[Grades] Grades v. Bulls 03/13/2013

How did this win make you feel?

  • I am giddy!

    Votes: 30 81.1%
  • I am a miserable little worm.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • We blew our draft position!

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Let's hang somebody in effigy.

    Votes: 2 5.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The Kings shot 54 percent, had a season-low five turnovers and scored 27 fast-break points. According to Elias Sports Bureau, it was the Kings' largest margin of victory since Jan. 2, 1993, when they beat the Philadelphia 76ers 154-98.
Well...I was looking arond for some sort of .gif or something to represent laying down a complete *** whooping, but I guess in the end all that really needs to be said is that we were so hot tonight that we blew the Bulls out by 42 despite Tyreke Evans having no heart.

Fortunately what he did have was 26pts 5rebs 7ast 3stl 1blk on 11-13 shooting in an at times ridiculous display (he took some flat out bad shots but there was no way he was going to miss just about anything on this night). And he was just the tip of the iceberg as virtually everyone aside from Salmons (who still managed to be second on the team in minutes somehow) chipped in to just about the most epic smackdown I can remember this team laying down in the last several years.

Now let's all hurry up and spoil it with the inevitable trade Cousins nonsense.

Full Grading Consortium for tonight:
Capt. Factorial


Stats: 30min 5pts (2-10, 1-5, 0-0) 2reb 2ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Salmons ( D- ) -- Frankly I'm getting tired of writing down, "John misses another three" in my notes. Just maybe he should stop taking that shot for a while, because clearly, he can't hit the side of a barn from out there anymore. Once again, John played a lot of minutes, and the Kings didn't have much to show for it. Yes, he did contribute on the defensive side of the ball. John always plays hard defensively, if not effectively. But only 2 assists and 2 rebounds while throwing up 10 shots and only hitting 2. 1 of 5 from the three. I like John and I think his expressions disquise whats going on inside. My first thought is to give his minutes to someone else, but then I look around, and I can't find anyone else I'd want out there instead of him. It used to be Cisco, and he's gone. Not complaining at the loss, just facing the facts that currently exist. Hopefully John finds his game. Sooner rather than later. --Baja

Stats: 20min 14pts (6-7, 2-2, 0-0) 9reb 2ast 1stl 0blk 0TO
Patterson ( A ) -- Now thats what I'm talking about! 20 effective, energy packed minutes. You knew Patterson was on the floor from the get go, and so far in his adventures with the Kings, he's been rebounding very well. 9 boards in 20 minutes is excellent. And when you add in 14 pts on 6 of 7 shooting, including 2 for 2 from the three, thats about as effective as you can get. He started by hitting a 18 footer from the right corner. Then he surprised me with a running floater in the key. I won't go through a play by play, but he scored in a variety of ways. He has more offense in his bag of tircks than I realized. He also played effective defense despite giving away some size at times. The only glaring mistake I can find in my notes, was when he overplayed Boozer going for the steal and got burn't. Although Boozer was a tough matchup defensively for Patterson, I believe Patterson got the better of the exchange. He was far too quick for Boozer to guard. Good night for Patrick, and hopefully there are many more to come.--Baja

Stats: 26min 12pts (4-8, 0-0, 4-4) 3reb 1ast 0stl 1blk 1TO
Thompson ( C+ ) -- JT had an OK night and was more effective in the second half than the first. He played good defense, and for the most part, took what was there offensively. He only played a total of 26 minutes on a night where points were coming from everywhere. Well, except Salmons, but thats another post. He started at center, which may be his best position now, in a league full of undersized centers and PF's. He had 12 points on 4 of 8 shooting, and for the most part, he made it look effortless. He started badly, missing his first two shots, and going to the bench fairly early. But in the second half he seemed to score everytime he got the ball around the basket, or he was fouled in the process, or both. He's become very effective with that little half hook/half flip shot. His rebounding was another story. Only 3 boards from JT doesn't cut it, and if not for that, he probably would have gotten a B. But all in all, no complaints on a night where, for the most part, everything went right. --Baja

