Fav King


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No one likes the Cat? He's my second fav after Bibby
I think that's because very few people believe he'll be back in a Kings uniform. I still think that will be the case, but I don't know what type of interest he'll garner on the open market. I wonder if Petrie is still considering re-signing Mobley. I'd much rather see a sign-and-trade, but I guess we'll see.
Bobby. He has so much heart and plays as hard as he can night in and night out. He gives the team an energy boost when he hits the floor and has no fear. B-Jax is no softie.
All time - Vlade
Past - Doug Christie (also fond of Webb)
Present - Bibby and BJax (But I named by dog Peja a few seasons ago) Of course, I also named another dog -many, many, years ago- Rich as in Mitch.

It would be easier to list my least favorite.:eek:


funkykingston said:
I think that's because very few people believe he'll be back in a Kings uniform. I still think that will be the case, but I don't know what type of interest he'll garner on the open market. I wonder if Petrie is still considering re-signing Mobley. I'd much rather see a sign-and-trade, but I guess we'll see.
Off topic on the favorite players but I'd kind of want to see Cat given a chance at one more year, to see if he can mesh. I'm just remembering him draining like 4 threes in row last year.
loopymitch said:
VF21 said:
I'm only quoting you because you're the one that brought it up this time, but why do people think players need to be cool with them when they encounter them out in public?

In an interview once, Chris Webber said, "I play basketball for you all. I don't live my life for you all."

Think about it. Mike Bibby, on the court or at public functions as a King, is expected to maintain a certain amount of decorum with the fans. Off the court and when he's out and about on his own, why can't he (or any other player, coach, etc.) just be allowed to be himself?

I know I might be in the minority, but I would never approach one of the players and expect them to treat me as anything but someone who has encroached on their privacy. Can you imagine how many times it happens? Some guys are more well equipped to deal with the public than others. It's pretty well known that Bibby prefers to keep to himself off the court, which is one reason why he's almost always with Team Dime.

Good point VF but I think it's funny Chris said that when from what I hear he's one of the nicest guys when it comes to signing autographs. I heard a story about him being at a red light and someone asked him for one and he happily signed before the light turned green.
People have to realise though when they become famous, whether it's athletes, actors or whatever, they're in the public eye and privacy is a thing of the past. Unfortunately that's one of the prices of fame. Just my 3 cents if it's worth that much;) although with inflation it should be at least 4.
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread.
Please continue.
I heard many great stories on Webber when he interacts with fans. One of my relatives visited a friend down in LA and they spotted Webber and asked him to come over for a drink and he did. He took a picture with them holding a can of Heineken. ^_^
Of course a player has no obligation to be nice away from the court/field/whatever... AKA Barry Bonds and all the other bitter people.

I don't know what happened to that guy on the other page that said Bibby was rude to him. So it's hard to comment on that.

Fans go way overboard and I agree with VF and the others. I think fans get in their heads "HEY I PAY TOO WATCH YOU AND PAY FOR YOUR SALARY..."

With that said, I think it is very acceptable if you were to pass Bibby at the casino and say "wassup mike" in passing and go on your way. Obviously he is out having fun so I doubt he would want someone running over to him with pen, disposable camera and pictures of their dog.

Favorite Players
Past -Les
Recent Past - Web
Current - Bibby


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BigWaxer said:
With that said, I think it is very acceptable if you were to pass Bibby at the casino and say "wassup mike" in passing and go on your way. Obviously he is out having fun so I doubt he would want someone running over to him with pen, disposable camera and pictures of their dog.
Or pen, disposable camera AND their dog and want to take a picture of Bibby with the dog while he signs its collar.

Scot and Christie were nice when i met them, and i met TO at a game against the lakers and he was really nice, gave me an autograph and shook my hand, and at the time, i didn't even know who he was.
PejaFanatic said:
loopymitch said:
I heard many great stories on Webber when he interacts with fans. One of my relatives visited a friend down in LA and they spotted Webber and asked him to come over for a drink and he did. He took a picture with them holding a can of Heineken. ^_^

Will you post that pic please??:D