Beno agrees to terms with Kings


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Not unexpected, and glad to see him returning. Team options for the last year or two would be nice, but I doubt it is in there just because of PG demand at this time.

So, we now have a starting PG and possible backup (Sean) and Garcia as a spot filler. I don't think QD is real PG material. I stil think we need to bring in a backup for camp until we see what Sean has in him at the NBA level. I doubt we want to enter the season with what we have at this time.....
This is good news. Since FA wasnt very deep for affordable for PGs, this was probably the best available option for now. We'll see how Udrih can do during a full season as the starter next year.
I wasnt so sure about resigning beno but i guess it truly is for the best ... hes still young and at least we've spent our midlevel on a player this year and dont have to worry about anymore retarded signings (moore) ... the only think that bothers me is that barring any trades we'll come into the season with basically the same roster we had last year which means vets in front of our young guys for the second straight year ..


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I wasnt so sure about resigning beno but i guess it truly is for the best ... hes still young and at least we've spent our midlevel on a player this year and dont have to worry about anymore retarded signings (moore) ... the only think that bothers me is that barring any trades we'll come into the season with basically the same roster we had last year which means vets in front of our young guys for the second straight year ..
OK, free agency started (checks watch) - about 16-17 hours ago. The season starts in about 3 months.

Oddball: "Have a little faith baby, have a little faith." ;)
I'm not realy thrilled about 5 years, but at almost 6 million that's a movable piece in a few years if that's what the Kings need to do, it's also cheap enough that he can be a backup if we find the point guard of the future at some point, whether it's Singletary or someone else.

I don't blame Beno for wanting the security of 5 years though.
in the hollinger chat, just another point of view:

Barry (Sacramento, CA): Why does Petrie feel that he has to sign a borderline starter every year with the MLE - (Salmons, Mikki Moore, now Beno)? Shouldn't we just take our lumps - draft either Rubio or Griffin with a top 5 pick and save money for 2010?

John Hollinger: (3:22 PM ET ) You forgot Shareef. I think the Kings have been clinging to the mindset that they're still contending for something. If anyone pays the full midlevel for Udrih they're going to regret it --nice player for what he is, but you can find comfortable ones much, much cheaper.
in the hollinger chat, just another point of view:

Barry (Sacramento, CA): Why does Petrie feel that he has to sign a borderline starter every year with the MLE - (Salmons, Mikki Moore, now Beno)? Shouldn't we just take our lumps - draft either Rubio or Griffin with a top 5 pick and save money for 2010?

John Hollinger: (3:22 PM ET ) You forgot Shareef. I think the Kings have been clinging to the mindset that they're still contending for something. If anyone pays the full midlevel for Udrih they're going to regret it --nice player for what he is, but you can find comfortable ones much, much cheaper.
Sadly, everyone else seems to get it but our management. Again, I liked Beno during his run last year but I don't think this was the right move for the franchise. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
I'm happy. Beno can defend, he can shoot, he can distribute, and he's not old. Also, for those that thought his season was a flash in the pan, and he won't pan out because he struggled in SA: the fact that he played well in that environment last year says something. He was coming into an unfamiliar situation, playing for a first year head coach, and trying to develop chemistry and adjust in a fluctuating lineup. IMO, at the point position, that's a difficult situation to walk into and be average, let alone effective.
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I'm happy. If Moore got MLE money, then Beno is a steal. Just think of Moore in relation to his position, and then Beno in relation to his position. I think it's a very reasonable deal. Beno can defend, he can shoot, he can distribute, and he's not old.
You can make a lot of deals look good compared to Mikki's, that really doesn't make the kings FO look better, it makes them look worse.
I agree with Hollinger. We could've easily gotten by with someone like Anthony Johnson, what would be the big deal? Many rebuilding teams get by with vet stop gaps like that. Why are we acting like we are actually contending for something?
Non-rookie contract starting point guard salaries:

