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Wheat bread is definitely much more tasty and healthy.

Getting back to my TV questions, heh. Which comedy variety show is your favorite? (i.e., Saturday Night Live, Chappelle, etc.)
RoyalDiva said:
Wheat bread is definitely much more tasty and healthy.

Getting back to my TV questions, heh. Which comedy variety show is your favorite? (i.e., Saturday Night Live, Chappelle, etc.)
Oh a toughy... In Living Color was pretty good, the Chappelle show was as well but if I had to pic it would be SNL years 87-95.

Same Q
Yeah In Living Color was awesome...I've never been a SNL fan...I actually like Mad TV better but I'll say the Chappelle show even though its officially done

Whats your coffee flavor? (ie: Hazelnut, regular, irish cream)


iheartBrad said:
Yeah In Living Color was awesome...I've never been a SNL fan...I actually like Mad TV better but I'll say the Chappelle show even though its officially done

Whats your coffee flavor? (ie: Hazelnut, regular, irish cream)
when i drank coffee, black and two cubes of sugar.

who's knowledge would you want: stephen hawking or donald trump?


BobbyJ_for3! said:
hawking, easily

money wise is a diff answer completely :D

what is more imprtant, popular or electoral votes?
Popular, easily.........damn the electoral college, let the people speak.

same questions?

hawking vs. trump
popular vs. electoral
Trump. No answer on the second question since it is political.

How old were you when you found out that there is no Santa Clause, and how did you find out? (Hopefully, you are not finding out by reading this question, heh...)
i dont know when i found out exactly, but i remember one time out at my grandmas me and two of my couins went out side to see santas sleigh after he gave us our presents and we saw him in a van. so that gave me a clue right there that something was up.

same question
about 8 or 9, when i caught mom and dad hiding easter eggs in the back yard, i pretty much knew then, that they were the ones doing the whole tf,eb,sc thing.

if your kids don't figure it out, when do you tell them Santa isn't real?

i have 3 kids (one knows and has been keeping it a secret from the other two for about 3yrs- i feel bad for him)
I'd tell them when they were ten if they didn't know by then because I remember this one girl who got made fun of constantly in 5th grade for still believing in santa.

next person, same question.
I forget how old I was when I was told...I remember that day too my mom took me into her room and shut the door and told me (cuz I still had a younger sister) I remember thinking "wow I know something that she doesn't" she meaning my was probably a year or two after that my sister found out...I don't really remember for sure...but my sis is 3 years younger than me...

I dunno really know but I'd say you should know that Santa isn't real by the time you are in like 4-5th seems like nowadays kids find out a lot earlier...all it takes is for one family to tell their child and then they run and tell their best friend...

Basketball related question...How do you think the Warriors will fare this year? In the Pac Division..???
Not as well as people seem to think. Kings and Suns will be better, on par with Lakers. Then they have to deal with Dallas, Houston, San An, Denver, Seattle...all teams that are as good/better and more experienced. Marginal playoff team, but that's pretty damn good for the warriors.

Do you have any big pet peeves when driving?
How many do you want?? People who act like they own the road. not using turn signals. weaving in and out of traffic instead of going with the flow. tailgating.
cutting off.

Same q
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People that drive too slow in the carpool lane. Dumb people yacking on their phones not paying attention. People who get upset if you pass them, as if no one should go faster than them. I could go on, but I'm about to get on the road right now, and I don't want any premeditated road rage to occur.

same q
IDK but i think the question is about the driving. Well I don't know since I can't drive yet. But from observing my parents driving I would have to say people that run through red lights or go above the speed limit on purpose to grab everyones attention.

Who do you think will win the Super Bowl this year in the NFL?
Before I became a vegetarian, I tried some thing that people might consider strange like eels, seaweed, frogs legs, octopus but it all depends where you're raised. In some countries they're delicacies. Now I tend to put weird things together but only to break the monotony.

same q


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I don't know which one would be considered the strangest, but off the top of my head I can say I've tried rattlesnake, chitlins, and crickets.

FWIW, crickets taste a bit like walnuts.

Same question.
I love food, but I'm a bit picky, so there haven't been too many weird things that I've eaten. I've had ostrich and buffalo burgers -- kinda weird, I suppose. Freeze dried ice cream that my dad brought me from the Smithsonian, that was really weird. When I was a kid, my favorite dessert at the Thai restaraunt we always went to was cocnut ice cream with candied garbonzo beans. I've never thought of this as being weird, but lots of people seem to.

Chitlins, for the record, are not anywhere near as weird as they are nasty. My friend's mother used to make them all the time for family functions, and you couldn't go near their house for at least two days after.

Same question.


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Pardon the interruption

Chitlins, for the record, are not anywhere near as weird as they are nasty. My friend's mother used to make them all the time for family functions, and you couldn't go near their house for at least two days after
True. I've tried quite a few things, but couldn't think of the stranger ones off the top of my head. Chitlins (like the beef tongue sandwiches my grandmother used to make) fall into the category of fairly common but gross, at least in my opinion.

I suppose chitlins could be replaced with vegimite. Having only known about it via the Men at Work song, I didn't know what I was in for. Revolting stuff. One thing I was not willing to try was haggis, even during my brief visit to Scotland.

And now back to your regularly scheduled question about strange foods.

I've gotta say, I'm not all that adventurous when it comes to food. The weirdest thing would have to be a peanut butter and cheese sandwich my brother said I had to try because he LOVES them....I wasn't impressed.

Does anyone else agree that there are some tv series that should just NOT be made into movies?


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Outside of "The Fugitive", I can't think of any good movies that were based on a TV show. I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple, but in general it is a horrible idea.

Same question.
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