Grades v. Bobcats 12/19

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Sanity, are u serious.... The things that are killing our guards is other teams speed at the guard spots... Price has speed... Why not try him out... We suck so I don't care what we try out...
After I wrote this, I realized it may get misinterpreted. The point was there is no reason not to try Price. I'm Pro-Price. Ask yourself, could he do worse, then read my respone.
Eddie_the_Eagle said:
Jason Hart: F

This team needs to go a different way at the backup spot. Are there any other vets out there? Hart was terrible tonight -- not NBA caliber. I hope the Kings scour the D-League, or give price some time. I wish the Nuggets would go for a Garcia for Watson trade, but that's just wishful thinking.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
Peja ( D- ) -- started out showing a little uncommon muscle and willingness to get his big body in the post against the OGs he was being guarded by. On the other hand, missed far too many open jumpers in the first half, and abruptly quit playing around the hoop the first time he got one of his ground bound layups swatted out of there. Opened the second half (we just rename the early third "Peja time") by knocking down a couple of open jumpers, but then returned to the struggle and was seldom (and perhaps never?) heard from again. Certainly not in the 4th or OT when we desperately needed somebody to step up (although he did make a nifty open court bounce pass to Martin to retie the game at the 2:00 mark of the 4th). Ended up having another ugly game, and this time with no great defender smothering him as an excuse. Peja's road trip: 4-12 14pts, 4-9 10pts, 5-14 13pts, 5-16 13pts.
Reef ( A- ) -- got off to a fast start again -- a carry over from the San Antonio game perhaps. Nobody on the Bobcats could really guard him -- Okafor would have been the only one with a prayer, and he didn't seem terribly focused on the task and then went down with an injury at the end fo the third. End result was Reef playing a clear #1 option and staying hot throughout the first half. Still all offense, no rebounding, but was the only starter standing between us and getting blown out by a 6-16 team in that first half. Slowed down in the third, but remained hot and hitting eveything. More just a question of the Bobcats focusing on getting the ball out of his hands. In fact wished he had forced it a little more against the doubles rather than making some dubious passes out to our perimeter guys. After Okafor went down in particular, the Bobcats had absolutely nothing to guard him with except a variety of small forwards. SO how does he earn a "-" on his best offensive game of the season? Well first of course, there remains the rebounding problem. He is averaging career low numbers and just dropped them further wiht another 5 rebounds in 46minutes of action. And secondly, he missed the big ones we needed in OT, as we tried to go to him and everything was in and out. Still by far and away our best of the night, but we come up short one more time.
Miller ( C ) -- started out getting worked over by Primoz Brezec again, and made some loose turnovers. Finally began to stroke a few open jumpers at the end of the first half to answer back. Battled better on defense and the glass as the game went along, but did little offensively in the second half and Brezec ended up with an obscene 26pt 8reb night. Combined with Peja to make a nice defensive stop on Gerald Wallace with the Bobcats up two and :45 to go, but besides a few long rebounds in the corners (nice to see the rebounding finally picking up) had very little impact on this game and was back into "refuse to shoot it" mode, managing a paltry 3-6 in 43min and putting absolutely no pressure on Brezec on that end. Glad to see the rebounding. But the defense...every center in the league has a date with us circled on his calendar, better yet if its a contract year for them. And of all of our many problems, I just have a real hard time seeing how that one can be corrected.
Bonzi ( INC ) -- not even going to bother analyzing his 6 minutes of action -- THE story was that Bonzi finally suffered an injury he was unable to walk away from. Some sort of groin injury which actually saw Bonzi collapse in the tunnel on the way back to the lockerroom. And there went our heart, and now one wonders how tough this season might get if the injury lingers (whihc groin injuries are known to) and he is out for any long stretch.
