Grades v. Hornets 01/08

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TheSerbianQueen said:
I can't even believe that this thread has turned into an argument over who wasn't getting the ball enough in the game. RELAX!!! Noone can deny that Pedja had a good game and Webber didn't really have one of his better games. The fact that we are arguing over who got the most shots in the OT is SILLY since THERE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN OVERTIME against a team like NO.... Kings should've finished that game in 48 minutes and not let it come to this. So for that fact alone, it is not Pedja's fault, or Webb's or Mike's....... IT IS THE WHOLE TEAM"S FAULT. orleans should of never been in the game, but we played lazy D.
I read through the whole thread and I think alot of people got caught up arguing over who took the last shot and etc, but that's not the reason we lost. The reason we lost the game was because our defense SUCKS. I rewatch the last 5 minute of the game, and amazingly there''s always one hornet with a wide open 3. I dont want to blame Bibby since he's our mr. clutch and all that, but he's the main culprit. His man got free for the open 3 and he doesnt even bother putting his hand up to do anything. He just basically stand there and watch the follow through. When you have problem guarding Baron Davis, that is one thing, but when even Dan Dickau get by you, that is completely unacceptable.

Offensively, I though Webber got a bit to jumper happy late in the game. He did not have it at all. Also terrible decision on taking that 3 to tie the game and clank it. Luckily it was pass out to Bibby who nailed the shot. That was a poor decision. We had at least 20 second left and 2 time out. The last peson i want to see taking that 3 with that much clock left is Webber ( and yes, i saw his 3 point at the buzzer earlier in the year.)
So much for our win verse the San Antoino Spurs. I thought the KIngs would do good defense after that game since the Kings did some mighty D against them. I thought we were going to get momentum and confidence after that game. I guess I was wrong.:eek:

The Kings did really good on the road trip except.............defense.
Hornet's played a decent game last night, and only Tbear03 acknowledged this! Baron Davis killed us (26/10/17), didn't he just recently come off the injured list?

Web, Brad and Bibster all went 6 for something (6-6-6), that's certainly an ugly stat... :eek:

There was very little driving down the lane by Kings last night, why was that? Anderson only nabbed 3 boards, and I didn't see him as a threat under the basket during his 21 minutes, he actually seemed a little soft. Why didn't we do any driving to the basket? I saw Web take many way-too-early shots from the perimeter. Why didn't he drive down the lane more?

Missed Doug on perimeter defense, for sure. But Evans helped with 6-8 shooting and 6 boards (3 of them offensive). Maybe it was a wash without Doug's D on the floor at crucial times, I dunno...

Peja does not hang around the basket and therefore will not be picking up offensive rebounds. I'm not sure how you teach a guy to hang around the basket when a) he appears to be afraid of getting hurt and b) he wants to be open on the perimeter should one of the other King's grab the board. (?) Peja's personal D was as good as it always is last night, wasn't it? I didn't observe Peja being open at the end and/or being ignored.

Should have been more bench play for the 2nd back-to-back this week. Songalia helped out with 4 points and 4 boards (3 offensive). After checking the stats for Ostertag and KM, who combined for 5.30 minutes each for a whopping 1 TO apiece (KM did grab an OR)...No wonder Adelman wouldn't hang with the deep bench last night for long.

Just a sorry hard loss, and to the worst team in the NBA. I hated to see the King's lose this one, both for position and psyche reasons. YUCHY-POO!
Pacboy said:
Also terrible decision on taking that 3 to tie the game and clank it. Luckily it was pass out to Bibby who nailed the shot. That was a poor decision. We had at least 20 second left and 2 time out. The last peson i want to see taking that 3 with that much clock left is Webber ( and yes, i saw his 3 point at the buzzer earlier in the year.)
Wrong, there was only 2.5 seconds left after that 3 pointer by Bibby, no? Web missed the 3 point jumper, Peja grabbed the long board and quickly passed to Bibby, who was the only open man in 3 point range (we need 3 to tie). ???? It was the best decision of the night imo, and actually turned out to be the best shot of the night!
Bricklayer said:
You are so full of it its not even funny.

Ok, going to make this simple. You're nobody. Just a made up username stealing the name of a deceased and highly overrated 19th century African tribal leader. You could be a 45yr old flabby bald guy sitting in his tightie whities in his mother's basement. But even if you're not. Even if you were
what you say you are, do you think we are sitting here remotely impressed?

