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EmKingsFan4 said:
Yes, it has...but that's a no brainer for me considering I live in England; The land of no sun, filled with the pale people...I miss my Cali tan!!!!!!!

Okay, when you say "hottest" do you mean looks or talent?

If you attended your junior or senior you remember the theme?
I meant looks, sorry I should have clarified.
um suede...?

What do you think of this 911 Dispatcher (Mike) that made the joke to the woman who called in to 911....what do you think should happen to him (job related)?

For those who haven't heard..a woman called 911 so that she could get a policer officer to come to her house to help control this 12 year old kid who was apparently as big as she was and who was out of control...So when she called 911 and told the dispatcher the story the dispatcher replied "Would like us to come there and shoot him?" Its shocked the woman into silence and then she told him "excuse me that is not funny" and the guy goes on to say "I'm sorry it was a joke I appolgize blah blah blah" and the woman says "thats not good enough I'm going to report you-please get a policer officer here now" So I guess she does report him and has gotten letters back saying that he has been repremanded(sp?) for the incident but the woman doesn't feel like that is good enough (as she should feel that way) I believe she is pushing for him to be fired...but so far nothing....

So what do you think should happen? The situation is unbelievable isn't it?
As inappropriate as it was for the dispatcher to say that, I am more and more irritated by these people who are calling 911 for situations that are simply not emergencies. The 12 year old was her teenage daughter who she, as a mother, should be able to handle...I mean what are the police supposed to do? Arrest her? For what...arguing with her sister? As for the dispatcher he should maybe have a 2-day suspension and go through some kind of sensitivity seminar or something? Anyway here's one article about the situation...
Wed - April 13, 2005 -posted at 04:48 PM

A woman calls 911 to say her 12-year-old daughter is out of control. The dispatcher asks: "OK. Do you want us to come over to shoot her?"

The dispatcher apologized and immediately told his supervisor, who disciplined the employee. But that's not good enough for the mom with the wayward child -- she wants the dispatcher to feel more pain.

Oh, but she's not willing to let a newspaper print her full name.

From the Fort Worth Star Telegram:
Lori came home to find her daughters fighting that Monday evening. Her 12-year-old had kicked a hole in the door, and the girls were hitting and throwing things at each other. She feared one or both would be seriously hurt.

She called 911 and asked for help. Her 12-year-old daughter was out of control, she told the call-taker.

"OK. Do you want us to come over to shoot her?" the dispatcher asked, according to a recording released this week. For five seconds, the line went dead.

"Are you there?" the call-taker asked.

"Excuse me?" Lori said.

Mike Forbess, a dispatcher of five years for the Watauga Department of Public Safety, then told her he was joking and apologized. But Lori cannot get his comment out of her head.

"This is a slap in the face that my child was not important enough, my call for help, my 911 call was not important enough that he had to make a joke about it," Lori said Monday. She asked that her last name not be used to avoid identifying her daughters, one of whom has emotional problems.

Forbess immediately told his supervisor about the call. He received a letter of reprimand two days later. Forbess received a second letter of reprimand from Chief David Van Laar on Monday, the same day the Star-Telegram obtained a copy of the 911 call recording, and of Forbess' disciplinary records.

The mother, however, said her faith in the 911 system remains shaken. She said she plans to file a formal complaint.

"I do not have words to tell you how shocked I am that someone is allowed to do this," she said. "You don't do people like this, and then get a slap on the wrist."

In his letter to Forbess, Van Laar wrote: "This type of response cannot be tolerated, and this letter shall serve as notice that any future unprofessional responses while answering the 911 line will be cause for termination."

But the reprimand is not enough, the mother said.

The next time she has an emergency, she said, she won't feel safe calling 911.

"This man does need to be disciplined," Lori said. "How can a person in this line of work be so unfeeling that he asked a person who needed help, 'Would you like us to come over and shoot your child?'

"That's an interoffice disciplinary action," she said of the reprimands. "That doesn't do anything."

Van Laar made no excuses for the dispatcher.

"The reason I didn't take tougher action is, he immediately owned up to his supervisor and said he made a mistake," Van Laar said. "He's a good employee. He just made a severe mistake which is inexcusable. ... This is not something you should hear on the other end of a 911 call."

In an interview Monday, Forbess said he is sorry for his comment to the woman. In five years with the department, the dispatcher has never been disciplined for his handling of 911 calls.

Forbess has received two commendations from community members for his work. He was disciplined once with a written warning for working an unauthorized shift for a co-worker.

"I am so sorry for what I said to that lady, and I can never make it up to her," Forbess said. "I'm ashamed of my actions, what I said and what I did. I would take it back if I could, but I can't. I'm just very sorry that I did it. It was a poor choice of things to say."

Forbess said that he sometimes tells jokes or changes his tone of voice to ease the stress of a caller. In this case, he said, his words made the situation worse.

"I admit what I did. It was stupid, it was inexcusable and I'm sorry," Forbess said. "I know it's not enough for her or for the papers or for the rest of the world. I've taken the punishment that they gave."

So what is your opinion on this?
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Lets see

-New Hope Nusery School
-Gallup Hill School (elementary)
-Ledyard Middle School
-Ledyard High School

so that makes 4

Would you ever go on a game show like Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?
Rasin Bran --I know I know boring...but I've always like it from when I was really little I love the rasins...other than that I'm not much a cereal person I can eat those oat cereals and I can eat Frosted Flakes and sometimes I can eat Lucky Charms..but again I'm not a big cereal person to begin with an I usually don't stray outside of Rasin Bran

next person, same question...What is your favorite cereal?
locally I'll say Gold Star Pizza...right around the corner from me is Colonel pizza which I my family orders from once or twice a week it seems like cuz they deliever...actually we are having pizza from Colonel Pizza tonight...heh

Whats your favorite thing to order when you go to McDonalds?
I used ex was good enough to go pro until he injured his shoulder...we always golfed together, but that was about 7 years ago and I've only been to the driving range a few times since then....but I LOVED it and would love to start up again when my kids are older...

What is your dream vacation destination?
Fiji --I've been seeing a lot of it on TV recently it looks beautiful and serene...I want to go...maybe a honeymoon spot...? hm maybe

What song(s) do you know ALL the words to by heart?
iheartBrad said:
What song(s) do you know ALL the words to by heart?
Way, WAY too many to list. I hear something twice -- song, movie, commercial, TV show, whatever -- and I have it committed to memory. Forever. Whether I want it or not.

Is you is, or is you ain't my baby?
Right now(2:52pm) for Ledyard, CT (southeastern CT) it is 54 degrees and sunny...and that for most of the Northeast means its absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside....great day to be why am I in here? I wish I could bring my laptop outside...

next person, same question
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