American Idol - 2008 (merged)


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NOTE: This thread has been edited. Some comments simply aren't acceptable on our forum, never have been and never will be. Since the initial comment was deleted, posts that quoted it or responded to it have also been removed.
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Hall of Famer
Carly Hennessy (Smithson) --- I missed her performance...I liked what I heard from the quickie at the end, and I heard the judges say some pretty good things about her. She's one of my favorites, and is safe for sure.

Sayisha Mercado ---
Didn't like the song...Couldn't get into it. Based on what she has done, she will be safe.

Brooke White ---
Never a favorite of mine, tonight she brought it up! I loved her for the first time ever tonight! Way to go!

Amanda Overmeyer --- Terrible tonight...I actually always thought she was terrible. I just don't get her voice. Never have. She's gone.

Raimiel Malubay --- Maybe not her absolute best, but she can sing with the best of them. I love this girl. And she is adorable on top of it all.

Kristy Lee Cook ---
A good performance from her tonight. Keeps her safe.

Alaina Whitaker ---
What a voice from a 16/17 year old! I hope she can modern herself up a bit, because I like this girl alot!

Alexandrea Lushington ---
Not a good performance...She didn't do good at all, IMO, and I think she's on the bubble.

Kady Malloy ---
Another flop...However, when her voice gets powerful, she sounds really good to me, and she has the video charisma + the look that might keep her around a little longer...I want to see her when/if she can finally hit her stride.

A'sia Apperson ---
Simon's comment made me cringe. I was 100% sure he would have said "And you did it." That hurts, but she's to good not to go.

Eliminated: Amanda and Alexandrea

Top 6's

1: David Cook
2: David Archuleta
3: Jason Castro
4: Micheal Johns
5: Robbie Carrico
6: Chikeze

1: Ramielle Malubay
2: Carly Smithson
3: Syesha Mercado
4: Alaina Whitaker
5: Kristy Lee Cook
6: Asiah Epperson


Super Moderator Emeritus
I miss Purple Reign's rankings based on our individual votes. It seems they've gotten lost in the shuffle of the "Pick 6" stuff. Maybe next time around we (meaning me ;) ) can clarify things and keep them from overlapping a little better.

Anyway, I liked last night's show but was really disappointed with a couple of the performances. I think Ramiele and Amanda really dropped down. On the other hand, I really liked Carly, Kristy and one other one whose name escapes me at the moment.

I didn't like Alexandrea at all and I agree with Rock. I think she and Kady will probably be gone.
I miss Purple Reign's rankings based on our individual votes. It seems they've gotten lost in the shuffle of the "Pick 6" stuff. Maybe next time around we (meaning me ;) ) can clarify things and keep them from overlapping a little better.
I would like to do the ranking too, but I know we got another "pick six" thing going (which I still don't quite understand). I will play along. Anyway here my thoughts.

DAVID "FREAKIN" ARCHULETA!!!:D 'Nough said. This guy has the opportunity to be in the top few contestants in the show's history. This kid has "IT". Personality, humbleness, looks, can sing. The only flaw to me is that his performances has to be a little more entertaining (move around a little bit).

The guys this week were better than the gals. The females all seem to be feeling their way through.

Top 6

1. David Archuletta
2. David Cook - Dude was really good.
3. Chekese "Jacuzzi" - Much better this week, needs to pick up tempo.
4. David Hernandez - A vanilla "R and B" singer.
5. Jason Castro - Get rid of the guitar so we can see if you can sing
6. Michael Johns - Fell off a bit this week

1. Carly Smithson - I feel she is being waltzed through the process. She can sing, but I think the Idol franchise is pushing her out front.
2. Brooke White - I am not a fan, but I enjoyed her performance last night.
3. Syesha Mercado - Like everybody else, did not like the song, but she is very talented, she will be around for a while.
4. Asia'h Epperson - She struggled with a big song, but she's got the looks, and she can sing.
5.Ramiele Malubay - She was better than what they gave her credit for.
6. Kristy Lee Cook - Was the best of a very bad bottom of the group

GOING HOME - David Menard, Jason Yeager, Amanda Overmyer, Kady Malloy


Super Moderator Emeritus
From what I understand, the pick 6 thing was a one-time selection, much like making predictions for March Madness.

I'm going to suggest that after the eliminations tonight (meaning we start with next week) we go back to rating the performances as we did last year and let you - Purple Reign - compile the results. I thought it was really interesting and fun.

We can do that too... I will keep track of our originals too..

