Anybody know of any job connections?

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I am in desperate need a job. Times have been really tough, my stepdad just left my mother about a month ago and she is struggling to keep a roof over me and my sisters' heads. I really want to help her as much as I can.

So I was wondering if anybody here had any connections for any place in Sacramento that would hire somebody like me. I can't give a resume or personal life story here, but I would love to get in contact with someone who can lead me to opportunities. I am 17 years of age and getting close to graduating High School, with no prior job experience, but I am definitely willing to work. I would really really appreciate any help that anyone here can offer for me. It's very hard to get a job these days.
Thanks, ryan. I appreciate it.

And if this bends any rules, by all means, mods should take it down. If anyone has any help for me, please send me a PM.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Not sure what rule it would be breaking. I don't think we want to start a "work wanted" list, though... so for that reason I am going to lock this.

Welcome to the board, BTW.

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