I'm only quoting you because you're the one that brought it up this time, but why do people think players need to be cool with them when they encounter them out in public?
In an interview once, Chris Webber said, "I play basketball for you all. I don't live my life for you all."
Think about it. Mike Bibby, on the court or at public functions as a King, is expected to maintain a certain amount of decorum with the fans. Off the court and when he's out and about on his own, why can't he (or any other player, coach, etc.) just be allowed to be himself?
I know I might be in the minority, but I would never approach one of the players and expect them to treat me as anything but someone who has encroached on their privacy. Can you imagine how many times it happens? Some guys are more well equipped to deal with the public than others. It's pretty well known that Bibby prefers to keep to himself off the court, which is one reason why he's almost always with Team Dime.
Good point VF but I think it's funny Chris said that when from what I hear he's one of the nicest guys when it comes to signing autographs. I heard a story about him being at a red light and someone asked him for one and he happily signed before the light turned green.
People have to realise though when they become famous, whether it's athletes, actors or whatever, they're in the public eye and privacy is a thing of the past. Unfortunately that's one of the prices of fame. Just my 3 cents if it's worth that much
although with inflation it should be at least 4.
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread.
Please continue.