Favorite Non King Player



i know we have had the favorite players thread before but im gonna switch it up a little bit..... you can only pick one player in the whole NBA!

mine would have to be Gilbert Arenas!
^I think yours changes every night Fillmoe...lol...i could have sworn you said a different player the other night

mine is...

-Allen Iverson
-Paul Pierce
-Jermaine O'Neal
Oooh..this is a toughie! Only one, huh?

Probably LeBron right now...if he played with a decent supporting cast that team would be dynamic to say the least...I also think he's just an all-around great guy...


Homer Fan Since 1985
Hmmmmm! I am supposed to only pick one.

1. I have several favorites (based on talent alone)
2. Should be non-ex-king.
3. Okay, then I must go with the young man who is a local boy and went to school with my nephew. I am not basing on talent, then, but on local pride.

Andre Iguodala! Go Iggy!!!!