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they were everywhere!

went for a walk around 3:30 today around our building and counted at least 30(possibly some twice)

what exactly do you call a large group of butterflies?
Prophetess said:
they were everywhere!

went for a walk around 3:30 today around our building and counted at least 30(possibly some twice)

what exactly do you call a large group of butterflies?
Scary....:eek: ...;)

No but really, are there any bug experts out there who can explain this? Is this butterfly migration time or something? Is this when all of them emerge from their cocoons? I felt like I was going to run over or hit them every time I got into a car, shoot I even feared to look at the front of my car!
I am not a bug expert, but I did see a report on the KOVR news last night explaining this. There is a current migration of Painted Lady butterflies going on right now, that is why there are so many.

If you were forced to leave the country that you presently live in, what other country would you settle in and why?
RoyalDiva said:
I am not a bug expert, but I did see a report on the KOVR news last night explaining this. There is a current migration of Painted Lady butterflies going on right now, that is why there are so many.

If you were forced to leave the country that you presently live in, what other country would you settle in and why?
England or Japan. Somewhere where there are major cities and lots of buildings and civilization.

Are you a city, suburb, or country person?
Suburb person...thats where i live...but im much more into city ways than country ways..

Okay baseball fans...which do you think is worse...

striking out looking or striking out swinging??
I'm a country boy; I love my solitude and privacy. We actually live......kinda in the suburbs/ neighbors, but literally a stone's throw from the city limits.......almost HEAVEN !!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone plant a vegetable garden?
iheartBrad said:
Suburb person...thats where i live...but im much more into city ways than country ways..

Okay baseball fans...which do you think is worse...

striking out looking or striking out swinging??
not a baseball fan...but I would say looking...
hoodie said:
I'm a country boy; I love my solitude and privacy. We actually live......kinda in the suburbs/ neighbors, but literally a stone's throw from the city limits.......almost HEAVEN !!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone plant a vegetable garden?
do pumpkins for Halloween count?? if not, then no.

what is your favorite prayer to say?
iheartBrad said:
oh man...i feel horrible i don't have a favorite prayer to say...

Are you actually following the Michael Jackson trial?
Nope. Not at all. But I do occasionaly catch those reinactments on E! and they crack me up. Esepecially the George Lopez one. Even though I sometimes watch the reinactment I still don't know anything about the trial except for the fact that the accuser is 15.

Have you ever been tempted to do something you knew had really bad consequences just to see what happens? (i.e. putting a fork in the microwave) If so, what did you do?
linzeesan said:
Nope. Not at all. But I do occasionaly catch those reinactments on E! and they crack me up. Esepecially the George Lopez one. Even though I sometimes watch the reinactment I still don't know anything about the trial except for the fact that the accuser is 15.

Have you ever been tempted to do something you knew had really bad consequences just to see what happens? (i.e. putting a fork in the microwave) If so, what did you do?
yes i have. i did put top ramen in the microvave without water and nearly burned down the house.

how many jerseys do you own?
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Zero, they're always too expensive. I do own a Kings windbreaker and umbrella, though.

Pick one-when watching a movie, would you rather be scared, be brought to tears (happy or sad), or be brought to laughter?
It might not seem like much but shopping. Shopping, shopping and more shopping the more expensive something is the better...

What are you wearing right now? heh heh heh
Oh, it's so hard to pick just one! But I guess it would be the Toffe Nut Latte.

Which grammatical error that people make bugs you the most?
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oh gosh

I don't have one that I hate in particular...spelling words incorrectly bothers me the most...I mean i know I do it enough but a lot of times I'll have (sp?) otherwise if something that I write is spelled wrong its because of a typo and sometimes iits just slang...but something that does bother me is when people talk about each others grammar and then spell grammar with an "e" like grammer...ahhhhh that kills me!

Would you pay $150-$175 dollars for a pair of designer jeans, like Seven jeans for example? Or do you think thats ridiculous and anyone who owns a pair is a shallow idiot? Keep in mind I own a please don't hurt my feelings...hehehe
I gues i'd have to say when people say "ain't" I t pisses me off, i'm not sure why it makes me so mad.

If you created your own latte, what is the main ingredient you would use (besides the regular caramel, chocolate, vanilla, etc.)?
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iheartBrad said:
oh gosh

I don't have one that I hate in particular...spelling words incorrectly bothers me the most...I mean i know I do it enough but a lot of times I'll have (sp?) otherwise if something that I write is spelled wrong its because of a typo and sometimes iits just slang...but something that does bother me is when people talk about each others grammar and then spell grammar with an "e" like grammer...ahhhhh that kills me!

Would you pay $150-$175 dollars for a pair of designer jeans, like Seven jeans for example? Or do you think thats ridiculous and anyone who owns a pair is a shallow idiot? Keep in mind I own a please don't hurt my feelings...hehehe
Personally I would never spend more than 22 bux on a pair of jeans. but I don't think anyone who does is stupid. I spend hundreds of dollars on sneakers.

If you could create your own latte what is the main ingredient you would use (besides the regular caramel, chocolate, vanilla, etc.)?
HOLY CRAP! Probably 8th grade...i used to be really good at basketball and i enjoyed playing sports...but now it seems like i have this "I'm above that" attitude (which is stupid i know)...i can't explain it really...i hate outdoors..I'm not a nature person...and being physical and sweating in that way isn't fun to me anymore

Which professional sports teams fans do you hate the most? Do you hate any?
^^^ Now how did I know someone was going to answer that question like that???

I didn't have a party on my 18th birthday. I guess my memory is going...I don't really remember what I did for my 18th birthday.

What was the first car that YOU bought on your own?
(Mine was a '71 Karmann Ghia.)
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Parents bought me my got totaled when my dad took it to work one night...and now I don't have a car...about to get one soon...and again my parents will buy far I've been rather spoiled in that department....i have YET to buy my own car but It'll probably happen within the next 5-7 years...heh

next person, same question
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