Bibby ( C+ ) -- was unable to take advantage of the MASH unit that was the Bobcats PG situation in the first half. Was really having to battle out there aginst the physical and aggressive defense the Bobcats PGs were throwing at him. In the second half really became the story of the game as tried to win the game himself, but maybe too much. Mixed in big scores with a variety of forces. In the process led us in scoring down the stretch and at least looked like he wanted the game (wasnt sure about some of our other guys) but also repeatedly broke and flat out ignored the offense. Got engaged with Raymond Felton in a battle of who could jack up the most dumb forced shots as the two "dueled" in that aspect in the 4th. And came up short on both of the attempts to win it/tie it at the buzzer at the end of regulation and OT. Mike made the late game this time out about him. And if we pull it out, he is the gutsy hero who played with heart while others were snoozing. But when we don't win...well now you have to really start questioning all the forced misses. All the times Raymond Felton, who had been terrible thus far in his rookie season, was able to break down the defense and crash into the lane generally causing havoc (for both sides). And you have to wonder, was Mike right to try to lead? Or did he kill us with it? Or even did the just step forward when it became evident nobody else wanted to? I'm giving him a grade for trying at least.
Garcia ( F ) -- got the early call with Bonzi out, and was immediately victimized by the bigger stronger Wallace, and then less forgiveably, by Matt Carrol (and if you said who? you understand why this was a problem). Rick isn't having any of that stuff right now and pulled him almost immediately in favor of Kevin. Did get another shot at it in the late 3rd when he came in after Peja picked up his 4th foul. But struggled again making mistakes on both ends of the floor. Just completely out of rhythm right now, and would not surprise me if Martin passed him back up with the strong performance tonight. Just not ready.
Martin ( A ) -- Rick has developed a very quick hook with Cisco, and opportunity knocked in a big way for Martin again with Bonzi down and Cisco struggling. And what do you know, no shyboy stuff, no wallflower, he just came in and seized the opprtunity like the spot was his. Maybe the time on the bench stewing actually did him some good. Came in and immediately used his athleticsim to make a couple of nice plays for us. In the early second started forcing and missing shots but remained aggressive and drew a number of fouls and got his points at the line. All of which saw him get the nod over Cisco to start the second half and really make an impact for us with hustle and scoring easy in rhythm baskets -- nothing complex, just running the cuts hard and taking passes, but has the athleticism to finish those cuts. Nights like these always make you wonder about the "I feel lost" evenings he has. It seems easy at times (of course especially against the Bobcats backup OGs). Sloppier than the career game he had last month, but in some ways better/more significant. Gave us hustle that we critically needed with Bonzi out, and may very well have given himself a starting spot vs. Dallas if the Bonzi's injury does not cooperate. Made enough errors to shave any "+"s off the grade, and maybe even wouodl ge a "-" as an established player. But as a bench scrub who was out of the rotation and had ??s hangin over his career, you could hardly ask for a better effort. Was just about the only King playing the game as hard or as fast as the Bobcats own scrubbies forced into the game by injuries.
Thomas ( D ) -- with the Bonzi injury and Garcia benching disrupting our rotations, Kenny got the first quarter call at SF rtaher than his more customary PF. Also kept Reef in his PF spot where he was off to the hot start. But KT had problems defensively at SF and did precious little out there. Stroked one long jumper but otherwise...? Zip from out putatve 6th man.
Skinner ( INC ) -- banged around in there for a few first half minutes, and did not get a return call. Maybe he should have as Brad turned Primoz Abdul-Brezec into another cult hero as a center.
Hart ( D- ) -- had some real ballhandling adventures in there in his first half stint. And the joke was he wasn;t playing anybody. Brevin Knight was out, so the BobCats started their backup (Felton, a rook) and then brought in their 3rd string I'm-barely-in-the-league-PG to beat on Hart (well except for the play when Hart tried to chase him down from behind in the open court, tripped, tackled him, and got a flagrant). No 2nd half minutes as Rick just let Bibby try to win it and was obviously not in the mood to tolerate scrub play. Not exactly the type of return he imagined I would guess.
Williamson ( B- ) -- came in to start the 4th as Rick went looking for pride and energy and immediately found himsel guarding 7'1" Primoz Brezec. :eek: Scored on a couple of little baseline moves, had little other impact and picked up some fouls inside where he was just too small to guard anybody.
I pretty much agree right down the line. Did you forget Adelman?