Stats: 36min 26pts (11-13, 1-3, 3-4) 5reb 7ast 3stl 1blk 2TO
Evans ( A+ ) -- This is the first A+ I have given out, and Tyreke ALMOST didn't get it. In fact, he was on pace for an OMFG after the first half (for those not keeping track, that's an appropriate grade when an A+ looks too low). Luckily for Mark Mastrov's pocketbook, Tyreke "cooled down" in the second half, going only 3-5, getting only 1 assist, and being a bit sloppy late and turning the ball over twice. But that first half, oh that first half! Tyreke started hot, hitting three straight drives going left and establishing that he could get anywhere on the floor he wanted. Tyreke wasn't just scoring, though, he was dishing the ball like a madman, collecting six assists in the first half, the highlight being a nifty pass in the lane to Cole Aldrich for a dunk. He also tallied three steals, notably stripping the ball under our basket after IT turned it over on the break and getting it back to him for a little jumper. At the 6-minute mark of the third quarter, Tyreke's +/- was a ridiculous +45. On top of that, Tyreke was playing very good D, pretty much shutting down Luol Deng, whom he was guarding about half the time. He allowed an unsustainable 6 points on 13 shots, while scoring 26 on 15 shots. For a team in the doldrums this was a game for the ages, and a great deal of tonight's success was due to Tyreke. --Capt.

Stats: 28min 22pts (8-14, 2-5, 4-4) 3reb 3ast 1stl 0blk 1TO
Thomas ( A- ) -- With Tyreke deservedly spending so much time on the ball tonight, IT didn't have the assist numbers that he has put up in recent games, but outside of one pullup three on a fast break (missed, to boot), he didn't take a lot of bad shots and stop the ball. Obviously our offense wasn't particularly problematic tonight. Early in the first quarter he blasted by Robinson for a layup then stole the ball from Deng for a breakaway layup to set the tone for the Kings. Ultimately he ended up with 22 points on 15 shots. Defensively, Thomas did relatively well tonight. Robinson is a tough cover, and he scored 12 of his 19 against IT, but in general he was sticking with his man and the numbers (12 points on 9 shots taken against) are actually not representative of how he performed. In the third quarter he was a bit of a disruption on the defensive end, stripping one ball out of bounds, knocking another one away jumping in the passing lane, and harrying Marquis Teague into losing it out of bounds for a turnover. There was one play in the second where he stood around and watched a rebound instead of boxing out resulting in an offensive board, but if IT played defense like this every game, I'd be a very happy fan. --Capt.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Grades v. 03/13/2013


Stats: 24min 6pts (2-5, 0-0, 2-2) 6reb 0ast 0stl 1blk 1TO
Aldrich ( A- ) -- yay! Finally I get to do a grade! And a good one too. This was a very solid perforamnce by Aldrich, with a few splashes of tabasco sauce along the way. He came in hustling on offense, and standing tall inside on defense, and I know its a strange thing for Kings fans to see and we often don't know what to make of it, but that big backline roadblock is one of the most important things in the entire game of basketball. Aldrich was not brilliant in threre, there was no mistaking him for Dikembe in his prime, but he stayed big, altered several shots, and turned around and grabbed some strong in traffic defensive rebounds as well. The tabasco splash came on the other end where he and Tyreke worked well again (Tyreke actually works well with all of JT, oOusins, and now Aldrich, suggesting his game is not anti-big man at all), took a nifty Reek pass through the lane for a quick little snap flush, and then dropped in a post move that I don't think anybody, not even he himself, knew he had. Showed the ball over the left shoulder, then and up and under step through for the layup. Where's that come from? Was a cherry on the huge run that turned this into a rout. Here's how effective the team was with Aldrich out there on the day. In 24 minutes, he racked up a +/- of 40. I'm not going to give 6pts 6rebs a straight A, but he was as effective out there as anybody not named Reke. --Brick