Atlanta: Bibby - $15,225,000
Chicago: Hinrich - $10,000,000
Cleveland: Eric Snow - $7,310,000/Damon Jones - $4,460,186
Dallas: Jason Kidd - $21,372,000
Denver: Iverson - $21,937,500/Chucky Atkins - $3,400,000
Detroit: Chauncey Billups - $11,050,000
Houston: Bobby Jackson - $6,090,000/Rafer Alston - $4,900,000
Indiana: TJ Ford - $8,000,000/Jamal Tinsley - $6,750,000
LA Lakers: Derek Fisher - $4,698,000
Milwaukee: Mo Williams - $8,353,000
New Jersey: Devin Harris - $7,800,000
New York: Marbury - $21,937,500
Orlando: Jameer Nelson - $5,555,555
Philadelphia: Andre Miller - $9,999,999
Phoenix: Steve Nash - $12,250,000
San Antonio: Tony Parker - $11,550,000
Seattle: Earl Watson: $6,200,000/Luke Ridnour: $6,500,000

Oustanding: Baron/Arenas/Calderon (not sure what his extension is)

Make of those numbers what you will.
Wow July 1st and already done for offseason

Here is 12 active players

C Brad Miller,Spencer Hawes
PF Mikki Moore, Jason Thompson, Sheldon Williams
SF Ron Artest, Garcia
SG Kevin Martin. John salmons
PG Beno, Sean Singletary, Douby

Inactive: Shareef, Kenny thomas, Patrick Ewing (if he doesnt get cut in training camp)

Basically same team as last year with two new rookies struggling to get minutes

Not any better than last year , but some more depth and potential with youngsters
Its sad, but I do have some sort of sinking feeling that we might indeed actually be done for the offseason.

Please, please, prove me wrong Geoff.

Welcome Back Beno, the Tazmanian Devil.

I expect an even better year in 2009 === 16 points a game, 8 assists, and improve ASST/TO ratio. His defense was already underrated, no reason he can't get better.

Beno + our second round pick should make for some decent point guard play.

I believe I posted two months before the regular season ended he deserved a 5 year contract at 6 million per year. Not to say I told you so or anything.
Its sad, but I do have some sort of sinking feeling that we might indeed actually be done for the offseason.

Please, please, prove me wrong Geoff.
I have the same feeling. Now officially entering the fourth straight year of holding my breath for a rebuild.

I think the Beno signing represents everything this franchise stands for right now. Take that how you will.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Not a surprise, but once again this was a move I was hoping wouldn't happen. Five years? And you're giving him a player option? And the full MLE? The guy has had one decent season in the NBA, there's no way he deserves a full MLE contract already. They should have just let the Clippers blow their money (like usual) and continued saving up for 2010. (PS -- If you're in competition with the Clippers for any player, that's generally not a good sign)

Hollinger is right -- it makes no sense to try to field a competitive team with the roster we have right now and the rest of the conference stacked the way it is. Get a jump start on the rebuild and you'll be ahead of the game when Dallas, Phoenix, San Antonio, and Denver's windows close in a few seasons. Why do we keep filling up our cap with mediocre players? Now if Artest leaves next season we've got no stars to attract other free agents and even less cap space to work with. Portland and Seattle/OKC are already poised to leap right by us with Memphis and Minnesota not far behind. Have we even started rebuilding yet?
Non-rookie contract starting point guard salaries:

Atlanta: Bibby - $15,225,000
Chicago: Hinrich - $10,000,000
Cleveland: Eric Snow - $7,310,000/Damon Jones - $4,460,186
Dallas: Jason Kidd - $21,372,000
Denver: Iverson - $21,937,500/Chucky Atkins - $3,400,000
Detroit: Chauncey Billups - $11,050,000
Houston: Bobby Jackson - $6,090,000/Rafer Alston - $4,900,000
Indiana: TJ Ford - $8,000,000/Jamal Tinsley - $6,750,000
LA Lakers: Derek Fisher - $4,698,000
Milwaukee: Mo Williams - $8,353,000
New Jersey: Devin Harris - $7,800,000
New York: Marbury - $21,937,500
Orlando: Jameer Nelson - $5,555,555
Philadelphia: Andre Miller - $9,999,999
Phoenix: Steve Nash - $12,250,000
San Antonio: Tony Parker - $11,550,000
Seattle: Earl Watson: $6,200,000/Luke Ridnour: $6,500,000