VF21 said:
I pretty much agree right down the line. Did you forget Adelman?
i enjoy when brick's grades are quoted, all of them. brick, you should make a summary grade post for all to quote, then it wouldn't take up the whole page;)
Speaking of Adelman... Did anyone notice his nose being somwhat blue towards the end of the game? I think he wiped his board with his hand and then rubbed his nose :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
VF21 said:
I pretty much agree right down the line. Did you forget Adelman?
Did not forget him, but the text exceeded the maximum characters for 1 post (10000). That's actually happened a few times, so I asked Jeremy if its possible to raise it up a bit. If it is, I will readd Rick.


Super Moderator Emeritus
HINT: Edit the first post after yours, adding the grade for Adelman BEFORE the text of the original poster.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
VF21 said:
HINT: Edit the first post after yours, adding the grade for Adelman BEFORE the text of the original poster.

That's an idea, but not really sure that would be fair to that first poster.

But does give me an idea -- maybe I'll just open the first TWO posts in the thread next time and just delete the second one if its not needed.
Miller gets an F from me. He yet again got OWNED by a far less talented player. He was a big ghost in the paint again. Something has to give, Brad Miller is not a force in the paint, and now I know he never will be.

Adelman gets an F too. He puts in Skinner when the Bobcats have nothing but perimeter guys on the floor, then puts Brad back in when they bring their slashing/post guys back in? Huh?


Ohhhh gotcha sanity.... I just took a quick glance at your post. Didn't realize what you REALLY meant.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
That's an idea, but not really sure that would be fair to that first poster.

But does give me an idea -- maybe I'll just open the first TWO posts in the thread next time and just delete the second one if its not needed.
Look again. Through the miracle of moderating magic, you now have an additional post without changing anyone else's.

Bricklayer said:
Miller ( C ) -- started out getting worked over by Primoz Brezec again, and made some loose turnovers. Finally began to stroke a few open jumpers at the end of the first half to answer back. Battled better on defense and the glass as the game went along, but did little offensively in the second half and Brezec ended up with an obscene 26pt 8reb night.
It just shows how little you know about other teams.Brezec is one of the better offensive centers in the league. Check his numbers per 48 minutes or just ask Shaq how he felt last season, when Brezec dropped 27 on him.:eek:
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ZZ-TOP said:
It just shows how little you know about other teams.Brezec is one of the best offensive centers in the league. Check his numbers per 48 minutes or just ask Shaq how he felt last season, when Brezec dropped 28 on him.:eek:
Brad got owned in every facet of this matchup. Plain and simple. It looked like a big brother beating up on his little sister. And Brezec isn't the first person to do this.
ForlornKing said:
Hey, Hart had a nice between-the-legs-of-the-defender dribble on a fastbreak attempt with the time running out.
He also had a nice tackle when he saved that touchdown. Oh, wait a sec...Well, it was a nice tackle! :D


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
ZZ-TOP said:
It just shows how little you know about other teams.Brezec is one of the best offensive centers in the league. Check his numbers per 48 minutes or just ask Shaq how he felt last season, when Brezec dropped 28 on him.:eek:
Yep, that's me. Never watch other teams at all. Nope. :rolleyes:

Couple of factoids:

1) Brezec is on my fantasy team
2) Brezec is averaging an intimidating 9.8pts and 5.3rebs coming in
3) 26 points is one off of Primoz's career high of 27 (which he had against Miami last year), and is a season high this year
4) last time we played Charlotte, Primoz had his season high in rebounds (12), so now he has both his season high in points and rebounds against Brad this year.
Bricklayer said:
Yep, that's me. Never watch other teams at all. Nope. :rolleyes:

Couple of factoids:

1) Brezec is on my fantasy team
2) Brezec is averaging an intimidating 9.8pts and 5.3rebs coming in
3) 26 points is one off of Primoz's career high of 27 (which he had against Miami last year), and is a season high this year
4) last time we played Charlotte, Primoz had his season high in rebounds (12), so now he has both his season high in points and rebounds against Brad this year.
There you go, Brick. Proving your utter ignorance yet again.

I'd watch that, if I were you.
Bricklayer said:
Yep, that's me. Never watch other teams at all. Nope. :rolleyes:

Couple of factoids:

1) Brezec is on my fantasy team
2) Brezec is averaging an intimidating 9.8pts and 5.3rebs coming in
3) 26 points is one off of Primoz's career high of 27 (which he had against Miami last year), and is a season high this year
4) last time we played Charlotte, Primoz had his season high in rebounds (12), so now he has both his season high in points and rebounds against Brad this year.
1) Good for you.
2) And he averages that numbers in an intimidating 25 minutes.
3) Look at no. 2
4) What? So he doesn't get his numbers inflated against some scrubs on bad teams!?

Yup, you won this argument hands down.;)
Blow up the damn team. Keep Bibby, Bonzi, and Reef. Maybe keep Miller as a backup for finesse but get a more athletic center to start. Everyone else can go.

P.S. Thomas sucks.
I never said that he is an all star either. I just said that he is a very good offensive player. His percentages are high, he knows how to post up, to shot from the outside and has good offensive rebound numbers. His career high is against Shaq. How many players can say that about themselves? On the other hand, he is not good on the other side of the court. His feet are just to slow.
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