We sit on this board in judgment of the Sacramento Kings. A professional basketball team playing at the highest level league in which the sport is currently played. Every single member of the Kings has played, coached, GM'd basketball at a higher level than you have no matter whether you're totally full of **** or not. Do you think we are going to sit here and critique Rick Adelman and Geoff Petrie and be remotely interested or impressed if gee, you know how to bounce a ball?

Quit patronizing our board members. At the point that you have displayed enough basketball and/or Kings knowledge to remotely hold many of their jocksstraps (or sportsbras as the case may be), I'll send you a PM welcoming you to to the club. Until such time all the preening and posing in the world isn't going to convince anybody of anything except that you are incapable of making an effective argument without trying to invoke some bogus "I have special knoweldge" trump card. Sure ya do sport. And I'm the Queen of Siam.
It's obvious to me that you probably have never played the Game of Basketball yourself personally with your what you are saying Now.You attack KING SHAKA ZULU who I know personally is one of Chris webber's and many other NBA players around the league's most notable and praised African leaders who during the month of kwanza is are one of are few celebrated Black hero,s.That for one thang was an unecessary attack that has nothing to do with Basketball you go around the league you ask any player of Nubian descent asked them what they think of KING SHAKA and they defintley will not tell you overated my friend.They will tell you he's one of few African leaders that we cling on hold to as NUBIAN PEOPLE.But to get back to the the Game of Basketball I cannot really say any more but to tell you to look at what marty mcneal said in Today's paper abou the game.

[font=verdana,geneva,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Kings Notes: Peja couldn't get ball with game on the line

By Martin McNeal -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, January 9, 2005

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NEW ORLEANS - Peja Stojakovic pretty much was the Kings' lone accurate shooter for most of Saturday night against the New Orleans Hornets.

But when the game was on the line, Sacramento couldn't get him the ball.

Stojakovic scored a season-high 37 points on 13 of 22 field-goal attempts (2 of 7 from three-point range) and 9 of 9 free-throw tries.

However, Stojakovic attempted just one field goal during the final eight minutes of regulation, although he did get two free-throw attempts with 1:09 left in regulation.

Sacramento put the ball into his hands in overtime, but Stojakovic was stripped by Baron Davis, who quickly fed Dan Dickau for a go-ahead layin that gave the Hornets a 109-107 lead with 3:20 left.

"They switched the way they were playing him," Kings coach Rick Adelman said of the Hornets, who used the 6-foot-3 Davis against the 6-10 Stojakovic. "They switched people and used Davis on him, and he was very aggressive against him.

"We definitely tried to run things to get him the ball, but (the Hornets) weren't covering him the way they were earlier."

That does sound like a logical concept for the Hornets, considering Stojakovic was torching Lee Nailon and Bostjan Nachbar.

The question is, where was the adjustment to the adjustment by the Kings' coaching staff or Stojakovic's adjustment to being defended by a player giving up seven inches?

That's not to mention his teammates, realizing that their hottest player on the floor wasn't getting a chance to win a game he seemed very capable of winning with just a little help.

A tale of two nights - The Hornets scored 30 points in the fourth quarter against the Kings after scoring just 11 in the fourth during a loss Friday night at Memphis.

Moreover, the Hornets had made fewer than 45 percent of their shots in 24 of their previous 28 games but shot 45.2 percent against the Kings.

The 121 points the Hornets scored were a season high, as was their 102 in regulation. They came in averaging a league-low 85.5 points per game.

Et cetera - Sacramento was outscored 18-8 in fast-break points.

* The Hornets are 2-12 at home.

About the writer:

  • The Bee's Martin McNea
The kings must win games like tonight with no excuses involved CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS kicked the bad TEAMS when they are down wounded and all. They have no mercy no compassion on the journey towards winning a CHAMPIONSHIP.They smell blood and go for the kill.The KINGS need to be really pissed and each player must look himself or herself in the mirror and asked the question do they want it Bad enough do they really want to be CHAMPIONS and us FANS are included.When you constantly miss rebounds after missed free throws when you need that BALL and the game is tight something is wrong.When your COACH elects to play inexperienced players regardless of what you did 2 minutes ago and he doesn't use his more experienced VET who knows his other 4 guys has experience in tuff game situtations and is all defense the past 5 seasons and you really need this DEFENSIVE stop and he is on the BENCH something is wrong.

