Do you all realize...

Jerryaki said:
so what you're saying is, when the kings won back then it was the players, but when they lose now it's adelman???
No. When a team loses a game, it's still the players' fault. But if a team of such talent keeps losing, and there is no improvement, then it IS the coach's fault.


And when he doesn't call timeouts to stop a momentum swing in the opponents favor, or make needed adjustments to help the team excel.
beemerr23 said:
And when he doesn't call timeouts to stop a momentum swing in the opponents favor, or make needed adjustments to help the team excel.
Unfortunately, NBA rules don't allow Rick Adelman to call 30 "momentum stopping" timeouts a game, which is about how many he would have needed today.
beemerr23 said:
And when he doesn't call timeouts to stop a momentum swing in the opponents favor, or make needed adjustments to help the team excel.
There was no "swing"! The Spurs came out of the gate firing on all cylinders and never looked back. If the situation was reversed, I guarantee you that Popovich would have had no way of stopping that kind of performance either. This was just a classic butt-whooping, plain and simple. Hard to blame any particular players, and just plain crazy to blame Adelman.
beemerr23 said:
And when he doesn't call timeouts to stop a momentum swing in the opponents favor, or make needed adjustments to help the team excel.
the needed adjustment was adding a shot blocking big man to clog the lane and a quicker guard to stop parker.

i don't think we have that on our bench.
kiparking said:
No. When a team loses a game, it's still the players' fault. But if a team of such talent keeps losing, and there is no improvement, then it IS the coach's fault.
i, for one, believe that adelman is pushing the kings as far as they can go. he's not making brad miller a blocking beast, he's not making bibby into the glove.

this team has talent, not such talent.
Bricklayer said:
There was absolutely NOTHING to be done in this one by any coach in the history of basketball. The better team came out to send a message and crushed us, simple as that.

And the results of this series have absolutely nothign to do with Adelman as a coach. Only the seriously deluded were running around thinking we were the favorites here. Of course that has always been Rick's problem in Sacto -- rabid fandom leads to serious delusion about how good the kings are EVERY year. And so its always a disappointment when we somehow lose.

Rick may stay or he may go. But only a fool would base it on this series -- do Avery and D'Antoni get fired too if the Spurs roll through them on the way to run into the Pistons? Heck they've got better teams, so I guess they would be failures.

P.S. as an aside the Knicks have had a hoirrible season BECAUSE Larry Brown is an egotistical jackass who spent the season whining and complaining and more or less intentionally trying to disrupt the Knicks at every turn. One of the worst coahcing jobs I have ever seen at an NBA level.
Jerryaki said:
i, for one, believe that adelman is pushing the kings as far as they can go. he's not making brad miller a blocking beast, he's not making bibby into the glove.

this team has talent, not such talent.
beemerr23 said:
Like I said, he's been blessed with great talent. VF21 isn't ready to admit that they're fond of Adelman because of the success our players have given us.
So Adelman doesn't get ANY credit? Well at least you've confirmed the idea of some folks that Phil Jackson isn't a great coach, he was just blessed with waaayyy better talent that handed success to him (Jordan/Pippen and Shaq/Kobe). And Larry Brown only managed to win a championship last year, finally, because of the talent that gave him his success (Wallaces, Billups, Hamilton). And heck, Pop has won 3 championships, not because he's any good as a coach, but because he was handed success by his players (Robinson, Duncan, Ginobili, Parker). Correct? If you credit them with having something to do with the success of those teams, you can't turn around and say Adelman has had nothing to do with the success of any of our teams.
Jerryaki said:
i, for one, believe that adelman is pushing the kings as far as they can go. he's not making brad miller a blocking beast, he's not making bibby into the glove.

this team has talent, not such talent.
Exactly. The mix of talent is every bit as important as having talent at all. And it is not easy to put together the exact right pieces. And even if you do, we know how injuries at the wrong time can ruin even that.