I was thinking in the top 12 we can do a weekly thing worth points? Or is that what was being done? Every week you vote for the person you think is going to be eliminated and we get points for each correct pick. We can also do "bottom three" as like half points or whatever so you don't get hosed if you don't happen to pick the correct person, but he/she was int he bottom three.

Last night Amanda Overmyer was HORRIBLE lol. I wouldn't be surprised if she was voted off tonight. Kady Malloy didn't do too well either.

As for the men... David Yeager, Robbie Carrico, and Michael Johns all sucked imo.. Two of those three should be voted off.
I want to put this all in one post instead of separately, because I'm starting to get confused.

The 2 that will be eliminated tonight are

Males - Luke Menard and Jason Yeager

Females - Kady Malloy and Alexandrea Lushington


Hall of Famer
I saw the Kady V. Alaina and Robbie V. Luke.

Amanda Overmeyer has no business on this show, and I can say with 99.9% certainty the vote for the worst crap kept her in the competition. She's terrible, and her voice is sooo opposite of the mainstream stuff people are remotely used to.

The eliminations I saw went the wrong way...I like Kady, when she powers she has a good voice, but she should have had no chance Vs. Alaina. She's way better, and was even called a darkhorse last night.

And Robbie should have gone over Luke...That may be personal preference...Robbie has the look that I think is cool...I think here, the mainstream looking guy got the votes, as both people are pretty forgettable.

Overall Im pretty mad at the voters tonight.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We can do that too... I will keep track of our originals too..

I was thinking in the top 12 we can do a weekly thing worth points? Or is that what was being done? Every week you vote for the person you think is going to be eliminated and we get points for each correct pick. We can also do "bottom three" as like half points or whatever so you don't get hosed if you don't happen to pick the correct person, but he/she was int he bottom three.

Last night Amanda Overmyer was HORRIBLE lol. I wouldn't be surprised if she was voted off tonight. Kady Malloy didn't do too well either.

As for the men... David Yeager, Robbie Carrico, and Michael Johns all sucked imo.. Two of those three should be voted off.
Look back in the archives for the last American Idol thread. That will give you an idea what we're talking about. It wasn't about us competing against each other so much as us predicting what we thought would happen. Purple Reign compiled the results which were, IIRC, pretty close to actual show results.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The problem I see is we'll have two different things going on and if I split the threads the discussion will be really fragmented.

I like this show, though, so I'm down with whatever people want to do. it doesn't really get interesting for a little while, so I think we have time to iron out all the details.

The problem I see is we'll have two different things going on and if I split the threads the discussion will be really fragmented.
No offense, but I'm getting very confused in this thread. I really think it would work better with 2 separate threads. I have to scroll thru to see if I made sure I did my picks and half the time I don't even remember and then I'm reading thru the WHOLE thread again just to find if I made my picks. Hope this makes sense.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Here's the deal, as I understand it:

The thing Gary did is a one-time deal. People picked their top 12 back when there were still 24. It's not supposed to change. You wait and see who the top 12 actually end up being and how close you came to predicting them.

Unfortunately, people didn't understand that and revised their picks or didn't make them until after some of the 24 were eliminated. In addition, the usual ranking of hopefuls went on by people who are used to doing that from prior years.

At this point, the top 12 picks have been made. If you didn't post them, you cannot do so now and if you did, you can't change them. They're locked in, just like March Madness picks...

As far as rating each night's performances, that's the ongoing part of the thread. Just like we have in the past, we'll each say how we think the guys/gals did, and then Purple Reign will - if he wants - accumulate the standings.
As far as rating each night's performances, that's the ongoing part of the thread. Just like we have in the past, we'll each say how we think the guys/gals did, and then Purple Reign will - if he wants - accumulate the standings.
Absolutely. Here are the rules.

1. Starting after the first Top Twelve Show, you will rank who in your view is the American Idol from 1 to 12, 1 to 11, 1 to 10 and so forth as the shows progress. NOTE: WE CAN EVEN START EARLIER AND DO A PRE-SEASON RANKING AFTER NEXT WEEK'S FINAL SEMI-FINAL SHOW.

2. After the elimination show "yours truly" will provide a Power Ranking based on our individual rankings in the form of the College Basketball/Football Polls (1st Place - 12 points, 2nd Place - 11 points, so forth and so on).

3. The Power Ranking will show the accuracy Kings 's ability to judge talent. And for the past two seasons, we have been pretty accurate.

But it has been a fun way to watch the show together and to add our two cents amongst each other.


