Then maybe someone should get the little guy some tissues.
Tell that boy to toughen up. He's been all about himself numerous times, looking off Reke/Cuz to get his own, celebrating every other shot he hits, contributing to Reke getting benched repeatedly because he won't give up the ball. He sits one 4th quarter and he's teary eyed? Napoleon complex rears its head once again. It's about IT and IT getting his points. Thinking he's the top option and should be our leading scorer. This is what happens when you turn a role player into someone who thinks he's a top option.
Tell that boy to toughen up. He's been all about himself numerous times, looking off Reke/Cuz to get his own, celebrating every other shot he hits, contributing to Reke getting benched repeatedly because he won't give up the ball. He sits one 4th quarter and he's teary eyed? Napoleon complex rears its head once again. It's about IT and IT getting his points. Thinking he's the top option and should be our leading scorer. This is what happens when you turn a role player into someone who thinks he's a top option.
IT has always been a very professional teammate. We didn't hear any negativity from him when he was benched for Brooks and he's always the first one off the bench to meet the players on a timeout.