I'm not blaming tonight's loss on Adelman, I'm pointing out Adelman's lack of coaching throughout this year in critical situations. Many times it has been pointed out where people said "What is Adelman doing with this lineup to start the 3rd, does he want us to lose?" or "Why doesn't Adelman call a timeout right now" or "Why is he in and not him, he's been on fire all night" - you get the idea. I and others question some of Adelman's decision making, that's all.
This game wasn't blame Adelman for well..stupid..sorry whoever thinks so but its true. Adelman in the huddle didnt tell bibby to get owned by parker..didnt tell our 7 foot center to get 1 board...didnt tell martin to miss open shots..didnt tell bonzi to miss i see it he tried switching hart on parker and it didnt work. If you dont blame the lack of effort from our players/the spurs not missing a single shot for this loss...then well..i have the game taped send me your address and ill send it to you because you obviously didnt watch the game.

Adelman cant coach a team that dosent show up...
The Kings really need to do something to stop Frenchy. He was making lay-ups after lay-ups.

OT: Either it was this week or last week (I forget), I was flipping channel and I saw him and his lady Eva on E! being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest.

When did he became a D-List celebrity?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
At some point the utter complete and total idiocy of the "any coach could win with the talent the Kings have had" school of thought simply has to be labeled for what it is: utter and complete stupidity. Such great winners as all those guys were before, and after, they were in Sacto. Complete accident how they all magically came together and won for the only time they were not teamed with Magic Johnson, played the most unique brand of offensive basketball seen since the Showtime Lakers. Obviously had nothing at all to do with the coach, who afterall has managed an incredible 15 straight seasons of luck on his way to the 13th highest win total in NBA history. Man, if Rick had only taken that act to Vegas he'd be like a gadzillionaire or something by now. :rolleyes:
BTW, I don't know how you could say they didn't play well... If that's not playing well, the Spurs would be 82-0... I am not a big advoacate of getting rid of Adelman... He is a GREAT coach... But come on everyone, Rick has been outcoached in every big series the Kings have been in... While the other teams make adjustments, Rick likes to stick with what's working, until it's not working, then still stick with it. Long have I waited for a coach that can light a fire in your *** and get you going... Rick is not that type of a coach. It gets to a point where the team needs some sort of change. However, there aren't that many (if any) coaches that are an upgrade over Adelman. It's a tough tough call... I would have LOVED for Byron Scott to have come over here... That's a guy that will get into you, but is also a players coach (sort of). And once again, with ONLY Tony Parker playing well? Are you KIDDING ME? If NVE, Horry, Nazr, and Rasho didn't play well... LeBron James better watch out... Cuz we got some superstars on the rise...
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Some things I believe:

1. The Spurs are a great TEAM.
2. The Kings are an average TEAM (with a bright furure ahead).
3. Adelman and Pop are GREAT coaches. I will NOT blame the coach for loses
4. The Spurs SHOULD win this series. They have more experience and depth.
5. The Kings COULD pull of an upset, barring any other games like Saturday's game.
I decided before the series, that I would simply enjoy the ride.
This game was a HUGE pothole, but we can still keep riding!


Super Moderator Emeritus
chelle said:
Some things I believe:

1. The Spurs are a great TEAM.
2. The Kings are an average TEAM (with a bright furure ahead).
3. Adelman and Pop are GREAT coaches. I will NOT blame the coach for loses
4. The Spurs SHOULD win this series. They have more experience and depth.
5. The Kings COULD pull of an upset, barring any other games like Saturday's game.
I decided before the series, that I would simply enjoy the ride.
This game was a HUGE pothole, but we can still keep riding!
I think we should all join hands and sing a chorus of "I Believe."


Thanks, chelle. Good points all.

They showed clips of Brad and Mike after the game. Brad looked shell shocked. Mike actually came out and said he and the rest of the team were embarrassed. They talked to Kenny, who said something inconsequential. They didn't talk to Ron...
I had a recurring thought watching Saturday's telecast: deficiencies are magnified in the playoffs.