Stats: 26min 10pts (3-5, 0-0, 4-7) 8reb 1ast 1stl 0blk 0TO
Hayes ( A ) -- Hell! Why not? Chuck played well, and did what Chuck does. And he did it very well. When you get 10 points out of Chuck, along with all the other things he brings, its a good night. When you add in 8 rebounds, then it goes up another notch. Chuck played very good defense, contributed to the offense, and was a presence on the floor. He never gets rattled! I know there are some that don't really appreciate what he does. But if you spend the entire game just concentrating on him, he's actually fun to watch. He's like basketball 101. One of these days my prayers will be answered and he'll grow 4 inches overnight. Tonight, with the big lead, Chuck decided to dig into his bag of tricks and try some of them out. One being a nice spin move with a kiss off the glass. A play on which he was also fouled. He also had a couple of putbacks off of misses by Aldrich (who played very well by the way, Hmmm). Congrats to Chuck and the rest of the team for a nice surprise against a very good defensive team. I wonder who, and what was put in whatever the Bulls were drinking before the game. I'm not sure they were awake. --Baja

Stats: 12min 7pts (3-8, 1-2, 0-0) 0reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Thornton ( C- ) -- I pondered going with an INC on this one, becausethere was a big party going on on court and Marcus just wasn't really a part of it. It goes beyond him never even returning after half. Even in the first half it felt like he was kinda/sorta trying to fit in as the fireworks went on, but not really getting it and ending up just being forgotten about. Unfortunately blowout or not you could still feel the structural issues on this team a bit, as Marcus and to a lesser degree Jimmer tried to express "blowout" mostly just by gunning, because that's what they have doen their entire lives. It wasn't a horrendously selfish effort by Marcus, but several times after entering he just took passes early int he shot clock, put his head down, and dribbled around until he could find a place to chuck up a shot. And hey, we do that as a team -- IT did it, Salmons did it, Jimmer did it. But it wasn't what we were about tonight, and not why we were winning. And it was pretty much all Marcus did. The statline was completely empty other than 8 shots put up in 12 min, and while he did join the defensive hustle at times, he showed no more prowess than he normally does. He never returned after half with the blowout reaching enormous proportions, but not quite geting it on court or not, he was leading the cheering section over on the bench, so everybody had heir role tonight.--Brick

Stats: 20min 10pts (3-5, 1-2, 3-3) 3reb 1ast 3stl 0blk 0TO
Douglas ( B+ ) -- Douglas actually played 20 minutes tonight, even though it didn't really feel like it. As Douglas Adams said, "Time is an illusion, garbage-time doubly so." He finished with a nice line on the offensive end, scoring 10 points on 6 shots, including one play where he was fouled on a three (making up for the time that he fouled Nate Robinson on a three at the end of the first half). He only managed one assist, but it's not like he wasn't distributing the ball, given that I tallied up at least 6 "missists" for him. As usual, he was generally great on the defensive end, sticking right up in the dribbler's craw despite the big lead. It might not be a stretch to say that his effort on D as we were establishing a 30-point lead in the second kept all our guys playing hard so that the Bulls didn't have a chance to do to us what we did to them in their house three years ago. Toney finished with three steals (two from stepping in passing lanes, and one for a breakaway) and he also pressured Teague into two turnovers. Another nice game as our backup point. --Capt.

Stats: 12min 9pts (3-6, 1-2, 2-2) 0reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Fredette ( C+ ) -- was better than Thornton, but his game felt related to MT's in a way. Jimmer hit a long set three from the corner on the kick -- a good shot. And he hit several of his runners in the lane and felt more integrated in the blowout than MT. But he also like Marcus seemed to be confused about WHY we wre blowing them out, and forced a number of bad shots and forced drives in the lane withotu even looking for teammates, like the only way to join a blowout party is to gun up junk everytime the ball touches your hand. Its an illness spread liberally thoughout our backcourt. Fortunately tonight it did not matter, and the ones he did make were enough for a little grade here for Jimmer. --Brick