When you have a scorer like PEJA STOJAKOVIC on your TEAM and he is hot he has scored 10 points in 2 minutes and during last 2 minutes he doesn't touch the ball when you need his hot hand and you go pick n roll with a player who is not in rythym and he has just entered from sitting he has a bad knee that needs time to get warm the game you go away from your HOT HAND and elect to go pick n roll with COLD HAND something is wrong do you really want to WIN.

If you watch the tape over again you will see peja open on 2 plays.The first Webber had tunnel vision he didn't see peja periphally and he was open.Another play Webber and bibby go pick an roll and Bibby gets the open look but peja was also open wide open.When you have a hot man even if he is duoble you must forc and find a way for him to get the ball or use him being doubled as an offensive decoy.The thing I would od as point guard would be go pick n roll with peja especially by him being the HOT MAN.They failed to go to ther strengths and the HORNETS did.

see you folks have never ever pick a basketball up to play yourself personally.I don't mean literally force the ball to him I mean force the ball to were you find a way by playing will power to get the ball to your go to guy who is hot.See if you have ever really played you would know what Iam saying.
Now above is Today's article with marty mcneal saying how Peja couldn't get the ball with the game on the line.Rick adleman made an accuse of why he didn't get the ball with Baron davis 6 inches shorter on him.But MARTY came back and said what I was trying to say was that you find away with adjustementS to get him the Ball.So you are forcing the issue in a sense like I said you make the adjustments and you WILLl a way for your HOT HAND like marty said, like I said, to get the ball.YOU FORCE THE ISSUE PUSH THE VOULUME UNTIL THEY CAN STOP IT.

Edited to clean up and remove advertisements. - VF21

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The kings have a thang to let BAD TEAMS NON FACTOR PLAYERS get career highs bust out of slumps and have record breaking Games against them.To compare them with the Lakers of 2001-2002 you cannot.The kings are there own brand of TEAM they have there own flaws they have there OWN Brand of LOSING GAMES.The KINGS are always judged by there inability too stick a fork into there opponents when they are down in Big games or even games they should normally win and this is a mentality that people say we don't have this mentality is a killer instinct.Why does Baron Davis have a mediocre game last night versus the Grizzlies and then come out tonight get career Highs in assists 17 get a rare Triple double and Help get a rookie career highs in points.The hornets are a Terrible TEAM who loose because they can't score,But they come out against us and get 121 points season high and can't score 80 points against the Grizzlies,This is not expectable and it is unexusable play.We played soft and should have flet sorry for a TEAM that won't win another Game in maybe another 3 or 4 weeks from Now.

A tale of two nights - The Hornets scored 30 points in the fourth quarter against the Kings after scoring just 11 in the fourth during a loss Friday night at Memphis.

Moreover, the Hornets had made fewer than 45 percent of their shots in 24 of their previous 28 games but shot 45.2 percent against the Kings.

The 121 points the Hornets scored were a season high, as was their 102 in regulation. They came in averaging a league-low 85.5 points per game.

Et cetera - Sacramento was outscored 18-8 in fast-break points.

* The Hornets are 2-12 at home.
I said this last night.
albeitrue said:
Wrong, there was only 2.5 seconds left after that 3 pointer by Bibby, no? Web missed the 3 point jumper, Peja grabbed the long board and quickly passed to Bibby, who was the only open man in 3 point range (we need 3 to tie). ???? It was the best decision of the night imo, and actually turned out to be the best shot of the night!

Yes, it was a good shot by Bibby, but it was our luck that Peja grabbed the long board. It was a poor decision to shoot that 3 by Webb in the first place. We had time to set up a play or call a timeout and set one up, but he rush the shot in transition.
Pacboy said:
Yes, it was a good shot by Bibby, but it was our luck that Peja grabbed the long board. It was a poor decision to shoot that 3 by Webb in the first place. We had time to set up a play or call a timeout and set one up, but he rush the shot in transition.
I did wonder why a timeout wasn't called, as they were being pressed down the court with -- for the record -- less than 20 seconds left.

