Doug Christie

Bricklayer said:
Er...he inspires very little confidence as anything but a goof.
Kenny Smith is by far the most insightful on that TNT crew. I find myself impressed with his commentary... I'm not sure whether it's because he's very intelligent, or because the guys next to him make him look like a genius by comparison...
kingkung said:
Kenny Smith is by far the most insightful on that TNT crew. I find myself impressed with his commentary... I'm not sure whether it's because he's very intelligent, or because the guys next to him make him look like a genius by comparison...
KS was a PG. Most of the times the PG is the most intelligent on the team :)

That's why I like to see John Stockton as the new Kings Coach!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kingkung said:
Kenny Smith is by far the most insightful on that TNT crew. I find myself impressed with his commentary... I'm not sure whether it's because he's very intelligent, or because the guys next to him make him look like a genius by comparison...

The guy on his left certainly does.

But its not because Kenny is any particular genius. And certainly not the defensive focused pro mastermind the Maloofs seem to want to invent out of thin air.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
The guy on his left certainly does.

But its not because Kenny is any particular genius. And certainly not the defensive focused pro mastermind the Maloofs seem to want to invent out of thin air.
Ah, but you forget. They also want someone who will dine out and BOND with the fans.

I think Kenny the Jet could do that quite nicely. In fact, I know someone who says they've even seen him at what used to be called "California Fats" in old town. (I don't know if that's still the name...)



Super Moderator Emeritus
If we're going for players and we want the Spurs, what about Steve Kerr? Hasn't he hinted around about wanting to coach?



Super Moderator Emeritus
If he wants to break into the ranks of NBA coaching, I'd suspect he'd be very interested...

The question is if the Maloofs would bank on someone like him, I would think. There's a big ??? when you pick someone from outside the coaching community.


Super Moderator Emeritus
And I had the feeling the Maloofs would have a replacement coach in mind before they got rid of their entire coaching staff...

Just goes to show that with these owners especially you can't really trust "feelings." They're gonna do whatever strikes their fancy. We're just gonna have to wait and see what that is...
Warhawk said:
Would he still signal to Jackie, or would she be sitting close enough to him to not require that? :)
Right. This could be a serious problem. Bibby might see a signal and think, "Is he calling for a high screen/roll or is he telling his wife that he loves only her?"


Super Moderator Emeritus
Au contraire. I think Bibby would immediately recognize - as would most of Arco - Doug's famous hand sign to Jackie.

As a longtime DC fan, with sincere appreciation for all he did for the Kings... being the true team player he was... all his on-court attributes... all these things do not necessarily translate into making him even a half-way decent coach.
Wuster said:
As a longtime DC fan, with sincere appreciation for all he did for the Kings... being the true team player he was... all his on-court attributes... all these things do not necessarily translate into making him even a half-way decent coach.
I don't think many people see him as a serious coach yet.

A serious assistant of some sort though could be possible eventually.

Doug probably wants to focus on his family at the moment. I just hope to see the guy again sometime because, well, he's a fan favorite and a personal favorite.
I'm not sure if I should be laughing at this thread crying about how far weve sunken in one week. Kenny was sent packing because he wasn't any good at being a PG. He was drafted by a lazy GM that didn't do his homework. Christie wasn't exactly a cerebral player either. He played off of gut instinct and made bad plays while taking chances. Not something you want to instill your team with. And what about Steve Kerr's shooting has prepared him to run a team? There are players who will make great coaches, none of them have named above.


VF21 said:
If we're going for players and we want the Spurs, what about Steve Kerr? Hasn't he hinted around about wanting to coach?


You folks are all smoking some powerfull weed. Yeah, lets get a couple of players/broadcasters with no coaching experience and put them in charge of coaching the Kings.

This is why Adelman was fired?
Viking said:
I don't think many people see him as a serious coach yet.

A serious assistant of some sort though could be possible eventually.

Doug probably wants to focus on his family at the moment. I just hope to see the guy again sometime because, well, he's a fan favorite and a personal favorite.
I think I remember him saying in an interview after he was traded or around the time that he was retiring that coaching would be too stressful for him. I am not sure though. I would love to have him as an assistant coach/defensive specialist.
Wuster said:
As a longtime DC fan, with sincere appreciation for all he did for the Kings... being the true team player he was... all his on-court attributes... all these things do not necessarily translate into making him even a half-way decent coach.
yeah, love the guy, but I don't think he'd be able to take the job. not that he's too young, but it doesn't suit him at this point.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
grin said:
You folks are all smoking some powerfull weed. Yeah, lets get a couple of players/broadcasters with no coaching experience and put them in charge of coaching the Kings.

This is why Adelman was fired?
Please note my use of the ;)

I was responding directly to someone who said they thought a previous player of the Spurs might be good...
Warhawk said:
I think as an assistant, sure. He's smart and played good D - seemed to be a decent floor leader. In no way would I consider anyone for the head coaching job who hasn't been, as a minimum, a long-term assistant with some of the best coaches of today.

But seeing DC on the sideline in some manner sometime in the future would be OK with me.

Would he still signal to Jackie, or would she be sitting close enough to him to not require that?
lol. it only took 8 posts into this thread to get around to the topic of Jackie. If Doug ever decide he was not long for this world, and wanted to go out with a bang, he could always coach a WNBA team. :D :eek:


Hall of Famer
Ah but this bring up a very bizare and funny virtually imposible thought. Maloofs by way of rewarding a job well done, promote Wisenant to head coach of the Kings, then offer his old job to Doug Christie... the immagination runs absolutly WILD immaging the rules Jackie would have for Doug as a WNBA coach.
1. Doug may not travel with the team. He will fly in a seperate plane with Jackie.
2. Doug may not saty on the same Hotell floor as the players. (If the Hotel has fewer than 5 floors he will stay in a different Hotel entirely
3. Doug must have at least two males (assistants or trainers) between him and the palyers on the bench
4. Doug may watch the game but cannot directly talk to the players at any time. Just as in practices all communication will go through an assistant coach as an intermediary
5. Jackie will not only sit behind Doug at all games but will also be at practices. A web cam will be set up in the practice facilities for the days she can not make the practice.

The possiblites are nearly endless!