Oustanding: Baron/Arenas/Calderon (not sure what his extension is)

Make of those numbers what you will.
Thanks for seems from the list that Beno is right about where he should be as far as salary goes. I think the main issue alot of people have is the length of his contract. It could be a bargain two years from now if Beno has stayed heathly and put up consistent numbers.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
According to ESPN, the last year is a player option.
Oh good lord -- have we not learned just how nasty those things are? How many times have we been burned by them, not been able to trade a guy, had a guy opt at the wrong time etc.? Or does Geoff just wear a kickme sign when going in to negotiate with an agent?


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
The guy has had one decent season in the NBA, there's no way he deserves a full MLE contract already.
IIRC, Beno played well when Tony Parker was out and he started/played decent minutes. When you are stuck behind someone like Tony, it's hard to get minutes and get into the groove of the game. This is his first legitimate starting job and he did fairly well, I think.
I have the same feeling. Now officially entering the fourth straight year of holding my breath for a rebuild.

I think the Beno signing represents everything this franchise stands for right now. Take that how you will.
this is my fifth. you learn to live without sweet oxygen. ;)

but on the bright side, now that i know what it's like every year, i get a whole 365 days to come up with arguments both for and against rebuilding, tanking, importance of the draft, "true fans," using the MLE, playing the younger guys, coaching philosophies, slamson, whether the front office is on autopilot, and whole bunch of other things! :D
On a different yr where FA point guards were more available maybe Beno wouldn't have got the full MLE. But still a good signing as it gives us a good starter and a back up in Singletary.

BTW, did anyone hear that the lakers offered Ronny Turiaf only $1 mil for 1 yr?

2.6mil for sasha for 1 yr.

I say the Kings sign Ronny away for $1.3 mil. Can't hurt having another big that hustles.
You can make a lot of deals look good compared to Mikki's, that really doesn't make the kings FO look better, it makes them look worse.
My point was half sarcastic (because it was a bad deal), and half addressing the rising price on the market for players. How many point guards are better than Beno right now, and how many are getting paid more than him right now? I think for his play last season, the MLE is reasonable, especially if he might get better with a more stable situation this season.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
On a different yr where FA point guards were more available maybe Beno wouldn't have got the full MLE. But still a good signing as it gives us a good starter and a back up in Singletary.

BTW, did anyone hear that the lakers offered Ronny Turiaf only $1 mil for 1 yr?

2.6mil for sasha for 1 yr.

I say the Kings sign Ronny away for $1.3 mil. Can't hurt having another big that hustles.

using the MLE on Beno, I think all we have left is vet mins and maybe the LLE?


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
IIRC, Beno played well when Tony Parker was out and he started/played decent minutes. When you are stuck behind someone like Tony, it's hard to get minutes and get into the groove of the game. This is his first legitimate starting job and he did fairly well, I think.
He hardly played in San Antonio the entire time he was there. He might have played decently, but it doesn't change the fact that he's had exactly one season with a regular role in the rotation. The only reason his agent can demand the MLE is because he's a "starting PG" (even though the team he started for only started him because their guy was injured and their backup belongs in the D-League). Backup PGs don't get MLE deals, especially guys as unproven as Beno. This is the same thing Bonzi tried to do, leverage one good year into a massive contract you haven't earned because the Kings will overpay to keep anyone they like. Let him test the open market and I bet the Clippers are the only other team dumb enough to give him the full MLE for 5 years.