Mike Malone doesn't agree with you. He said this game was the dress rehersal for the regular season. It was important to him that the Kings play well.
And this just makes me question Malone more. Why would he say things like that? To make us all go into full panic mode when they fail? Cause that's what happened.
If our rotation includes Dwill over Casspi, we are dead. I hope Hollins/Casspi were sitting cause they are veterans and it was a meaningless game (despite the consistent nonsense Malone spews, which, honestly, I don't get why anyone listens to any of them anymore). Or minor injuries. Vets have no need to be on the court in games like that, despite what Malone or fans might think. You didn't see Kobe or Boozer out there. Cousins was only risking injury, and it's pretty damn clear we cannot survive without him.
One problem seems clear, the front office swung and missed hard on Dwill, Ben and Landry. This past offseason seemed much better, but if they insist on playing last year's flops and let them keep being awful, it's not going to matter.
The front office has changed out almost the entire team and it appears to be just as bad as ever. And it's not losing IT. We were terrible with him, in case anyone has forgotten. Are we worse than last season? I don't think so. But I see a lot of the same. Just different players playing the same bad basketball, although Cousins looks like he's much improved. How long he can keep up a decent attitude surrounded by guys that flat out can't play, I don't know.
I think I've officially turned on the entire front office. At least on the basketball side of things. Everything else is fine and dandy (off the court), but they seem to have no clue what they're doing other than learning lots of buzz words and spewing them out every chance they get. Corporate nonsense that means nothing. Position-less basketball? We don't have the talent to do that. We just don't. And if they thought they got the right guys for that, they seem to be tragically wrong. If we had lebron, then sure, Lebron can do whatever you want him do. We don't have Lebron. We have cousins. Could we build a system around him and not try to be something we can't be?