Beno agrees to terms with Kings


Give blood and save a life!
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why did we sign him for 5 years then? :confused:
Maybe because that is what it took to retain his services? :rolleyes:

You act like the guy didn't have other offers on the table. The Clippers were pursuing him heavily as well. Other teams were also reportedly interested.

Sure, I would have liked to see a 2-year deal with team options after that, but that was not going to get it done.
It simply says that YOU don't hold him in high regard. I'll take that for what its worth to me. Nothing.....

then have at it all day long. this team is about as fun as a dutch oven. i agree with some of showtimes comments. in that i cant wait till we lose these awful contracts. and i do see what petrie is trying to do. we have alot of young players.
i wouldve made douby the starting point. let him learn and get better while we're "rebuilding". he's due to make another 2 mill next season with an option following. signing beno for a 5 year deal was a mistake. you'll all see
Because Beno was the best point guard out there for the KINGS. Obviously, he is not the best point guard out for YOU.

this is what i call having double standards. you have a signature that says you're not impressed with douby shelden and mikki. douby is 23, why are some of you giving the other guys a chance and not him?
this is what i call having double standards. you have a signature that says you're not impressed with douby shelden and mikki. douby is 23, why are some of you giving the other guys a chance and not him?
OH MY GOD. Your insane. I'm not even going to respond to your stupid post.:rolleyes:
easy there, you definately dont want the mods to see that. its just a question. alot of posters here are quick to give these young guys a chance except for douby. just something i noticed :rolleyes:
Don't worry, I'm doing fine...thanks for asking. But your post above really baffles me. I'm wondering if you really, really read the post before you respond.
Wow, five pages now of wailing and gnashing of teeth over this. This is not an out of line deal at all. Three years might give you more peace of mind, but really even in year four of the deal we’re talking $7 million which is less than the CURRENT average for a starting PG. If the stars align and we’ve acquired our all-world superstar PG by then, Beno’s contract is still marketable. Even in the worst case scenario where he’s relegated to a backup, an MLE level deal for a rotation player, while less than ideal, is not that insane or cap killing by current standards.

The Kings are going off of more than just a 50 game sample of statistics. They had the opportunity for an extended and in-depth look at him day in and day out, and they’re obviously confident in him. His season wasn’t some fluke after failing at previous opportunities, it was his first real opportunity and he performed. If he’s the player they believe he is, they were prudent to lock him up through his prime years.
Don't worry, I'm doing fine...thanks for asking. But your post above really baffles me. I'm wondering if you really, really read the post before you respond.

not as much as your signature. your post about beno doesnt have anything to do with what i said. just something i through out. why DOESNT anyone like douby? maybe you can answer that for me. or not. maybe you would like to continue calling names and resorting back to unlogical opinions about basketball!
easy there, you definately dont want the mods to see that. its just a question. alot of posters here are quick to give these young guys a chance except for douby. just something i noticed :rolleyes:
Probably because Douby seems incapable of playing PG. To me he looks like an undersized, shoot whenever he can SG, and thats about it.
Wow, five pages now of wailing and gnashing of teeth over this. This is not an out of line deal at all. Three years might give you more peace of mind, but really even in year four of the deal we’re talking $7 million which is less than the CURRENT average for a starting PG. If the stars align and we’ve acquired our all-world superstar PG by then, Beno’s contract is still marketable. Even in the worst case scenario where he’s relegated to a backup, an MLE level deal for a rotation player, while less than ideal, is not that insane or cap killing by current standards.

