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I had a bowl of cereal, o.j., and am sipping hot chocolate right now.

When you were a small child, were you scared of costumed characters (Santa Clause, Mickey Mouse, etc.) and clowns, or did you flock to them?


Don't know about flocking to them, I was the kid pulling Chuck E. Cheese's tail or pushing Mickey Mouse in the back.

Do you microvave your soup or cook it on the oven?


Folsom Al said:
Do you mean stove ???? ... Yes

Summer is just about over (it already is for some of us) .... are you ready for Football and Fall weather ???
Yeah, I meant stove.;) Being in Southern California, I don't deal with Fall weather, and yes, I am ready for the Chargers to win their division.

Same Q
^ forgot a question.. i'll answer same Q though

I guess I can say I'm ready for the fall. I enjoyed all the heat, though it's still more to come. I guess I'm ready for some football again..(only watch the EAGLES though) I know I'm ready for bball to start! So yea, bring on the fall

If you could be invisible for one day what would be the first thing you'd do?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sneak up on my cat while he was sleeping and wake him up, just to watch his expression. (Okay, sorry. I don't have much of a life, you know.) ;)

Same question.
But of course ... in my younger days I would've loved snoopin' around college girl dorms .... but, today .... I'd probably go watch a whole days worth of movies at the theatre and freak out the people around me with my FLOATING POPCORN & ICEE with box of HOT TAMALES or MILD DUDS !!!!

Same question ... Next person
^I think I'd do the same thing or I'd go shopping watch people freak out over the moving clothes, and shoes ofcourse I would take the clothes right out the store without paying for them...

What two NFL teams are your early picks to reach the superbowl this year?

maybe falcons, close toss-up with vikes

if you could kiss one person who has ever lived, who would it be? and would this be an erotic kiss or a kiss that you give to a friend or relative?
There have been a few times when I think I may have seen evidence of a ghost, or felt the presence of a ghost. But, have I seen the actual floating form of a ghost? Nope.

Same question.
I haven't actually seen one, but one night when I was rehearsing for a play in an old theater that had reported hauntings, we all heard these knocking, rapping noises coming from the ceiling and walls. Then these scraping noises running across the metal curtain rods. These noises had been reported by other people at other times as well, so it was pretty freaky knowing exactly what it was!

What kind of jobs did you have as a teenager?
When I lived on Okinawa, my FIRST SUMMER-HS JOB was working at Machinato docks unloading cargo ships filled with food that would be trucked to the military commissaries (grocery stores) around the island.

Next Person - Same Question
Last year, I worked at my church. I cleaned the sanctuary, washed the pews, washed the walls, answered the phone, and helped file papers. :)

what's the nastiest thing you ever ate?
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