Freeing up cash for next season....

The GM/Trade/FA/Salary cap Gurus can help me on this one. Say Mobley opts out of his contract, and say we don't sign any of the FA's on our team next season, including Mobley if he opts out and most of the benchies, my question is, would we have enough to sign a good player this summer? If so how much would we have, and who's out there that we might pick up. I sincerely don't think Mobley fits our system well. He rushes shots a bit too much and has been TO prone. IMHO.
not sure what moves petrie will be able to make. but i'm with you on mobley. he just doesn't fit. all his one on one play when he's got someone else open drives me nuts. PASS THE BALL MOBLEY!!!! his turnovers don't help either.
Even if Mobley opts out this summer Kings would still be over the salary cap, meaning no cap space for free that case, they could use any of the sign exeptions they have available and sign a free agent, namely Mid-level exception with maximum value of something around $5 million..
Hopefully this team makes some changes in the summer. I like the team, but its not enough for the promised land. Is it just me or does Mobley miss a lot of open shots and takes a long while for him to get warmed up. Perhaps Im seeing why the Magic traded for him.

In a way, I hope Mobley decides to exercise his option for next year.

A) I think he's a real talent, and that the Kings will ultimately see his game improve as he becomes more comfortable with the offensive schemes. And,

B) He's a bargain at just over $6 million as a starting 2 guard in the NBA.

Kings have it tough with respect to money management next season. So look for Petrie to pull off an off-season trade that changes the shape of this team even further...
SactoGreg said:
In a way, I hope Mobley decides to exercise his option for next year.

A) I think he's a real talent, and that the Kings will ultimately see his game improve as he becomes more comfortable with the offensive schemes. And,

B) He's a bargain at just over $6 million as a starting 2 guard in the NBA.

Kings have it tough with respect to money management next season. So look for Petrie to pull off an off-season trade that changes the shape of this team even further...
I agree, if we bomb the season and keep doing the TO marathon and giving trophies to rooks and bench warmers with season highs, Ill be damn if we dont make some moves in the summer.
Can we now say with almost complete certainty that the Rockets had one of the most selfish guard tandem in NBA history with Francis and Mobley?
I think people are forgetting that Mobley hasn't been with our team that long...I think what these guys need the most is the offseason to practice, practice, practice with each other. Our team a few years ago was so good because they KNEW one another, they could anticipate what the other guy was going to do before they did it...give them a chance to gel...and also realize that it's a probability that we'll never have a team as good as the one that we used to....


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
See, now that's giving up. Why won't we ever have a team as good? Sure we aren't going to materialize a player as good as the pre-injury Webber out of thin air, I'll give you that, but we can certainly be an efficient, high-scoring team again and even one that defends. Though we certainly aren't there yet.

About Mobley leaving, first of all, he's said from the beginning he was going to opt out and nothing he's said or done since has been to the contrary. I doubt that the Kings will be able to pick up a better scoring SG with what they've got and what they can offer (so I guess that means no Larry Hughes :( ) BUT they could pick up a guy who scores maybe 10 points a game and plays tough defense and makes passes to set up teammates. In other words, a young Doug Christie. That's why Doug was such a benefit to this team. He's the type of guy that makes the team play better and that's what we need. We've got plenty of scoring already in Brad, Peja, and Mike. And don't forget that Bobby may be coming off the bench. He's been good for 15 points a game in the past. And in Skinner, Thomas, and Williamson we've got some more scoring punch off the bench (assuming whatever deals we make, we'll retain at least one of them).

But then I think the best case for the Kings may be if he does resign. The Kings aren't going to be below the cap whether he signs or not, so we still have the same MLE to offer. If he does stay, maybe the offseason will give him time to learn the Kings offense. Or failing that, it gives us a pretty good trading chip in addition to whatever we can get for the MLE. He's a quality SG which represents instant offense and he'll have an expiring contract. Maybe the Kings could use him and some combination of other players to pick up a quality PF mid-season. (ie Theo Ratliff ;) ) I could see BJax starting at SG if need be and a big man with skills is a hard thing to find.

Anyway, I don't think the Kings are that far off from being an elite team again. Brad is more versatile than Vlade was when he was here. Bibby obviously has gotten alot better (offensively anyway) and the same with Peja. Those are guys that know how to play the passing game and they know how to score. So now we need some guys with the thoughness and athleticism to make our defense better. Assuming we can retain BJax and one of the three new guys in the process, we can count on more offense of the bench than we've had in awhile and that adds up to a team which can challenge for the title.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Cat said, before coming here, he was going to opt out. I don't think he's going to say anything more during the season one way or the other...nor should he.

