Bricklayer said:
You are so full of it its not even funny.
Ok, going to make this simple. You're nobody. Just a made up username stealing the name of a deceased and highly overrated 19th century African tribal leader. You could be a 45yr old flabby bald guy sitting in his tightie whities in his mother's basement. But even if you're not. Even if you were
what you say you are, do you think we are sitting here remotely impressed?
We sit on this board in judgment of the Sacramento Kings. A professional basketball team playing at the highest level league in which the sport is currently played. Every single member of the Kings has played, coached, GM'd basketball at a higher level than you have no matter whether you're totally full of **** or not. Do you think we are going to sit here and critique Rick Adelman and Geoff Petrie and be remotely interested or impressed if gee, you know how to bounce a ball?
Quit patronizing our board members. At the point that you have displayed enough basketball and/or Kings knowledge to remotely hold many of their jocksstraps (or sportsbras as the case may be), I'll send you a PM welcoming you to to the club. Until such time all the preening and posing in the world isn't going to convince anybody of anything except that you are incapable of making an effective argument without trying to invoke some bogus "I have special knoweldge" trump card. Sure ya do sport. And I'm the Queen of Siam.
It's obvious to me that you probably have never played the Game of Basketball yourself personally with your what you are saying Now.You attack KING SHAKA ZULU who I know personally is one of Chris webber's and many other NBA players around the league's most notable and praised African leaders who during the month of kwanza is are one of are few celebrated Black hero,s.That for one thang was an unecessary attack that has nothing to do with Basketball you go around the league you ask any player of Nubian descent asked them what they think of KING SHAKA and they defintley will not tell you overated my friend.They will tell you he's one of few African leaders that we cling on hold to as NUBIAN PEOPLE.But to get back to the the Game of Basketball I cannot really say any more but to tell you to look at what marty mcneal said in Today's paper abou the game.
Kings Notes: Peja couldn't get ball with game on the line
By Martin McNeal -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, January 9, 2005
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NEW ORLEANS - Peja Stojakovic pretty much was the Kings' lone accurate shooter for most of Saturday night against the New Orleans Hornets.
But when the game was on the line, Sacramento couldn't get him the ball.
Stojakovic scored a season-high 37 points on 13 of 22 field-goal attempts (2 of 7 from three-point range) and 9 of 9 free-throw tries.
However, Stojakovic attempted just one field goal during the final eight minutes of regulation, although he did get two free-throw attempts with 1:09 left in regulation.
Sacramento put the ball into his hands in overtime, but Stojakovic was stripped by Baron Davis, who quickly fed Dan Dickau for a go-ahead layin that gave the Hornets a 109-107 lead with 3:20 left.
"They switched the way they were playing him," Kings coach Rick Adelman said of the Hornets, who used the 6-foot-3 Davis against the 6-10 Stojakovic. "They switched people and used Davis on him, and he was very aggressive against him.
"We definitely tried to run things to get him the ball, but (the Hornets) weren't covering him the way they were earlier."
That does sound like a logical concept for the Hornets, considering Stojakovic was torching Lee Nailon and Bostjan Nachbar.
The question is, where was the adjustment to the adjustment by the Kings' coaching staff or Stojakovic's adjustment to being defended by a player giving up seven inches?
That's not to mention his teammates, realizing that their hottest player on the floor wasn't getting a chance to win a game he seemed very capable of winning with just a little help.
A tale of two nights - The Hornets scored 30 points in the fourth quarter against the Kings after scoring just 11 in the fourth during a loss Friday night at Memphis.
Moreover, the Hornets had made fewer than 45 percent of their shots in 24 of their previous 28 games but shot 45.2 percent against the Kings.
The 121 points the Hornets scored were a season high, as was their 102 in regulation. They came in averaging a league-low 85.5 points per game.
Et cetera - Sacramento was outscored 18-8 in fast-break points.
* The Hornets are 2-12 at home.
About the writer:
The kings must win games like tonight with no excuses involved CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS kicked the bad TEAMS when they are down wounded and all. They have no mercy no compassion on the journey towards winning a CHAMPIONSHIP.They smell blood and go for the kill.The KINGS need to be really pissed and each player must look himself or herself in the mirror and asked the question do they want it Bad enough do they really want to be CHAMPIONS and us FANS are included.When you constantly miss rebounds after missed free throws when you need that BALL and the game is tight something is wrong.When your COACH elects to play inexperienced players regardless of what you did 2 minutes ago and he doesn't use his more experienced VET who knows his other 4 guys has experience in tuff game situtations and is all defense the past 5 seasons and you really need this DEFENSIVE stop and he is on the BENCH something is wrong.
When you have a scorer like PEJA STOJAKOVIC on your TEAM and he is hot he has scored 10 points in 2 minutes and during last 2 minutes he doesn't touch the ball when you need his hot hand and you go pick n roll with a player who is not in rythym and he has just entered from sitting he has a bad knee that needs time to get warm the game you go away from your HOT HAND and elect to go pick n roll with COLD HAND something is wrong do you really want to WIN.
If you watch the tape over again you will see peja open on 2 plays.The first Webber had tunnel vision he didn't see peja periphally and he was open.Another play Webber and bibby go pick an roll and Bibby gets the open look but peja was also open wide open.When you have a hot man even if he is duoble you must forc and find a way for him to get the ball or use him being doubled as an offensive decoy.The thing I would od as point guard would be go pick n roll with peja especially by him being the HOT MAN.They failed to go to ther strengths and the HORNETS did.
see you folks have never ever pick a basketball up to play yourself personally.I don't mean literally force the ball to him I mean force the ball to were you find a way by playing will power to get the ball to your go to guy who is hot.See if you have ever really played you would know what Iam saying.
Now above is Today's article with marty mcneal saying how Peja couldn't get the ball with the game on the line.Rick adleman made an accuse of why he didn't get the ball with Baron davis 6 inches shorter on him.But MARTY came back and said what I was trying to say was that you find away with adjustementS to get him the Ball.So you are forcing the issue in a sense like I said you make the adjustments and you WILLl a way for your HOT HAND like marty said, like I said, to get the ball.YOU FORCE THE ISSUE PUSH THE VOULUME UNTIL THEY CAN STOP IT.
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