Stats: 6min 0pts (0-2, 0-2, 0-0) 1reb 0ast 0stl 0blk 0TO
Outlaw ( INC ) -- Tracvis, Travis, Travis. Got to play the final 6 minutes of this one in the garbageiest of garbage minutes and showed why he earned his Big Buckets nickname, throwing up a couple of long three point bricks and not doing much else. --Brick
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As I said in the early game thred I went to the game tonight. Brick, I would say that my son and I and those around us were giddy. Just an unKing, unbelievable, fun game. Even the five mascot display and fun was great. Tyreke and IT and Patterson put on an early display of wonder which put the game away followed up by just about everyone that came in. It was fun for me to see Aldrich get extended minutes. My initial feeling was that the absence of Cousins freed up Evans and Thomas to do their thing and do their thing they did. A life experience for a Kings fan.
While I realize he's had better statistical games in regards to rebounds and assists, I think that's the best offensive game I've ever seen Tyreke Evans play in a Kings uniform. His defense wasn't bad either.

He had the perfect mix of penetrate and score and penetrate and dish. He complimented it all with spot on perimeter shooting. From inside and out, I don't think Tyreke has ever shot the ball better.

Lastly, he didn't do the one thing that infuriates me about him most ... He didn't develop tunnel vision on his way to hoop. When Tyreke plays with the same offensive purpose he played with tonight, the Kings are a hard team for anybody to beat.

Lastly lastly, is it just me or is it fun to watch Tyreke and Toney Douglas in the game at the same time playing defense on the perimeter? Wacky wild stuff. ;)
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How come Thorton didn't play in the second half? Smart being Smart, or did he get hurt?
IMO, it was all about circumstance. I wouldn't read anything into it except that it was a blowout and Thornton is a starting caliber player that happens to come off the bench. He didn't play in the first half until the start of the 2nd quarter and once it was time for him to play in the 2nd half, the Kings were up by 30+ hence there was no reason to play him since you typically pull starters at that point anyway. I'm sure Marcus isn't at all upset about it.
Who would have thought there was a need? Maybe a page has been turned with this team although that's being a tad too giddy. Maybe.
Doubtful. This might be my new project to look into, but I'm curious how the team performs with having 2 of 4 of (IT, Reke, Thornton, Cousins) on the floor and having 3 of the 4 on the floor.


Hall of Famer
Doubtful. This might be my new project to look into, but I'm curious how the team performs with having 2 of 4 of (IT, Reke, Thornton, Cousins) on the floor and having 3 of the 4 on the floor.
One thing I think a game like this shows, especially with Reke and IT and to some extent, Patterson, is that there is a decent amount of skill on this team. Patterson had a very good first half. I didn't watch the game so I don't know why he didn't play much in the 2nd half. (I'm watching a recording of the game right now.) I hope the people who think this team has no talent would rethink that. It has no coach. Tweak a few positions and I think there will be consistent improvement. I sure hope new management doesn't come in and clean house. About half our team has enough talent to be given a chance to grow up together. Grow up is a good phrase.

I am ready to erp or however you spell it about the announcers attitude towards IT and Cousins. There is a more moderate approach to commenting on both although I suspect they are getting instructions from higher up.
This game makes it quite clear to me that the organization wants to make DMC look bad.

I mean, actively try to make him look bad.
Like, they cajoled/threatened the players to play the game of their lives tonight to show the world that the Kings don't need DMC.

It's been quite clear to me that Napier took marching orders around Dec 15th or so (I forget the exact date, but it's the day he started this crusade against DMC) from the organization to demonize DMC and prep the fanbase for the trading of DMC.

His constant irrational laying of the groundwork for trading DMC (which is simply unsupportable IRL) makes me conclude the organization actively is trying to make DMC leave.

Name one team representative that has stood up for DMC and defended him or even supported him when anything gets remotely controversial.

When this team can play THIS well (like against the Heat), it REALLY builds up my conspiracy theories about the management of the team and that they are "playing down" most of the time.
It's an amazing coincidence that the one game that DMC sits out (and they likely want to teach him a lesson), they play out of their minds.
This game makes it quite clear to me that the organization wants to make DMC look bad.