We're gonna see a lot of changes come the off-season. This is in NO WAY the Kings team Petrie has envisioned for the future.
VF21 said:
Cat said, before coming here, he was going to opt out. I don't think he's going to say anything more during the season one way or the other...nor should he.

We're gonna see a lot of changes come the off-season. This is in NO WAY the Kings team Petrie has envisioned for the future.
Something you and I can agree on. Agreed. question is, in what ways can this team be changed besides trades? who might be traded? Any value on the 3 new guys? do we keep them? Do we have any cash to spend? and whos out there in the summer that might be of interest? The good thing about Webber was that he was a FA magnet. Now whos a magnet to come to the Kings. Miller? hmmm Peja....maybe if you are Serb?


Super Moderator Emeritus
PFFFT - I am not even going to begin to predict what Geoff Petrie has in mind any more than I would try to predict what a grand-master chess player would be thinking.

He sees a big picture so much more advanced than I that it's like comparing a Rembrandt masterpiece to a stick figure scribbling.


I was upset over the trade at first, and doubted Petrie but that was primarily emotion. The 2002 team is not coming back. It's gone forever...and the 2006 team has not yet been assembled. I wouldn't doubt if Petrie's already envisioning the 2007 team.

I'm simply going to wait ... and watch ... and root for the team we have.

Do we have any cash to spend? Well, I have about $8 in change around somewhere. The Kings are STILL way over the salary cap. We dumped Webber's contract but got back three long-term huge contracts in return.

FA magnet? None of our current players are so dominant IMHO that they alone would bring FA's to Sacramento. It will have to be Petrie's genius, if anything, and the promise of a bright future.

It's going to be a very interesting off season.

#14 question is, in what ways can this team be changed besides trades?
Trades would be the best chance at getting an impact player, not much in the way of those down where we pick in the draft, or available for the MLE. There will be moves made over the summer, and they will, most likely, involve players who are left from the Glory Days. I just don't see any other way around it. Should be a busy, busy TDOS though.
The thing with Free Agents is that the Kings will be hurt not just by the departure of Webber - but also by the national media's perceived belief that the Kings are done. Personally I don't really agree with that sentiment entirely, but I can see that as being an aversion to many FAs. Most players want to play for a contender more than anything else. In that sense, the opinion of the media can potentially be beneficial to a team. For example, I am sure that many FAs wouldn't mind signing with Seattle and Phoenix during the offseason because so much has been made out of them recently and they appear to have a tremendous future.
We need Shane Battier. Will never get him though. He's the defensive power we need. He doesn't have the record that Artest has. He's a great young defender. Very much like Doug Christie. He's great in the community. His contract is actually very small for what he brings and he brings D. I doubt we can get him though. I can't think of another great 2/3 defender that is available. He can also shoot if need be.
probably a blockbuster trade would have to be done in the off-season, we've got a bunch of "good" players we can stack up in a deal. The question is for who would we do it and what team would do it. KG? (wishful thinking). Michael Redd? would be nice with Bibby, Peja, and Miller. It would probably have to be a dead-eye shooting SG since there are more SGs and PFs in the market than pure PGs and Centers which are harder to get. I would love to get KG or one of the younger players which tons of potential and athletism. Can we trade up in the draft? Anything interesting out there?
Why do we need Redd. Again as we all know WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE SHOOTERS. Team has enough scorers. If we are going to trade let's get some defensive personnel. I don't care if we have to get Artest, get some body who can defend. Forget about another great scorer, we got 4 capable scorers right now, and 3 that would rather bomb it then go in hard and 1 that would rather take jump shots. We need a guy who wants to goto the hole and play some TUFF D. We don't need no stinkin shooters.
bigbadred00 said:
Why do we need Redd. Again as we all know WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE SHOOTERS. Team has enough scorers. If we are going to trade let's get some defensive personnel. I don't care if we have to get Artest, get some body who can defend. Forget about another great scorer, we got 4 capable scorers right now, and 3 that would rather bomb it then go in hard and 1 that would rather take jump shots. We need a guy who wants to goto the hole and play some TUFF D. We don't need no stinkin shooters.
could you clarify who the one is ;)
Brad of course. I love the guy but for a center he's really a jump shooter. That's the princeton Offence though. So that's my little rant. But then again, we don't have any problems scoring. I could care less about a scorer, I'd rather have a guy who can help the team defence than a guy that could help us score a couple more points. Obviously Doug with his age and injuries wasn't cut out for the job anymore but I named 2 players who could definitely fit the role. Another guy is Josh Howard but he's definitely not available except for a hefty price. If you can name more stoppers on the perimeter other than maybe Bowen who is getting up there an age go right ahead.


