I know there are millions of you Barry Bonds haters out there. But I must say none of you can deny what he is doing right now. The man will turn 43 in July, just came off two years of serious knee and elbow problems, through an overwhelming uproar of public and media hatred, and is now producing at the same rate as before the injuries.
I understand how he must have felt. Every douchebag no-name reporter asking him stupid accusation-leading questions every day while he couldn't physically go out and prove himself. And now, even older, he's just going about his business. And he doesn't even have protection. The walk ceremonies of recognizing true greatness will begin soon, I can feel it. But the problem for some managers this year is that we have such good starting pitching that teams could get burned by giving up that run or two.
The funny thing is that the media wants to turn their head and not acknowledge what he is doing. But by talking about it all the time and saying they don't want to acknowledge it is acknowledging it. If they really didn't want the steriod era to be so big then they shouldn't have empowered it.
And so now the pathetic media is turning all the attention to A-Rod, who they torture every year for not producing in the playoffs, and rightly so. But look at A-Rod, he's got all the protection in the world. And so when will the endless walk-ceremonies begin for him? Does MLB want managers to pitch to A-Rod so he can end the steriods era? Will that help them sleep at night?
The answers are no. Sorry MLB. There is nothing they can do, short of a conviction in the Superior Court, that can stop Barry from taking his rightful place at the pinnacle of success in baseball history. And love him or hate him, that is where he belongs.
As for A-Rod, he will never command the respect that Barry does or did. Barry has 13 years of drawing over 100 walks, including 3 over 150 and 1 over 200(232). Alex has one (100 exactly).
Barry has 3000 less at-bats and 1000 more walks than Hank Aaron. Over his entire career, Barry has hit a homer in just under 13 at-bats. That includes all the crappy years too. So if he had just 1000 more at-bats then that would make another 77 homers. 4000 more at-bats makes over 300 more homers. And that is a lowball number. I don't think the steriods he "allegedly" took accounted for 77 more homers let alone 300. Barry is just flat out better than Hammerin' Hank and belongs above him on the all-time homers list.
So what is the point of the media turning their heads on it now? To suggest that Barry doesn't deserve to be the home run leader? Well, he does.
Everyone makes mistakes in their lives. Even 'The Great Barry Bonds'. You don't have to respect his mistakes. You should respect him as the best player in the history of baseball.
I understand how he must have felt. Every douchebag no-name reporter asking him stupid accusation-leading questions every day while he couldn't physically go out and prove himself. And now, even older, he's just going about his business. And he doesn't even have protection. The walk ceremonies of recognizing true greatness will begin soon, I can feel it. But the problem for some managers this year is that we have such good starting pitching that teams could get burned by giving up that run or two.
The funny thing is that the media wants to turn their head and not acknowledge what he is doing. But by talking about it all the time and saying they don't want to acknowledge it is acknowledging it. If they really didn't want the steriod era to be so big then they shouldn't have empowered it.
And so now the pathetic media is turning all the attention to A-Rod, who they torture every year for not producing in the playoffs, and rightly so. But look at A-Rod, he's got all the protection in the world. And so when will the endless walk-ceremonies begin for him? Does MLB want managers to pitch to A-Rod so he can end the steriods era? Will that help them sleep at night?
The answers are no. Sorry MLB. There is nothing they can do, short of a conviction in the Superior Court, that can stop Barry from taking his rightful place at the pinnacle of success in baseball history. And love him or hate him, that is where he belongs.
As for A-Rod, he will never command the respect that Barry does or did. Barry has 13 years of drawing over 100 walks, including 3 over 150 and 1 over 200(232). Alex has one (100 exactly).
Barry has 3000 less at-bats and 1000 more walks than Hank Aaron. Over his entire career, Barry has hit a homer in just under 13 at-bats. That includes all the crappy years too. So if he had just 1000 more at-bats then that would make another 77 homers. 4000 more at-bats makes over 300 more homers. And that is a lowball number. I don't think the steriods he "allegedly" took accounted for 77 more homers let alone 300. Barry is just flat out better than Hammerin' Hank and belongs above him on the all-time homers list.
So what is the point of the media turning their heads on it now? To suggest that Barry doesn't deserve to be the home run leader? Well, he does.
Everyone makes mistakes in their lives. Even 'The Great Barry Bonds'. You don't have to respect his mistakes. You should respect him as the best player in the history of baseball.