[BOS/ORL] - Eastern Conference, Round 2

Who wins?

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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Are you effin' kidding me?

When you sit/stand that close to the court you know there's a chance that you might get bumped by a player. Double standard my butt. A player leaving the court happens all the time in a scrum for a loose ball, it is not the same as a fan walking onto the court and anyone that can afford courtside seats ought to have enough brains to understand the difference. Big Baby's celebration was rather tame given the importance of that shot.
eh I thought it was unnecessary to push him, he could have just ran by him
It was certainly unnecessary. It wasn't as big of a deal as the dad is making it out to be, but Davis could have just gone past without touching the kid. I think he should be fined, but that's it.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I don't think he had bad intentions behind the contact, it was incidental and only because the kid was practically standing on the court (he was past several coaches and within a body width of the line) and because Big Baby had sidestepped to avoid the ref.

A fine would be reasonable, if it were $2500 or so.
LOL @ wussy dad.

Big Baby barely even touched him. Tell his kid to sit down and not get in the way if he's so worried. When you sit that close, you shouldn't be surprised if you interact with players. To me, this is the same thing as a player diving into the crowd to save a ball. Don't be bitter about your team losing and Big Baby making your child the joke of the week.

A fine would be reasonable, if it were $2500 or so.
And where exactly would that money go? The NBA? The kid? If Big Baby wants to apologize, so be it. But a fine? That would be pathetic.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
And where exactly would that money go? The NBA? The kid? If Big Baby wants to apologize, so be it. But a fine? That would be pathetic.
In the case that the NBA has some mandate about touching the fans then some trivial (by NBA salary standards) fine like this is reasonable. I think my opinion that Big Baby wasn't at fault here was pretty clear in the rest of my post(s) on this subject.
I don't think it was as bad as the dad made out, but it was certainly unecessary. If I were ever lucky enough to sit courtside, of course I understand the risks. This wasn't during a play or going after a ball, though. He was just running down the sidelines after the end of the game and shoved the kid like he was some inanimate object. Just kind of stupid.

I don't know if there is a rule that would allow a fine. If there is, I assume the money would go to charity, just like other player fines.
ESPN: Big Baby says sorry

WALTHAM, Mass. -- Boston Celtics forward Glen Davis apologized Tuesday for bumping a 12-year-old boy while celebrating his game-winning shot against the Orlando Magic.

Davis said he got emotional and didn't see the boy as he turned and ran to the Celtics bench to celebrate his 21-foot jumper that gave the Celtics a 95-94 win over the Magic on Sunday. It tied the second-round playoff series at 2-2.

"If I've hurt anybody or if I've done any harm to anybody, please forgive me because my intentions were just harmless," he said.
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^^agreed on so many points. how can a ball "graze" the rim yet continue on a completely seamless trajectory? and the magic did deserve to lose that one; terrible fourth quarter from them.

let's just get this series done with so the cavs can steamroll the celtics; i am tired of this rollercoaster and rooting for a team that makes dumb decisions over and over.

also, is it just me, or does anyone else find kevin garnett and his thug face infuriating? i just want to smack that look off of his mug. argh!
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^^agreed on so many points. how can a ball "graze" the rim yet continue on a completely seamless trajectory? and the magic did deserve to lose that one; terrible fourth quarter for them.

let's just get this series done with so the cavs can steamroll the celtics; i am tired of this rollercoaster and rotting for a team that makes dumb decisions over and over.

also, is it just me, or does anyone else find kevin garnett and his thug face infuriating? i just want to smack that look off of his mug. argh!
I was just talking about this with a friend! His thug act is so played out.

"Anything is possibllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" - what a dbag
Yeah Webb was saying that they deserved to lose because D12 only took 10 shots.

I didn't watch the game, but I do have a problem with this - Howard does not have a post game. He does not have a face up game. He's got some sort of sweeping jump hook and then some lucky footwork when he's right under the rim. He depends on his teammates to get him the ball in the right position. This is not a guy that you can throw the ball in the paint to and think "Ah we're good now, this is a bucket" Throw in the fact that he's an atrocious FT shooter (has been better in the playoffs, granted) and viola...