The Kings are going off of more than just a 50 game sample of statistics. They had the opportunity for an extended and in-depth look at him day in and day out, and they’re obviously confident in him. His season wasn’t some fluke after failing at previous opportunities, it was his first real opportunity and he performed. If he’s the player they believe he is, they were prudent to lock him up through his prime years.
most of the starting point gaurds on .500 teams ( a few under) are right around the 8-10 million range. yes, 6 mill is alot less and isnt bad for a BACKUP point guard. with all the expirings we have coming up this doesnt look like it will hurt our cap space. some good points. my concern is that he just hasnt proved anything. only 50 games with the kings. what other in depth analysis are you referring to? do you know something that we dont? when else has he had the opportunity to show his stuff other than in these 50 games? he surely didnt get minutes behind parker. summer league maybe? thats pretty odd for a 4th year player. to still be in summer league? isnt it? ;)
only 50 games with the kings. what other in depth analysis are you referring to? do you know something that we dont? when else has he had the opportunity to show his stuff other than in these 50 games?
My point is that it's a different story if you're viewing the performance from afar, like those 50 games were with the Spurs. In that case, the Kings might to be sure how much weight to give his performance. However, the Kings staff were right there for every minute of every game and every practice. That's actually a tremendous amount of opportunity for them to evaluate a player's future with the team, when you compare it to what you're working with for any outside free agent or draft pick.
not as much as your signature. your post about beno doesnt have anything to do with what i said. just something i through out. why DOESNT anyone like douby? maybe you can answer that for me. or not. maybe you would like to continue calling names and resorting back to unlogical opinions about basketball!
What I want to know is why you're giving Douby so much slack, but not Beno :confused:


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
i wouldve made douby the starting point. let him learn and get better while we're "rebuilding". he's due to make another 2 mill next season with an option following.
Grammar aside, I don't see your logic. Where has Douby shown the ability to run the team? He's an undersized shooting guard at best.

signing beno for a 5 year deal was a mistake. you'll all see
Thank you, Nostradamus. :rolleyes:


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
my concern is that he just hasnt proved anything. only 50 games with the kings. what other in depth analysis are you referring to? do you know something that we dont? when else has he had the opportunity to show his stuff other than in these 50 games? he surely didnt get minutes behind parker.
Being thrown into a team mid-season and playing relatively well for 50 games is nothing to scoff at. Apparently, you would prefer what, several hundred games before deciding whether he is worth what we paid. Sorry, we don't have that kind of time. His contract expired when it expired, and we have no control over that.

How about his performances with SA when he got the opportunity to play significant minutes? He has always been regarded as a decent PG, he's just been stuck behind a better one for several years. And yes, Parker was injured several times and Beno played well when starting.

You conveniently keep ignoring that. Probably because it doesn't fit your "world view" in some way.

He played well in SA and here in Sac. Good enough for the contract. Others thought so as well.
Grammar aside, I don't see your logic. Where has Douby shown the ability to run the team? He's an undersized shooting guard at best.

Thank you, Nostradamus. :rolleyes:

he hasnt had the chance. it wouldnt hurt. some of you need to excuse the fact that he's short. how tall is iverson again? he's very young and i havent seen anything that WOULD allow me to think that he couldnt be a special player. being small has nothing to do with your game. and excuse my grammar, i only use correct punctuation/grammar (sometimes spelling) when im on an assignment. so for the time being please disregard my run-on sentences and shorthand.
not as much as your signature. your post about beno doesnt have anything to do with what i said. just something i through out. why DOESNT anyone like douby? maybe you can answer that for me. or not. maybe you would like to continue calling names and resorting back to unlogical opinions about basketball!
Unlogical? would be very helpful if you can use proper grammar and punctuation. Maybe then I might be able to understand your posts.
Being thrown into a team mid-season and playing relatively well for 50 games is nothing to scoff at. Apparently, you would prefer what, several hundred games before deciding whether he is worth what we paid. Sorry, we don't have that kind of time. His contract expired when it expired, and we have no control over that.

How about his performances with SA when he got the opportunity to play significant minutes? He has always been regarded as a decent PG, he's just been stuck behind a better one for several years. And yes, Parker was injured several times and Beno played well when starting.

You conveniently keep ignoring that. Probably because it doesn't fit your "world view" in some way.

