This is a team boys and girls. Role guys won this for us; Ben, Landry, Casspi, Nik. Last year, if 2 of our top 3 guys suck, we have no shot at taking this one down.
In other news, I may have just gotten myself fired for breaking into loud uncontrolled cheers and sobbing fits of joy when the final buzzer sounded, completely ruining the atmosphere of my Japanese workplace.
Collison was huge down the stretch, despite missing freebies and a lay-in. He got the run started that got the Kings back in the game. And closed it out with good defense on a tough cover.
Gay hit it when it mattered and pounded the boards. All is forgiven
Ben was key in the clutch.
Landry is earning his paycheck and won the game late with a rebound.
JT continues to mostly suck.
Stauskas gave some glimpses of good things to come. Can we have him run point in the second unit?
IT was a non-factor, but was still better than Sessions.