The Magic just don't have true playmakers. I sure as hell don't want Hedo running the show at the end. He has the ability to handle the ball and make good decisions, but your second best shooter can't pass the ball to himself - it eliminates a scoring threat by playing him tight.

In any case, Magic should run run run. This way you utilize the athlecisim and mismatches. You let Boston get their defense set, and suddenly your lack of a actual PG is greatly exposed.

Also, how 'bout Howard throwing his coach under the bus? This is the second time he's done it these playoffs.
I didn't watch the game, but I do have a problem with this - Howard does not have a post game. He does not have a face up game. He's got some sort of sweeping jump hook and then some lucky footwork when he's right under the rim. He depends on his teammates to get him the ball in the right position. This is not a guy that you can throw the ball in the paint to and think "Ah we're good now, this is a bucket" Throw in the fact that he's an atrocious FT shooter (has been better in the playoffs, granted) and viola...

The Magic just don't have true playmakers. I sure as hell don't want Hedo running the show at the end. He has the ability to handle the ball and make good decisions, but your second best shooter can't pass the ball to himself - it eliminates a scoring threat by playing him tight.

In any case, Magic should run run run. This way you utilize the athlecisim and mismatches. You let Boston get their defense set, and suddenly your lack of a actual PG is greatly exposed.

Also, how 'bout Howard throwing his coach under the bus? This is the second time he's done it these playoffs.

True, Howard might not have a post game. But, IMO, his strength is when he is facing the basket, where he can utilize his athleticism.
I watched the fourth quarter of the game, and I can't believe what I was seeing, Orlando's leading scorer was not only not getting his shots, he wasn't even getting the ball. I've seen him give picks and start rolling toward the hoop, but the ballhandler just kicks it out to somebody outside the 3 point line.
agreed on howard not having a post game; that sweeping hook is just atrocious to watch. but i don't care, just keep feeding him the ball so he can get (i can't believe that i'm about to say this) big baby and perkins in foul trouble.

True, Howard might not have a post game. But, IMO, his strength is when he is facing the basket, where he can utilize his athleticism.
I watched the fourth quarter of the game, and I can't believe what I was seeing, Orlando's leading scorer was not only not getting his shots, he wasn't even getting the ball. I've seen him give picks and start rolling toward the hoop, but the ballhandler just kicks it out to somebody outside the 3 point line.
You are correct, I caught the film of the game. I can somewhat understand the reluctancy of going to him frequently, but it is appaling that he was not even touching the ball near the basket. Even though he doesn't have premium skills, like you said he's an athletic nightmare. He would definitely demand attention if nothing else. I felt so weird watching that fourth quarter. Man... what the hell was Van Gundy thinking?
I'm just glad that my rooting interest is only in the Celtics losing. If I were actually a Magic fan, I'd have wanted to jump off a building more times than I can count the last two games.

One thing I find frustrating - when the Magic were running the pick and roll with Howard at the top of the key in the 4th quarter of game 5, not once could the person handling the ball get the ball to Howard on the roll, even if he was open at the top of the lane. I wonder if they don't trust him with the ball that far from the basket, but in any event, it gave the Celtics defense time to rotate, and the Magic ball handlers could not exploit the rotations and make a pass that lead directly to an open shot. Why keep running the same play if it's not working? Terrible coaching and execution all the way around, including the late turnover where they finally tried to get Howard the ball on the roll, but they waited until he could just dunk it if he caught it, and that was too late. If the passer looks the Ray Allen down into the lane and instead passes it to Redick, Redick has an open 18 foot jumper instead of a turnover.

And I'll add a +1 for each comment relating to Howard's lack of a post game. It's not too late for him to develop one, but if he doesn't do so soon, he's going to be the next Amare Stoudemire (on offense only) that is only one knee injury away from losing his effectiveness. Perkins and Howard are close to the same age, and Perkins has much better footwork in the post than Howard, which is a shame considering all of Howard's physical ability.
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