Favorite Non King Player

Tough one...if I can only pick one, I'd pick Tayshaun Prince at the moment. I don't really care for superstar types, and the kid just flat out hustles every night.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Why? Because he just crumbled to the floor in a heap and might end up being the reason the Nuggets winning streak comes to an end?


Homer Fan Since 1985
that is sad to choose a favorite player that way.

I was not watching that game. I'll have to look for it. Is K-Mart hurt badly? Anyone know?


VF21 said:
Why? Because he just crumbled to the floor in a heap and might end up being the reason the Nuggets winning streak comes to an end?
no thats not the reason...... because he dunks all over dudes! LOL


Homer Fan Since 1985
teamdimechampionship said:
He's back....nothing too serious. Just a bruise I think. He'll be sore tomorrow!
That is good to hear. Any team that makes the playoffs should make it or not on their play....not on key players injuries. Now that I have mentioned the ideal....**shrugs**
6th said:
Hmmmmm! I am supposed to only pick one.

1. I have several favorites (based on talent alone)
2. Should be non-ex-king.
3. Okay, then I must go with the young man who is a local boy and went to school with my nephew. I am not basing on talent, then, but on local pride.

Andre Iguodala! Go Iggy!!!!
Man, I wish we could've got him in the Webber trade! Instant defense
BibbyForPrez said:
Lebron James. How cool would it have been if thay April fools day article was for real!?!
please don't even say that...god..that would bring more than make up for all the things that basketball gods did to screw us over the years...well IMO anyway

I mean hear Sacto is a great city...hehehe
Fillmoe said:
i have a new favorite player by the name of Kenyon Martin!
See I knew it changed from night to night...so what game are you watching tonight...i can probably tell ya who your favorite player for the day is gonna be ;)


iheartBrad said:
See I knew it changed from night to night...so what game are you watching tonight...i can probably tell ya who your favorite player for the day is gonna be ;)

well for today it would have to be Jumaine Jones..... i know you guys are all thinking "Who?"....... you know that bald dude that plays for the lakers....... anyways that lil shove on Dirk gave him just enough to make him my favorite player of the day
yeah i remember Jumaine Jones from the other day when he scored 15 points on us in the 3rd quarter before that he was always known (to me) as the guy that Andre Iguodala DUNKED ON AND THEN TOOK DOWN in that one game against the Lakers :)