BawLa said:
1. What is more entitling than having the odassity(sp) to think someone else should stop their entire routine to come do something for someone they don't care about and don't know. The guy was lucky the ball bounced to him. It's not like he was the only Giants fan in the stadium. And I shouldn't have to repeat myself but he took a picture with the guy and met him. Again that isn't enough for some people. They want it all and when they don't get it they cry. Oh wait, he didn't cry. The media and some citizens did. The guy was actually stoked about the whole thing.
2. You probably wouldn't hate millionaire atheletes if you were a millionaire yourself. So don't hate him for his successes, appreciate him. And if you can't do that they you just need to deal with the fact that money distribution in this country is all messed up.
3. Barry Bonds does not act like the world owes him everything. If you can't pick that up on your own then you are just being maniuplated by the media.
4. Every person is different. If you were a millionaire sports player would you talk to the media every waking minute about every little part of your life? Would you sit down with every fan and give them each a little time? Probably not because it is not realistic, but if you did then right on. That would be you, not him.
Whoa. You're kidding, right?
1. Having the audacity to think someone should stop their entire routine? What the heck are you talking about? The attempt at sardonic irony is totally without merit in this situation.
2. Don't hate him for his successes, appreciate him? His successes? He bleeping CHEATED. And, as a matter of fact, he's done a lot of other stuff that's pretty much being pushed under the carpet. If people don't like him, they don't like him.
3. As a matter of fact, Barry Bonds acts exactly like the world owes him everything...and more. And he acts like he hasn't done a thing wrong EVER and he's always being maligned.
4. That's just about the silliest thing I've ever read. There are a number of stars who will talk to fans. They will talk to the media. And they aren't spouting self-serving rhetoric on the most ridiculous sports show ever created. "Bonds on Bonds" is laughable.
Barry Bonds is a jerk. He's a very lucky jerk who is able to hit home runs. He's self-absorbed, he's spoiled and he cheated the game and the fans who made him a household name.
If you can choose to ignore that to give him your respect, that's fine for you. That's your right. But don't try to convince those of us who lost all respect for him that we're totally off-base. Our standards are different. Not a matter of who's right and who's wrong. It's just different perspectives.