The 3 from Bibby made me forget about that. ;) Funny how that works, eh?
starks said:
Old story. This is Webber’s team and he will decide what they will play in the clutch time. In that situation Peja is an option number 3. It does not matter if is Peja 13/20 or 20/20, he will not get the ball in clutch time, period. Webber is 6/22 or 0/44 and he’ll take that shoot because he is the boss. If is Peja okay with this, I’m fine too.
let's see how far the KINGS go with this type of leadership that you suggest.
shaka zulu said:
let's see how far the KINGS go with this type of leadership that you suggest.
Hopefully farther than when Webb was out against Dallas and the Peja led team couldn't get it done either...
KP said:
Hopefully farther than when Webb was out against Dallas and the Peja led team couldn't get it done either...
Webber doesn't want to win and He's not a real leader.Real leaders are not made by the media fans coaches etc.Real leaders are Born that way.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
shaka zulu said:
Webber doesn't want to win and He's not a real leader.Real leaders are not made by the media fans coaches etc.Real leaders are Born that way.
Webber doesn't want to win??

Have I mentioned that your credibility is somewhere south of zero at this point?

Now we can at least have a rational discussion if you want to argue that Webber does not know how to win, or has nor made the adjustments necessary to win. But does not want to win? Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
Did you happen to read the whole article? The Kings couldn't get the ball to Peja to end regulation (which ended up tied) but

Sacramento put the ball into his hands in overtime, but Stojakovic was stripped by Baron Davis, who quickly fed Dan Dickau for a go-ahead layin that gave the Hornets a 109-107 lead with 3:20 left.
Perhaps we have different definitions of the phrase 'force the action' and that is where we got off track, well that and the whole pomposity routine. I want to see execution and smart decisions, especially down the stretch. Riding the hot hand is great and something the Kings sometimes stray from doing, but trying to force the issue and get the ball solely to the one player the defense is really keying on isn't.
Peja had a terrific scoring night, but unfortunately, as is so often the case, the Kings did not lose because of their offensive woes, they lost because the defense closely resembled a wet sponge, or swiss cheese. If they would have defended, it would not have come down to who should have been making the shot to tie the freaking game.
Also, you do not know me, do not presume to know anything about where I played.
Kingsgurl said:
Did you happen to read the whole article? The Kings couldn't get the ball to Peja to end regulation (which ended up tied) but

Perhaps we have different definitions of the phrase 'force the action' and that is where we got off track, well that and the whole pomposity routine. I want to see execution and smart decisions, especially down the stretch. Riding the hot hand is great and something the Kings sometimes stray from doing, but trying to force the issue and get the ball solely to the one player the defense is really keying on isn't.
Peja had a terrific scoring night, but unfortunately, as is so often the case, the Kings did not lose because of their offensive woes, they lost because the defense closely resembled a wet sponge, or swiss cheese. If they would have defended, it would not have come down to who should have been making the shot to tie the freaking game.
Also, you do not know me, do not presume to know anything about where I played.
The question is, where was the adjustment to the adjustment by the Kings' coaching staff or Stojakovic's adjustment to being defended by a player giving up seven inches?

That's not to mention his teammates, realizing that their hottest player on the floor wasn't getting a chance to win a game he seemed very capable of winning with just a little help.

Forcing the issue what I was saying.It meant you find away by any means to get your HOT HAND the basketball.And this is what I said but in a different style of dictation.Yeah and I don't know where you played that is correct.But me an MARTY basically were saying the same things.
You were? Odd, I understood what Marty was talking about. Maybe it's because I like and respect Marty? You? I have no clue, you are all over the map on your comments.
I stand by my statements, the Kings did not lose because they didn't get Peja the ball. They lost because they didn't stop NO from scoring. You let a team shoot 50% from the arc, chances are, you are going to lose. It's not like they were 2-4 or even 5-10 either. They were 13-26


Super Moderator Emeritus
shaka - You continually attack people for not playing the game of basketball. EXACTLY what are your credentials? If you're going to attack others, you have to be willing to put out WHY you are so much wiser than anyone else.
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Actually, Shaka has a good point. If you've never played basketball competitively you can hardly understand the game at the same level as if you did not. I agree with the young man so far and I don't think just because someone's post count is small that that means that they are any worse either (as Brick is implying) ...
shaka zulu said:
Webber doesn't want to win and He's not a real leader.Real leaders are not made by the media fans coaches etc.Real leaders are Born that way.
What the **** does that have to do with what I said? I'm sorry but this guy has gotta be kidding he doesn't even comment on other peoples points.


