energy also had putbacks, tipped balls, a hustle save out of bounds, and with the Pistons apparently trying to throw the game with a totally ineffective Maxiel/Hermann forntcourt, Jason ran circles around them. In the late third was back to run the floor and get putbacks and dunks....and of course to get balls slapped away and fouls. Wild, messy game, and frankly nothing you can remotely build anything on the future star type front. But had a discernible impact as a majro garbage/hustle pace changing player, and so I bumped him a bit.

Brown ( D+ ) -- the second half of our PG duo of doom (doom for us). I thoguht we had better pacing with him in there in the early second, even though his own production was limited. Played a little better defense too, as he was able to get up and pressure the ball. But after half it was rough sledding, with Stuckey jsut going off against whoever he was facing. He ran by Beno with quicknmess, and just powered right through the skinnier Bobby at will. Bobby was overpowerd in the 3rd, and then beaten repeatedly down the stretch after he came in to replace Beno. His response was to attempt a wildly inappropriate one one one hero three with under two minutes to go that was just not what was needed. Still going to call this marginally betetr than Beno's night, but 2 points on 1-6 shooting, and as mentioend we got outscored 38-4 at the point. Ouch.
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I know it's your platform Brick, but I have my quick take:

Garcia C+
Should have played more when Stuckey got really HOT, which was most of the night. Foul problems seemed to be the issue, but Natt blew it by staying with a HORRIBLY over-matched B. Brown. Cisco wore Stuckey like a tight glove the final minute or two of the game - but it was too late.

Udrih F+
No one could be worse than B. Brown at PG tonight, so Beno gets a + to stay a hair ahead on the being utterly despicable meter.

Miller A-
Surprisingly active all night racking up big points, rebounds, deserving a high grade. I guess score a minus by missing Kings lone FT with team dropping 33-34 from the line.

Salmons B-
Not as active all night long as needed, but had his moments which kept Kings in the game. On D bothered AI a LOT.

Moore F+
I'm determined not to give either Beno or Mikki a flat F, as hard as that is.
Horrible performance to say the least.

Martin B
Just start him from now on, even though he's been his usual productive self off the bench last two games coming back from injury. Not a good shooting night, but man can he make it up from the line so effortlessly.

Thompson B
Just start the rook. He brings so much lay it out there effort and is starting to "get it" - I think. Letting things come to him more and his rebounding is so superior to Moore it's a pathetic joke at this point. Jason's the Kings power forward RIGHT NOW, Spencer the Kings center in the future - like when Brad is traded (hopefully soon).

Jackson B
I admire his veteran presence on the court at the end of a tight game and I like that he's a man not a boy when you need it - hear that B. Brown. Kept the Kings in this game down the stretch while B. Brown was choking.

B. Brown F-
Everyone saw it, so I should not have to go through the gory details of explaining how Stuckey scored 38 pts, how Kings offense broke down in shambles with this so-called PG as an 'NBA floor general' - etc, etc.
Stuckey was a man out there tonight. Just put it on the floor and attack, as much as possible. He wasn't playing like that the first few weeks of the season.

Kings had good effort but too many people were just flailing for rebounds instead of anticipating and grabbing them and they dribble side-to-side not really going anywhere way too much.

Just watching the game casually I thought Kevin Martin did a good job passing, I was surprised he only had 3 assists. Brad's 25 and 16 didn't impress me as much as a 25 and 16 game should.
Garcia C+
Should have played more when Stuckey got really HOT, which was most of the night. Foul problems seemed to be the issue, but Natt blew it by staying with a HORRIBLY over-matched B. Brown. Cisco wore Stuckey like a tight glove the final minute or two of the game - but it was too late.

Udrih F+
No one could be worse than B. Brown at PG tonight, so Beno gets a + to stay a hair ahead on the being utterly despicable meter.

Jackson B
I admire his veteran presence on the court at the end of a tight game and I like that he's a man not a boy when you need it - hear that B. Brown. Kept the Kings in this game down the stretch while B. Brown was choking.

B. Brown F-
Everyone saw it, so I should not have to go through the gory details of explaining how Stuckey scored 38 pts, how Kings offense broke down in shambles with this so-called PG as an 'NBA floor general' - etc, etc.
Bobby played less than Beno and BJax and your Cisco and how in the world is he responsible for Stuckey's 38 points?! You seem not to notice that with Brown at the point we made that run in the 2nd Q to make it a 3 point game instead of a 10 and 12 with Beno and Jackson.
COME ON Bobby Brown is a ROOKIE! No surprise he's making foolish mistakes right now, it would be much sadder if it was made by a 5 year nba pro.
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I agree let BOBBY BROWN start some games,and you'll see him at his best and this is a team they all sucked lastnite,i love the way some people on this site blame him it's not fair but people have there opinion....... kenny natt wait's until the team is down by 10 or 15 pts before bringing him in at the pg it's hard to come in a game like that always down when he come the game COME ON KENNY NATT GO WITH YOUR GUT FEELING GO WITH THE YOUNG PLAYER >>>>SPENCER,B.BROWN,JASON the kings need to run


Super Moderator Emeritus
I agree let BOBBY BROWN start some games,and you'll see him at his best and this is a team they all sucked lastnite,i love the way some people on this site blame him it's not fair but people have there opinion....... kenny natt wait's until the team is down by 10 or 15 pts before bringing him in at the pg it's hard to come in a game like that always down when he come the game COME ON KENNY NATT GO WITH YOUR GUT FEELING GO WITH THE YOUNG PLAYER >>>>SPENCER,B.BROWN,JASON the kings need to run
Blame? You obviously know Bobby Brown personally so your opinion is obviously biased, which isn't a problem unless you take the comments about Brown personally.

What you don't know or understand is that most of us here DON'T know him personally and never will. We judge him SOLELY by his performances on the court, relative to our own expectations and the performances of other players around him.

Our opinion of him is only as an NBA player and, for the most part, our opinions have been favorable. If he's as good as you think (and we hope) he is, he'll earn respect from us as he gets more experience.

If you want a comparison, go back and look at the older threads about Kevin Martin. The majority opinion around here was that he'd never amount to much, might not even get a second contract, etc.
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