I mean, actively try to make him look bad.
Like, they cajoled/threatened the players to play the game of their lives tonight to show the world that the Kings don't need DMC.

It's been quite clear to me that Napier took marching orders around Dec 15th or so (I forget the exact date, but it's the day he started this crusade against DMC) from the organization to demonize DMC and prep the fanbase for the trading of DMC.

His constant irrational laying of the groundwork for trading DMC (which is simply unsupportable IRL) makes me conclude the organization actively is trying to make DMC leave.

Name one team representative that has stood up for DMC and defended him or even supported him when anything gets remotely controversial.

When this team can play THIS well (like against the Heat), it REALLY builds up my conspiracy theories about the management of the team and that they are "playing down" most of the time.
It's an amazing coincidence that the one game that DMC sits out (and they likely want to teach him a lesson), they play out of their minds.

a) if that were the case, why didn't they trade him at the deadline, b) should you be right, who cares? management will be gone after the season, one way or another. it also seems to be incompetence more than maliciousness.

anyway, very fun game, about as good as the Kings could play. despite the things Rockets fans have said about him, I really don't mind Cole Aldrich. the minutes he got in the first half are about or slightly more than he should get behind Cousins and if he produces like that, I don't see why he couldn't be Cuz backup. generally, all the pieces the Kings got back in the T-Rob deal looked good and have been looking pretty decent since they got to Sacramento. giving up on T-Rob still stings, but those kinds of low maintenance roleplayers are kind of what the Kings have needed.
Lets not get too carried away with the pieces we got from Houston. Players tend to play very well after they are traded...it's the old chip on the shoulder theory!

Remember Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner played out of their skin when we traded C-Webb for them...heck Kenny even had a triple double and some people were jumping the gun as usual and saying we are better off with Kenny than C-Webb!

Some 12 months later Skinner was gone and Kenny was a flexible piece that sat at the end of the bench and collected DNP-CD and got paid $9 million for his troubles!


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Doubtful. This might be my new project to look into, but I'm curious how the team performs with having 2 of 4 of (IT, Reke, Thornton, Cousins) on the floor and having 3 of the 4 on the floor.
I've thought the same as well. It seems IT+Evans - Cousins works out well, IT + Cousins - Evans is OK, and Evans + Cousins - IT works out as well. (I'm not even thinking about Thornton right now.) It's all about having too many players that need the ball. We can't have more than 2 at a time. It just won't work for the long haul. That said, I'm not advocating that the subtraction be Cousins. That'd be foolish. It's up to next year's new owners/management (I like how that sounds) to figure out this muck. Two ball dominant players in the starting lineup. Not three. Throughout the whole year, the team seems to run better when Evans has the ball, even as the SG. Now that he's hitting the outside shot fairly consistently, it's opened things up for everyone else.

Other random thoughts:

As for the game itself, a little reality: the Bulls are in the midst of a serious funk, and were missing several players, including Heinrich, who, for some reason, seems to do well against us. Or is that Ridnour? IDK, same guy. Anyway, it's great to throttle a team, but I wouldn't read too much into it as we've been so inconsistent this year. The team as a whole was lights out. It was one of those nights where the shooters were shooting, and it's tough to lose when that happens...it's also tough to win when it doesn't, which is why a little more balance on the roster would be nice.

Aldrich usefully clogged the lane. He should see more minutes on that alone, but in true Smart fashion, he'll probably get about 6 or 8 during the next

What the hell is up with Grant pumping up IT? He had a nice game, but he wasn't the straw that stirs the drink. I'll be so happy when the Maloofs are gone.

Nice to have a win. Better to be the windshield than the bug.
I love both my Bulls and my Kings and don't watch many King living in the far Chicago burbs BUT wow the Kings sure put a crazy beat down!

With or without Rose how the Kings played they would have won! I sure hope that the Kings stay in Sacramento where they belong! I hope to be like Brad Miller and attend at least 1 game a year when I come visit.

