Class Elections!

Class elections are taking place at my school for the next two weeks and I am running for class secretary! I bring this to the board looking for ideas for my campaign (sp?). Thank you for all the ideas and thoughts!:D ;)
It is always a good campaign to get more funding for the marching band and try to limit funding to athletic programs, specifically football :)

That will get your opponent elected for sure ;)
Put celebs like Michael Jackson and Mike Bibby in your campaign posters along with witty sayings.

But if you have to turn in a draft of your speech early, don't do something new that hasn't been approved!!

It didn't turn out so well when I did that...
fishstick05 said:
Probably not ;)
Well, yeah I guess, but it will catch people's eye. As long as you don't endorse them, just poke fun instead. But it probably won't get approved. They wouldn't let me put up one that had the picture of Jacko holding his baby over the hotel railing a couple years ago. My slogan on that one is "he won't let you down."

OK, maybe I'm a little twisted :cool:
When I was in 7th grade, I ran for school treasurer. I don't remember the signs and stuff that I made, but I sang my speech (based on the AT&T commercial featuring Whitney Houston with "Your True Voice") and that turned out to be a crowd pleaser - ;) I actually ended up being treasurer of everything until I graduated from high school. If you can't sing, maybe try coming up with a fun and creative speech versus the "You should elect me because I'm such a great person..." at least people will remember you, and thus, vote for you.
Kingsgrly10 said:
Class elections are taking place at my school for the next two weeks and I am running for class secretary! I bring this to the board looking for ideas for my campaign (sp?). Thank you for all the ideas and thoughts!:D ;)

Vote for Me or Die!

Will that work?;)