He played well in SA and here in Sac. Good enough for the contract. Others thought so as well.

others have agreed with you. im sure some havent. ron turned this team around when he got here. as a matter of fact he had a much stronger impact on this team in 06' then beno. MUCH stronger. look at him now. his defense is questionable, shot selection poor, attitude crappy. the list doesnt look so good now does it?
Unlogical? would be very helpful if you can use proper grammar and punctuation. Maybe then I might be able to understand your posts.

unlogical is a word in the dictionary. and its the opposite of everything i've posted today. you can look it up on webster if you like. you have no argument. quit. you have no points and you've lost all credibility. so you resort to bashing. spelling/grammar/etc. i am very intelligent, and i dont need to capitalize my letters and include commas in the correct parts of a paragraph to get my point across. its just a fan site


Hall of Famer
What I want to know is why you're giving Douby so much slack, but not Beno :confused:
You beat me to it. Good question Tyrant. Why are you willing to cut Douby so much slack and condemm Beno. I stated when we drafted Douby that I hoped they wern't going to try and convert him into a pt guard. Historicaly, it just doesn't work. Its been tried over and over again, and its a rare example thats sucessful. If you like Douby, and you want him to play. Fine, but he's going to have to do it as a shooting guard, and he may well be able to grow into that. But the dude is not a pt guard, and never will be. All the wishing in the world isn't going to make it so.

So far on a limited basis, Beno has shown that number one. He has the confidence to play the position. He's not tentative nor is he indecisive in making decisions on the court. He's a decent to good outside shooter and he very good at driving to the basket. He's an improvement over Bibby on the defensive side of the ball. He appears to have pretty good court vision and his basketball IQ appears to be good. His assist to turnover ratio needs to improve, and that should come just from being more familiar with the team and with playing time.

To me, that sounds like a good starting basis for a 26 yr old pt guard. I'm not sure what you want from him at this point. He was asked to come in and prove he could play. He did. So, we go from there and see what happens, and in the meantime lets stop wringing our hands. An old phrase my grandmother used to say. I haven't a clue what it means.:cool:
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unlogical is a word in the dictionary. and its the opposite of everything i've posted today. you can look it up on webster if you like. you have no argument. quit. you have no points and you've lost all credibility. so you resort to bashing. spelling/grammar/etc. i am very intelligent, and i dont need to capitalize my letters and include commas in the correct parts of a paragraph to get my point across. its just a fan site
Don't tell me to quit. You said it yourself...its jut a fan site. Who cares if I lost credibility with you. That means nothing to me.
WHY do you presuppose that Miller and Moore are going to see the "bulk of the frontline minutes" as though it's a foregone conclusion? We have, for the first time I can remember, young players with lots of potential at the 4 and 5, and I firmly believe they're going to be brought forward to maximize their potential.
i was sort of hoping for that last year too, but hawes didn't get all that many minutes. it's a gut instinct. if they develop the younger payers, that's great (and would put an end to the "tanking" talk), but nothing from theus, especially not the tail end of last season, would lead me to believe that he's going to deviate from the "win as much as possible now" mentality.

As far as Salmons goes, when (and yes, I think "when" and not "if" has to be the operative word) Artest is gone, Salmons could easily start at the 3 with Cisco getting lots of time as our Bobby Jackson-like energy off the bench.
agreed. still, planning for the worst, half the season will go by before artest gets traded. not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but still could be valuable time.

I'm constantly amazed by the way some people seem to forget that they actually want the team to be good, to win, and to be profitable. That's why gazillionaires like the Maloofs buy sports teams. They aren't buying them to take flak from the fans or appear stupid at every juncture.

Sorry if I'm ranting but I think sometimes people, in their zeal to express their idea of what's best for the team, forget that TPTB have a lot more to lose by fielding a bad team year after year than any of us.
you are right here in that the kings, as a business, may have different goals from the kings, as a sports team. nothing i can do about it there, we're fans because we want them to succeed as a team, not as a business.

Petrie isn't incompetent. The Maloofs are pretty good owners when you look at the rest of the league. Have they been right 100% of the time? Of course not. But that doesn't mean they'll avoid doing what's best for their team at every juncture.
i sort of agree with you there. i learned not to trust them after what happened to rick. as for petrie, he's not incompetent but he isn't infallible either. he leans on the conservative side and goes after players of a specific mold. this team no longer fits that mold, but it feels like he can't let go (how else can the douby pick be explained???). they are not the worst front office tandem in the league, but they sure as hell ain't the best!