I like what I saw from the new Kings Patterson and Aldridge! Aldridge looks better than Hawes which isn't saying alot but he sure did great boxing out Loser Boozer and Noah! Noah was playing at a All-Star level and I expected him to continue that trend especially without Cousins playing! WOW what would the score have been with Cousins playing?! We can only wonder!

Great Kings win to witness for me even if it was against my Bulls! :)
Lets not get too carried away with the pieces we got from Houston. Players tend to play very well after they are traded...it's the old chip on the shoulder theory!

Remember Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner played out of their skin when we traded C-Webb for them...heck Kenny even had a triple double and some people were jumping the gun as usual and saying we are better off with Kenny than C-Webb!

Some 12 months later Skinner was gone and Kenny was a flexible piece that sat at the end of the bench and collected DNP-CD and got paid $9 million for his troubles!
fair, but: 2Pat is still kinda young and is clearly solid roleplayer material, especially working next to a dominant rebounder like Asik or Cuz. I wouldn't advocate signing him to one of those inane MLE deals Geoff used to love, but retaining him doesn't seem like a bad idea. I may have been overenthusiastic about Aldrich, but he hasn't yet really been given much of a shot, should be real cheap to extend and should be good enough for a bench big role à la Nazr Mohammed. Douglas doesn't really have a place. his defensive potential next to Reke is enticing, but he's not good enough to start and the bench needs a playmaker, more than anything.

As for the game itself, a little reality: the Bulls are in the midst of a serious funk, and were missing several players, including Heinrich, who, for some reason, seems to do well against us. Or is that Ridnour? IDK, same guy. Anyway, it's great to throttle a team, but I wouldn't read too much into it as we've been so inconsistent this year. The team as a whole was lights out. It was one of those nights where the shooters were shooting, and it's tough to lose when that happens...it's also tough to win when it doesn't, which is why a little more balance on the roster would be nice.
the answer, of course, is that they both kill us.
link to Kings salaries:

The Bulls pay Rose $16M/yr and growing each year....why haven't the Kings locked up Tyreke Evans with a salary he deserves?
He won ROY as a PG and can play PG,SG,SF and is unstoppable! But yet only makes $5.3M this year and $6.9M qualifying offer next year!!!
With the Bulls bad contracts and desperate need of a productive SG/SF among other needs...we salivate at Evans, Thornton, Fredette and how alongside a healthy Rose...we could go deep into the playoffs and just maybe win the Championship!
Heck with Thibs coaching the Kings and all their young and athletic talent....what potential there!!! I really love small market teams that do good like OKC, Memphis, LAC (I know there are in LA but Lakers obviously the chosen ones of LA).


Hall of Famer
Fantastic game. Best performance from Tyreke in two years. You just have to wonder: Why? Is this game one of those games in which the biorythms of everybody on the Kings was on and Chicago was off? Or is there more to it than that? One thing for sure: Tyreke wanted to play tonight. He had a bounce in his step from the outset. And from what I could tell, everybody was having a good time playing together and passing the ball to one another even when the game was close at the beginning. By the way, this thing that Tyreke can't play with IT: Nonsense. They played great with each other tonight. And they were having a good time together, laughing and giving each other some high jump bumps. The elephant not in the room: Cousins. This wasn't just a victory over a good Bulls team. This was a demolition, without the "most talented Kings player" on the floor. So what does it tell you? I don't know. But I wouldn't mind in the least if Cousins' knee needs some more rest for the next three or four games. If you have a game like this, you want to do whatever it takes to keep the spirit alive for as long as possible.
Fantastic game. Best performance from Tyreke in two years. You just have to wonder: Why? Is this game one of those games in which the biorythms of everybody on the Kings was on and Chicago was off? Or is there more to it than that? One thing for sure: Tyreke wanted to play tonight. He had a bounce in his step from the outset. And from what I could tell, everybody was having a good time playing together and passing the ball to one another even when the game was close at the beginning. By the way, this thing that Tyreke can't play with IT: Nonsense. They played great with each other tonight. And they were having a good time together, laughing and giving each other some high jump bumps. The elephant not in the room: Cousins. This wasn't just a victory over a good Bulls team. This was a demolition, without the "most talented Kings player" on the floor. So what does it tell you? I don't know. But I wouldn't mind in the least if Cousins' knee needs some more rest for the next three or four games. If you have a game like this, you want to do whatever it takes to keep the spirit alive for as long as possible.
Well if IT let Tyreke handle the ball this much every game and just pick his shots and hit open shots people wouldn't be saying that Tyreke can't play with IT. You're crazy if you've watched every game and think that Tyreke handled the ball in this one just as much as he does in any other game.