Super Moderator Emeritus
sloter - What a crock. How do you know who has and hasn't played "competitively" around here? AND just because someone makes a claim to one thing or another on a message board, what proof is there?

So, actually - Shaka hasn't made ANY point that can be verified OR that means a blasted thing.

He's new to the board and comes in pounding his chest and claiming to be better than some of us who have been here for years, discussing the team, arguing with each other, etc. I think HE is the one who has some proving to do before I give his comments any further credence. What I've seen so far hasn't impressed me much.

NOTE: Just so someone doesn't play the "moderator" card, these comments are strictly from VF21 the fan.
VF21, actually its pretty obvious from any conversation about basketball to see who has never played organized basketball. If you did play, you would be able to tell the difference.
sloter said:
Actually, Shaka has a good point. If you've never played basketball competitively you can hardly understand the game at the same level as if you did not. I agree with the young man so far and I don't think just because someone's post count is small that that means that they are any worse either (as Brick is implying) ...
Please! Not one of us has ever played one second of NBA basketball or coached for that matter. Look I played 6 years of basketball in JH and High school, some other people may have played some college ball but what the hell does that have to do with the NBA? Every single person who second guesses this team or it's coach is "technically" unqualified to do so. You guys that think you know everything...guess what... you're just FANS! Just like me, and just like everyone else in here. But you can't let opinion take precedent over Facts! If someone shows you in printed fact that your point was wrong, you don't win the argument by saying, "duh...well you never played basketball!" thats just stupid.
Playing organized basketball helps your understanding of the game. The more you played, the more you know. It's that simple.


Super Moderator Emeritus
sloter - That is arguably one of the most bigoted, baised, inciteful comments you have ever made on this board and that's saying something.

What a load of bull****.

Last time I looked, there was nothing in the FAQs that said someone had to have played "organized" basketball (provide a definition for me on that BTW when you get a chance) to have their opinions count on this board nor should it. People earn the respect of other posters on this board AS THEY SHOULD by their knowledge and love of the game, NOT by whether or not they have some set of credentials being flaunted by some newbie who can't seem to stay on topic to save his life.

His continued presence here is in real jeopardy, but it's probably for the best. If "shaka zulu" is so informed and knowledgeable, he'd probably be a lot happier elsewhere where there are more "peers" with which to share his insight.


Super Moderator Emeritus
And for the record? I think a lot of us have played more basketball than you realize. NOT THAT IT MATTERS. That's not what this board is about. We're FANS - not former players of "organized" basketball. And do get back to me with the definition of "organized' when you get a chance, okay?
By organized basketball I mean something where you have coaches and practices and you compete. I know I learned a lot of things that I never knew about until I started practicing even though I played basketball with my friends since I was 5.

And don't get me wrong. I think there's plenty of good opinions here too and I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I did feel bad when the new guy got ripped by Bricklayer for what appeared to be a really good point he made. I actually think that might have been the first time Bricklayer ever overreacted.
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sloter said:
Playing organized basketball helps your understanding of the game. The more you played, the more you know. It's that simple.
Right! so Rick Adelman knows way more than you or me because he played NBA ball and has coached it right? You know that means you can't second guess him bescause he played and coached at a higher level than you right? Webbers played a lot more Ball than you too... So using your logic, I know I won't see any more posts from you questioning Rick or C-webb cuz they know better than you. OK?
Well, that's the only reason why I don't call RA a retard. It's like someone without a B.Sc. calling someone with a Ph.D. stupid. It's possible, but not very likely.


Hall of Famer
KP said:
Right! so Rick Adelman knows way more than you or me because he played NBA ball and has coached it right? You know that means you can't second guess him bescause he played and coached at a higher level than you right? Webbers played a lot more Ball than you too... So using your logic, I know I won't see any more posts from you questioning Rick or C-webb cuz they know better than you. OK?
Dam you and your logic!
sloter said:
Well, that's the only reason why I don't call RA a retard. It's like someone without a B.Sc. calling someone with a Ph.D. stupid. It's possible, but not very likely.
I've seen you say he was wrong though... you know you can't because he played more ball than you right? Your logic not mine... I'm not trying to be a jerk Sloter, but siding with Shaka is beneath you.
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