Our young guys are gonna see time this year, most likely LOTS of time. And THIS year we have the perfect coach - one with experience at the college level - to work with them. I think we're gonna be fine.
i'm crossing my fingers. i hope theus actually learned from last year and quits his posturing.
You beat me to it. Good question Tyrant. Why are you willing to cut Douby so much slack and condemm Beno. I stated when we drafted Douby that I hoped they wern't going to try and convert him into a pt guard. Historicaly, it just doesn't work. Its been tried over and over again, and its a rare example thats sucessful. If you like Douby, and you want him to play. Fine, but he's going to have to do it as a shooting guard, and he may well be able to grow into that. But the dude is not a pt guard, and never will be. All the wishing in the world isn't going to make it so.

So far on a limited basis, Beno has shown that number one. He has the confidence to play the position. He's not tentative nor is he indecisive in making decisions on the court. He's a decent to good outside shooter and he very good at driving to the basket. He's an improvement over Bibby on the defensive side of the ball. He appears to have pretty good court vision and his basketball IQ appears to be good. His assist to turnover ratio needs to improve, and that should come just from being more familiar with the team and with playing time.

To me, that sounds like a good starting basis for a 26 yr old pt guard. I'm not sure what you want from him at this point. He was asked to come in and prove he could play. He did. So, we go from there and see what happens, and in the meantime lets stop wringing our hands. An old phrase my grandmother used to say. I haven't a clue what it means.
argument #1

playing time can be a great medicine. douby hasnt averaged any more than 10 minutes a game for the 2 seasons he's been here. may tell you that he gets around 12-13 a game but im sure that's because he gets around 20 minutes a game the last month of the season. thats when playoff teams have already been decided and we were still hitting speed bumps trying to hurry and finish the pathetic season.

argument #2

looking at beno's numbers HE wasnt that great to begin with either. he was also averaging around 10/11 minutes a game playing behind parker. he also had a very low assist count and a turnover count that was somewhat equal. once beno got more minutes his assists shot up a little and so did his turnovers, but his assists shot up a little more. playing time will benefit just about anyone. except for kwame brown.

argument #3

douby is 24 years old. beno is 26

argument #4

the sixers tried to do the same thing for iverson when he first came into the league. the kings dont need mark jackson or john stockton. they just need someone who can handle the ball, make good decisions and knock down jumpers. some of you were talking about how poor cisco's decision making was, but you all have grown to like him and what you THINK he can do for this team. most of you say he's getting better. well, why cant they be as positive for douby. he was a monster in college
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Even in the worst case scenario where he’s relegated to a backup, an MLE level deal for a rotation player, while less than ideal, is not that insane or cap killing by current standards.
I think the worst case scenario, which is a realistic possibility, is that he is relegated to the bench as a 11th or 12th man.

The Kings are going off of more than just a 50 game sample of statistics. They had the opportunity for an extended and in-depth look at him day in and day out, and they’re obviously confident in him. His season wasn’t some fluke after failing at previous opportunities, it was his first real opportunity and he performed. If he’s the player they believe he is, they were prudent to lock him up through his prime years.
Just because the Kings are confident in him doesn't make it a good deal. Obviously, if he is the player they think he is, then it will turn out to be a good move. The question is if the potential benefits of locking up a mediocre starting point guard during his prime years outweigh the potential drawbacks of having somebody making nothing using $6-7 million of your salary cap.
I think the worst case scenario, which is a realistic possibility, is that he is relegated to the bench as a 11th or 12th man.

Just because the Kings are confident in him doesn't make it a good deal. Obviously, if he is the player they think he is, then it will turn out to be a good move. The question is if the potential benefits of locking up a mediocre starting point guard during his prime years outweigh the potential drawbacks of having somebody making nothing using $6-7 million of your salary cap.
You really think that's realistic? If our front office is mistaking a worthless end-of-the-bench scrub for a solid starter after watching him actually starting for their team for over half a season, then we have FAR more to worry about than the contract.
he surely didnt get minutes behind parker. summer league maybe? thats pretty odd for a 4th year player. to still be in summer league? isn't it? ;)
I'm going to assume you are joking, since the article clearly state he was not going to LV to play in summer league? He's going there to work out, because that's where the Kings strength and conditioning coach is right now.