Fantastic game. Best performance from Tyreke in two years. You just have to wonder: Why? Is this game one of those games in which the biorythms of everybody on the Kings was on and Chicago was off? Or is there more to it than that? One thing for sure: Tyreke wanted to play tonight. He had a bounce in his step from the outset. And from what I could tell, everybody was having a good time playing together and passing the ball to one another even when the game was close at the beginning. By the way, this thing that Tyreke can't play with IT: Nonsense. They played great with each other tonight. And they were having a good time together, laughing and giving each other some high jump bumps. The elephant not in the room: Cousins. This wasn't just a victory over a good Bulls team. This was a demolition, without the "most talented Kings player" on the floor. So what does it tell you? I don't know. But I wouldn't mind in the least if Cousins' knee needs some more rest for the next three or four games. If you have a game like this, you want to do whatever it takes to keep the spirit alive for as long as possible.
Just like the Celtics are better off without Rondo..................just like the Knicks were better off without Melo last year.......................o wait no they weren't.

I guess when the beat the GSW twice (good playoff team) with Cousins playing well and Reke played awful in one game and missed the other made them better without Reke.....nope
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Fantastic game. Best performance from Tyreke in two years. You just have to wonder: Why? Is this game one of those games in which the biorythms of everybody on the Kings was on and Chicago was off? Or is there more to it than that? One thing for sure: Tyreke wanted to play tonight. He had a bounce in his step from the outset. And from what I could tell, everybody was having a good time playing together and passing the ball to one another even when the game was close at the beginning. By the way, this thing that Tyreke can't play with IT: Nonsense. They played great with each other tonight. And they were having a good time together, laughing and giving each other some high jump bumps. The elephant not in the room: Cousins. This wasn't just a victory over a good Bulls team. This was a demolition, without the "most talented Kings player" on the floor. So what does it tell you? I don't know. But I wouldn't mind in the least if Cousins' knee needs some more rest for the next three or four games. If you have a game like this, you want to do whatever it takes to keep the spirit alive for as long as possible.
meh. i'll copy my response to this assertion from a different thread:

Padrino said:
as with any basketball game, there is only one ball, but keith smart insists on deploying multiple ball dominant personalities on the court at the same time. so demarcus' absence becomes addition by subtraction in keith smart's system--that's on smart, not on demarcus. actually, it's on petrie for trading beno udrih, who is as close to an ideal starting pg alongside tyreke evans and demarcus cousins as the kings have had in recent memory, because he knows how to move the ball, stay out of the way, and score efficiently when called upon without ever dominating the ball. but starting isaiah thomas alongside tyreke evans and demarcus cousins is often disastrous, because again, there's only one ball. the kings have won mightily with demarcus and without tyreke, as well.
it's not that 'reke can't play with IT, it's that the kings get into trouble when they put multiple ball dominant players on the court at the same time. we've seen success with two of the three on a number of occasions: DMC and IT, DMC and 'reke, 'reke and IT, but very rarely all three. we've seen the same with marcus thornton, whose had success as part of particular lineups. why is that? simple: as above, there's only one ball. and if, at any point, you're actively privileging physically limited 60th pick isaiah thomas over physically gifted superior talents, you're taking steps backward in the long run. you sound like everybody who decried webber's return from knee injury. the kings needed him if they were going to have a chance come playoff time, as the kings need cousins if they want a chance to sniff the playoffs in the near future...