1. The Kings don't have a backup PG who can defend or get the team into offensive sets this year (I think more than ever in the NBA, it's vital to have two competent PGs on the roster.)
2. With the Artest trade, the Kings don't have the kind of outside shooting you would ideally want at the 2/3 spots in order to stretch the defense, because the foul lane tends to be more clogged in the postseason.
3. The team doesn't have enough size at the PF this year to bother the greats at the position.
4. The Kings remain inconsistent rebounders, and lack a true shotblocking threat, so the paint is exposed.

During the regular season, shortcomings like these can be hidden with schemes and coaching, but during the playoffs they are usually fatal.

I guess what I'm saying is that Petrie has more work to do (as we all know.)
The Kings have completely changed their team, but for some reason this team continues to make the same mistakes Kings teams of the past made (i.e. blowing big leads, getting stagnant on offense standing around waiting for someone else to make a play, no help defense, etc...) if a completely different roster continues to make the same mistakes year in, and year out, the coach needs to be held responsible. Thank you for getting us to this point RA, but we need some to get us beyond this point.

Yeah, I know 750+ wins...but 0 championships!
rings4Kings said:
Yeah, I know 750+ wins...but 0 championships!
How many coaches have won championships in the past decade? How many of those coaches had superstars on their team?

You need great players to win a championship. Great coaches cannot make bad teams into winners. Coaches can only do so much.
DaMan said:
Rick is a good to avg coach it and i really think it was artest not Rick who lead the team to the playoffs.
Who do you think changed up the offense when Artest arrived? Artest? Who then changed the offensive game plan when Bonzi came back from injury? See thats what a coach does, he coaches. This is a broken record... the coach does not shoot, does not take bad shots, does not miss ft's and does not leave their man wide open on the parimeter.

The players win the games and the players lose the games. It really is that simple. RA has done an excellent job on developing an offense that plays to the strengths of the players. He has done an excellent job of taking a team that has less then 6 months together and actually creating an offense that looks like they have played together all season. Sure there are inconsistancies but that is the exact reason why. Most teams take all year to get insync and then that still doesn't happen. Only if I could say what I wanted (against forum rules) about people that continue to blame the coach for this loss and any loss.

I am shouting so people hear me cause I already said this once.
BigWaxer said:
You need great players to win a championship. Great coaches cannot make bad teams into winners. Coaches can only do so much.
I'm not saying that simply bringing in a new coach is the cure all. What I'm saying is a new coach, along with improving in the other areas that need improving, will give this team it's best chance to get to the level we all want them to be at. Making only player moves is addressing only part of the problem. RA has done a great job with this team, and I appreciate that, but I think it time to make a coaching change in hopes of setting this team up for further success.
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VF21 said:
And there's every likelihood we will see a new coach ... next season.
And many of us will finally understand, "You don't know a good thing until it's gone."

Coaching aside - Nobody will cange their mind either way- if nothing else, this series will help to show what we really need to do over the summer to solidify the team for next season. I really feel that a TEAM has to suffer through a playoof experience together in order to REALLY compete, unless you have a TOTAL superstar on your team. Even with a star, there are NO promises. How many rings does Garnett, Labron, or Wade have? How many rings have Shaq or Kobe won without the other? THE TEAM MUST HAVE TIME TO PLAY AND DEVELOP TOGETHER. That is why I am NOT in favor of a mass rebuliding again soon.

So far our two most GLARING needs appear to be 1)Solid back-up point guard. 2) A rebounder/ shot blocker in the front court. I do not care if it is from the power forward or center, but we need it.

I BELIEVE this team was embarrassed enough and honestly good enough to steal one game in SA and hold home court. We will see. If not - I AM STILL EXCITED THAT WE MADE IT AND MORE EXCITED ABOUT OUR FUTURE!
chelle said:
And many of us will finally understand, "You don't know a good thing until it's gone."

So far our two most GLARING needs appear to be 1)Solid back-up point guard. 2) A rebounder/ shot blocker in the front court. I do not care if it is from the power forward or center, but we need it.
i think a bunch of us felt that post-webber.:(

and i think #2 is the biggest thing we need. with brad not able to jump more than an inch, and out PFs being tweeners, we need #2 BADLY.