Super Moderator Emeritus
bigbadred00 said:
Why do we need Redd. Again as we all know WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE SHOOTERS. Team has enough scorers. If we are going to trade let's get some defensive personnel. I don't care if we have to get Artest, get some body who can defend. Forget about another great scorer, we got 4 capable scorers right now, and 3 that would rather bomb it then go in hard and 1 that would rather take jump shots. We need a guy who wants to goto the hole and play some TUFF D. We don't need no stinkin shooters.
At this point, I might even change my mind about Artest. Emphasis on the MIGHT.

bigbadred00 said:
Brad of course. I love the guy but for a center he's really a jump shooter. That's the princeton Offence though. So that's my little rant. But then again, we don't have any problems scoring. I could care less about a scorer, I'd rather have a guy who can help the team defence than a guy that could help us score a couple more points. Obviously Doug with his age and injuries wasn't cut out for the job anymore but I named 2 players who could definitely fit the role. Another guy is Josh Howard but he's definitely not available except for a hefty price. If you can name more stoppers on the perimeter other than maybe Bowen who is getting up there an age go right ahead.
I think the PF position needs to be more of a banger, defensive person. The SG position with Bibby would be lethal and should be our main offense with Peja in the mix. Whos a good PF with defensive skills and rebounding quality? Again SGs are a dime a dozen and cheaper than any other position, so Im looking at it from that point of view. Our main problem is point in the paint and dibble penetrations, which wouldnt happen if we had a defensive center and PF.
Artest is just the best defender on the perimeter in the game. I hate to bring up his name but for the price of Peja he is the best player we can get by a mile skillwise. Headwise he could be the worst though. Artest can score to. He brings it on both sides. Look at the Pacers this year. Even with Jackson and Jermaine back they are a 40-44 win team. Last year they won what 61 games. Artest is a great player. I don't know if he's worth the risk, but he's definitely a great player. You have to remember Webber was quite a trouble maker before the Kings, Bobby could be considered an underachiever before he got to the Kings, same with Bibby. If we are going in a different direction, why not Artest. We know he has passion for the game, he just needs to get his head on straight.
Stromile Swift is pretty good. Dunks alot too. Brings the blocks. I doubt we can afford him because New Orleans is dying to get him (went to LSU). Options are really limited for defensive PF.

The best are:


The rest of the top PFs are either overpaid or not that great defensively.

The next best defensive PF is Martin who isn't worth a max deal.

Stro is probally the best bet, but he's just too expensive.


Super Moderator Emeritus
PFFFT!! said:
probably a blockbuster trade would have to be done in the off-season, we've got a bunch of "good" players we can stack up in a deal. The question is for who would we do it and what team would do it. KG? (wishful thinking). Michael Redd? would be nice with Bibby, Peja, and Miller. It would probably have to be a dead-eye shooting SG since there are more SGs and PFs in the market than pure PGs and Centers which are harder to get. I would love to get KG or one of the younger players which tons of potential and athletism. Can we trade up in the draft? Anything interesting out there?
A blockbuster trade is most likely NOT going to happen for a variety of reasons. The idea of getting Kevin Garnett is interesting but why exactly would the Timberwolves let him go??????

Ah, crap. It's March; after the trade deadline and I got trapped into a trade thread???

I'm outta this one.

Going into next year, I think the team looks to be in good shape:


*team has stated it would pick up option, expect to be back
**if opts out, expect for sign and trade so he can get his money
***if he opts out, expect to be resigned under that two year rule(?)
****given his lack of production, expect to stay to get the money

This is a lot of assumptions.:rolleyes: However, if true that leaves the team with eleven players, a first round pick and the mid-level exception to play with.

Petrie has a lot to work with.:)
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Swift, ya he sounds like someone we could get. Brand too. I doubt KG or Duncan will go anywhere. What about a Carmello for SG? Takers?
Here are some unrestricted free agents next summer:

Tracy McGrady, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Ray Allen, Michael Redd, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Larry Hughes, Howard Eisley,


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We need an impact player, no doubt. But no way we are getting a superstar type player without moving one or more of the new Big Three, and likely even still not then.

Assuming we kept Bibby, Miller, Peja, I would think that right there you have all the shooting, soft defense, weak rebounding you need. Everything else should be designed to cover up their weaknesses and not simply supilcate their strengths. An impact rebounder/shotblocker would be best. But those are very hard to get. An impact backcourt stopper would be next on the list. And please, oh please, some athletic/strong guys who like to play in the post or off the dribble attacking the hoop.

That's a lot to ask given our remaining assets, but Mobley could get one maybe. Bobby + Thomas another, Corliss + Somebody another etc. Our flexibility is in being able to add up lots of mid-level junk contracts to bring back a smaller number of studs. But they have to be the right (complimentary) studs if we'e going to insist on an all-softie/shooting core.