more than anything, it's about balance, and the makeup of this team is at an extreme lack for it. but just because the kings' gm is sleepwalking through his final days on the job doesn't mean that you put the development of your two best players at risk to win a game or two in a lost season. you put those two players in a position to succeed with the understanding that further changes need to be made to the roster. many of us at kf.com have been calling for the acquisition of true roleplayers, preferably veteran roleplayers, since DMC was drafted. i've beaten this drum since last season: keep one of isaiah thomas and marcus thornton, both of whom can have a positive impact in a sixth man capacity on a team that starts demarcus cousins and tyreke evans. i'd be more inclined to move thornton, because the size of his contract and his reputation as "little buckets" might net you a useful roleplayer in return. but starting isaiah thomas alongside tyreke evans with demarcus cousins in the frontcourt is a waste. again: one ball. so bring in a beno udrih-like pg to better stabilize the starting lineup, shift isaiah thomas into an ideal super-sixth-man-with-a-napolean-complex role, and ship thornton out of town to bring back a player who fills defensive and/or rebounding needs...
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I've thought the same as well. It seems IT+Evans - Cousins works out well, IT + Cousins - Evans is OK, and Evans + Cousins - IT works out as well. (I'm not even thinking about Thornton right now.) It's all about having too many players that need the ball. We can't have more than 2 at a time. It just won't work for the long haul. That said, I'm not advocating that the subtraction be Cousins. That'd be foolish. It's up to next year's new owners/management (I like how that sounds) to figure out this muck. Two ball dominant players in the starting lineup. Not three. Throughout the whole year, the team seems to run better when Evans has the ball, even as the SG. Now that he's hitting the outside shot fairly consistently, it's opened things up for everyone else.

Other random thoughts:

As for the game itself, a little reality: the Bulls are in the midst of a serious funk, and were missing several players, including Heinrich, who, for some reason, seems to do well against us. Or is that Ridnour? IDK, same guy. Anyway, it's great to throttle a team, but I wouldn't read too much into it as we've been so inconsistent this year. The team as a whole was lights out. It was one of those nights where the shooters were shooting, and it's tough to lose when that happens...it's also tough to win when it doesn't, which is why a little more balance on the roster would be nice.

Aldrich usefully clogged the lane. He should see more minutes on that alone, but in true Smart fashion, he'll probably get about 6 or 8 during the next

What the hell is up with Grant pumping up IT? He had a nice game, but he wasn't the straw that stirs the drink. I'll be so happy when the Maloofs are gone.

Nice to have a win. Better to be the windshield than the bug.
I think with a proper offensive system, IT-Reke-Cousins can work. And be very dangerous at that. The thing is, I don't think any of the trio are truly "selfish" b-ball players. We've seen on multiple occasions all 3 guys be effective passers and work to get other teammates good looks. I wouldn't compare any of them to the likes of a Monta Ellis, Jennings, Crawford, Thornton, type of chuckers. However, it's hard to stay consistent when our offensive "system" is based off of ISO heavy play. Get them into a structured offense and I think we'll see them play better with each other.
I think that if we had to choose, we should choose Reke-Cousins. Put in Toney D, or, um, Jimmer? Also, do you guys think Reke/Douglas/Aldrich/Cuz/Fish is a good lineup (considering circumstance)?
Lets not get too carried away with the pieces we got from Houston. Players tend to play very well after they are traded...it's the old chip on the shoulder theory!

Remember Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner played out of their skin when we traded C-Webb for them...heck Kenny even had a triple double and some people were jumping the gun as usual and saying we are better off with Kenny than C-Webb!

Some 12 months later Skinner was gone and Kenny was a flexible piece that sat at the end of the bench and collected DNP-CD and got paid $9 million for his troubles!
II agree. But please don't make rash comparisons too soon. I think we made a good trade. We got more than we gave up which is all you can hope for.