[BOS/ORL] - Eastern Conference, Round 2

Who wins?

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I like what I see from the Magic till now. Crisp, smart offense and actually pretty good defensive rotations. They look more like a veteran team than Boston.
So Rondo grabs Hinrich and throws him into a table and gets away with it and Rafer Alston slaps Eddie House and he gets a nice suspension. Seriously, why can’t the league just be consistent in their penalties? Why couldn’t the league just fine him?


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I just can't find any enthusiasm for this round. It's a shame every series cannot be like the Boston/Chicago games because they certainly set the bar high as far as entertainment value goes. And I don't think the Eastern Conference finals are going to be very good, either. They might as well just cut to the chase and get to the Lebron/Kobe show...if only to revive interest before it's too late.
I just can't find any enthusiasm for this round. It's a shame every series cannot be like the Boston/Chicago games because they certainly set the bar high as far as entertainment value goes. And I don't think the Eastern Conference finals are going to be very good, either. They might as well just cut to the chase and get to the Lebron/Kobe show...if only to revive interest before it's too late.
I'm agree with you.

Anway, I still rooting for Orlando to win it. And with the recent suspension, I don't know if they're going to win the next game.
weird series. there have been very few games that have entertained at all this round. some of the houston-lal has definitely been entertaining. dal-den has been terrible as well as cle-atl. Orlando-Bos has had one good half and that's when Boston was coming back and it really wasn't even that entertaining cause Orlando sucked so badly.
ugh, hedo was terrible tonight yet they insisted on going to him down the stretch. bad, bad decision.

these celtics bug the hell out of me; i want to punch them in the face. so i'm torn between wanting orlando to win, and having the celtics go through so that the lebrons can sweep them. i guess it's a win-win.
Woah, did I read the boxscore right? Rondo with 14 rebounds?! Just checked his NBA.com page, he's averaging 18 points, 9.10 rebounds, and 11.3 assists! Those are Big O type numbers. That's crazy for a 6'1" point guard. When was the last time anybody averaged a triple double throughout the playoffs?

Let the drama begin.

Orlando Magic fan Ernest Provetti is demanding an apology from Glen "Big Baby" Davis after the Celtics' thrilling Game 4 win in Orlando Sunday.

Why exactly?

Provetti said Davis shoved his 12-year-old son Nicholas with such force after Davis made a game-winning jumper, that Nicholas' baseball cap catapulted into the air and his son dove into his courtside seat.

Provetti sent an e-mail to the NBA League office this morning. He said Davis crossed the line, literally, and embarrassed his son.

"The NBA makes it clear to not cross the sideline," he said in a telephone interview. "If I cross that line, the NBA will take away my tickets. It's a double standard."

In the e-mail, Provetti said Davis conducted himself like a "raging animal with no regard for fans' personal safety."

Provetti moved to Orlando from New Jersey last year and is opening another branch to his toy company, Team Trinity. He was previously a fan of the Celtics because he watched Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers as a former player for the New York Knicks from 1992-94.

He comes to every game at Amway Arena and sits in the V.I.P Row A, seats 5 and 6. After Sunday's game, Provetti said he received calls and text messages from other fans checking on his son. Magic player Adonal Foyle also checked on how his son was after the game.

Provetti saw the video clip online this morning. He did not think it was funny.

"How do you like to be a 12-year-old and see a raging lunatic coming at you?"

More details to come. Check back later.

Gimme a break.
Yeah had a feeling this was coming. In a culture where people file lawsuits/demand apologies over the most odd of things - knew that someone would take some action.

I laugh at the clip, but I can't say that if it was my son, I wouldn't be doing the same thing.

Of course, my son would look at that as an honor and go home and brag that he was pushed by Big Baby in the NBA playoffs. :D
As well, I would brag that my son was pushed by Big Baby in the NBA playoffs.

Disclaimer: I don't have any kids.
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