Breaking news...Adelman era over (merged)

mr. moustache said:
Hmm... Wonder if I'll be a Kings fan. I kept it up after Vlade, Christie, and Webber left. I guess I'll find out in time.
the rebuilding (or whatever you want to call this) has been painful, hasn't it?:(

It's hard when you love a team so much. The Kings of a couple years ago were so special in so many ways. Knowing it wasn't going to last forever was one thing, but watching major pieces depart one right after another is just hard to watch. This new Kings team is great, but the team that was doesn't exist except in our memories.

I like Rick Adelman, but didn't think I was as attached to him as I was the players. I expected this, and didn't think it would affect me much. But somehow, losing one of our last connections to "that" Kings teams hurts more than I thought.
Man this sucks, sure Rick has his flaws as a coach but he's still a pretty damn good one. Every name that's coming up in this thread is far from being a better fit for THIS Kings team than Rick Adelman. Especially now that we have defensive minded players that happen to have negative pasts like Artest and Bonzi. RA is the perfect coach for that kind of player. This bites.

And as much as I love Coach K, I don't wanna see him leave Duke even if he would be coming to the Kings. It's not guaranteed that his immense sucess at the college level would translate into the pros(Rick Pitino anyone?!). Plus, he made it crystal clear after refusing the multi-million Lakers job in '04 that he was done flirting with the NBA. He's retiring at Duke.
KingCookie said:
Paul Silas, I forgot about him. I'd go for that.

Anything but Nellie!!! ANYTHING!
Dirty sock >>> Nellie

Seriously though, I doubt that’s who the Maloofs are getting. That would make no sense at all.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
Petrie was there to talk about the end of Adelman's era. He wasn't there to talk about replacements. I'm pretty sure Petrie DOES have several people in mind, and I'm pretty sure he's known this was coming for quite a while.
I think I dissagree on this one. Geoff and RA go WAY back and just don't see him keeping this from Rick. Now it is entirely possible Rick has also known for sure but I suspect that this is something that never left the Maloofs office. Sure the signs were there but I'll bet the conversation was intentionaly put off untill after the play offs. I also would not be surprised to see Petrie disapear some time soon. Probalby not untill after negotiations for targetet FA's are over but probably early next season. I see the Maloffs cleaning house and Petrie has more in common with the guys that are going than the folks that are still here.

As I said elsewhere The Maloofs have been taking an increasingly hands on aproach to the team and I would expect the next coach much like the possible new GM to be a Maloof yes man.
chaps said:
Man this sucks, sure Rick has his flaws as a coach but he's still a pretty damn good one. Every name that's coming up in this thread is far from being a better fit for THIS Kings team than Rick Adelman. Especially now that we have defensive minded players that happen to have negative pasts like Artest and Bonzi. RA is the perfect coach for that kind of player. This bites.

And as much as I love Coach K, I don't wanna see him leave Duke even if he would be coming to the Kings. It's not guaranteed that his immense sucess at the college level would translate into the pros(Rick Pitino anyone?!). Plus, he made it crystal clear after refusing the multi-million Lakers job in '04 that he was done flirting with the NBA. He's retiring at Duke.
The kings have 1 player who is defense minded, But to have a Good Team Defense, you need other players who have the Defensive skills to compliment That Defensive minded player in Ron artest.
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Hmm...just heard Jason Ross with his mic potted up blurt out "PJ Carlisimo' during a commercial. I wonder...the one thing PJ has going for him is his work with Popovich in SA.
HndsmCelt said:
I think I dissagree on this one. Geoff and RA go WAY back and just don't see him keeping this from Rick. Now it is entirely possible Rick has also known for sure but I suspect that this is something that never left the Maloofs office. Sure the signs were there but I'll bet the conversation was intentionaly put off untill after the play offs. I also would not be surprised to see Petrie disapear some time soon. Probalby not untill after negotiations for targetet FA's are over but probably early next season. I see the Maloffs cleaning house and Petrie has more in common with the guys that are going than the folks that are still here.

As I said elsewhere The Maloofs have been taking an increasingly hands on aproach to the team and I would expect the next coach much like the possible new GM to be a Maloof yes man.
Geoff sort of dodged the question from Marty when he asked who decided this, was it a quatet of Joe, Gavin, Geoff and Rick....Gee, if I were a fly on a wall.
Petrie better not get fired. He is by far in the top 5 of best GMs in the NBA....

If the Maloofs cann him he'll end up somewhere else, he'll build a powerhouse, call our new GM and steal our talent by pulling a Rob Babcock on him! Unless, even worse... our new GM is indeed Rob Babcock!!

:( Me wants to cry
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JJ22L said:
do PJ and Ron/Bonzi have history?
hmmmm...Rick Adelman was coach in Portland, followed by PJ Carlesimo...Rick Adelman was the coach in Golden State, followed by PJ Carlesimo...Rick Adelman was the coach in Sacramento, followed by....hmmm
The Kings need a PLAYERS coach. Everyone wants a hard-*** in there, but with the types of players on there I just don't see that as being a good option. I don't know if Brad is mentally tough enough to take criticism, how Ron will react, how (possibly) Bonzi will react. Kenny is a hot-head as well. A tough-nosed I'm gonna sit your *** on the bench if you don't do what I say is not what this team needs.
ReinadelosReys said:
And whats the difference between him and Rick? A new face, that's about it. :rolleyes:
I am not comparing him to RA.. I don't / didn't want to lose RA but if I was looking around and wanting to grab a coach.. PJ would be my choice.

PJ has been under one of the best coaches in the league IMO. And I am kinda relating some NFL here but, the ASSTS under the great coaches seem to do best.

Again I am against firing RA.
Circa_1985_Fan said:
hmmmm...Rick Adelman was coach in Portland, followed by PJ Carlesimo...Rick Adelman was the coach in Golden State, followed by PJ Carlesimo...Rick Adelman was the coach in Sacramento, followed by....hmmm
BigWaxer said:
I am not comparing him to RA.. I don't / didn't want to lose RA but if I was looking around and wanting to grab a coach.. PJ would be my choice.

PJ has been under one of the best coaches in the league IMO. And I am kinda relating some NFL here but, the ASSTS under the great coaches seem to do best.

Again I am against firing RA.
Not a Good fit with personality players like Ron artest and bonzi Wells
BigWaxer said:
I am not comparing him to RA.. I don't / didn't want to lose RA but if I was looking around and wanting to grab a coach.. PJ would be my choice.

PJ has been under one of the best coaches in the league IMO. And I am kinda relating some NFL here but, the ASSTS under the great coaches seem to do best.

Again I am against firing RA.
I know, it was an automatic response, sorry. But the point is that you have one coach who is not being brought back because the situation isn't "feasible" anymore (whatever the heck that means) it going to be damn near impossible not to comapare his replacement to him whomever it will be.
When I was lived in the Bay Area and didn't follow basketball I always liked it when PJ was on the news talking about the Warriors. He was always hoarse.
Hmmm...Grant thinks PJ would be great as a coach and for this city, but he wont get hired, but wont, on the fact that he already replaced Adelman twice already...I dunno about that.