Super Moderator Emeritus
That's what I remember. Thanks, PR.

Basically we rank the hopefuls after they perform but before the eliminations, and include who we think will be bumped next. Then, after that week's eliminations, PR does the "official" KF Power Ranking.

In the meantime, Gary will be keeping track of how well people are doing in their already-made predictions of who will still be around when they get to the final 12.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I was kind of shocked with the girls that got eliminated, not so much Alaina because there were three blondes I could barely tell apart, but she was the best of the 3. Alexandrea was one of my favorites, don't get that at all.

Glad Robbie is gone, he was a total joke. Although it would have been interesting to see someone call him on that stupid wig of his sooner or later.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think Alexandrea was just not good enough to distinguish herself. Asia'h and Syesha are both similar and yet much better.

Robbie was just not gonna get far. The "Hey, look at me! I'm a rocker" thing only works if you're really a rocker and he ... well ... just wasn't.


Hall of Famer
Luke Menard --- Like Simon says, jus not good enough o advance any farther.

David Archuleta --- I think he's good, but I can't stand him. Something about him being 17, but acting like a world-savior, holier-than-thou charity case just rubs me the wrong way...Call me terrible, but I can't help but think it's just a little phony. Listen to Simon, start acting your age...Performance wasn't as good as last weeks, either.

Danny Noriega --- He's flamboyant. He's over the top. He's entertaining, in the annoying "I really don't like you, but it's fun to not like you" kind of way. Bad song choice, but he has a decent voice to go with his whola package.

David Hernandez --- Last night made me realize how good this guy is. Before now he never really distinguished himself to me, but my eyes are open.

Micheal Johns --- He's back! My top 3 are going strong!

David Cook --- My favorite now. Bar none.

Jason Castro ---
There's something about this guy that I really like. It must be the look, because he's definitly not my style. This guy has some talent, and I hope despite his slow selection America recognizes and keeps him around.

Chikeze --- Really needs to spice himself up. He reminds me of an old man at just 22. He just doesn't have enough of a look to stick after tonight.

Eliminated: Luke and Chikeze

.AI Power Rankings.

1: David Cook
2: Jason Castro
3: Micheal Johns
4: David Hernandez
5: David Archuleta
6: Chikeze
7: Danny Noriega
8: Luke Menard
I was at the game last night, therefore, I didn't watch it. Where can I listen to the songs, otherwise, I'll just have to take a guess on who will be eliminated.
Just watched performances from last night on DVR. Noriega was hilarious with Seacrest. For those who missed it, Danny put purple streaks through his hair and Paula made a comment about it. When Seacrest came up on the stage, Seacrest says "oh I didnt even notice the purple streaks in your hair" Danny in the most sassy, flamboyant way that he can says ummm hummmm to which Seacrest gives the funniest look I've ever seen.

Noriega is not the best but he's good enough and very entertaining so I think he will stick around. My top guy right now is either Cook or "dreads"
Was Paula Drunk on Tuesday Night

Did anybody notice how she was behaving towards the end of the show? Simon had to touch her on her hand to tell her to sit down. It was embarrassing. Any way.....

Luke Menard was brutal. His high pitch voice does nothing for me.
David Archuleta is still the best, but was not as good as previous.

Danny Noriega has officially become "the clown" of the group
Michael Johns was very good
David Hernandez - Male Stripper:eek: He was OK
David Cook - Best performance of both nights. his version of Hello was sensational. Better than the original

Jason Castro - I was not as high on him as the judges were

Chikezie was boring. He once again needs to pick up the pace.

Asia'h Epperson - I Wanna Dance With Somebody. It was just OK.

Kady Malloy - TERRIBLE!!!
Amanda Overmyer - Best of the night. she bounced back big. Top 12 material, not Top 10.
Carly Smithson - not a fan. she can sing, nothing more than that.
Kristy Lee Cook - I can't remember what she sings. Nothing left to say

Ramiele "Lull-a-Bay" - cute as a button, boring. Her Against All Odds put me to sleep. No range at all
Brooke White - Dark horse in the competition. She is growing on me.
Syesha Mercado - My favorite girl in the group, but she is going to have to come with it. No more phony Whitney Houston clone performances.

Eliminated - David Menard, Chikezie (only because Norieaga is VFTW candidate), Kady Malloy and.....................Ramiele Malabay.
I haven't watched Idol the last 2 days and really don't have time to listen to all the songs before tonight. So, I'm going to guess on who goes home.

The 2 that will be eliminated are:

Males - Luke Menard and Chikezie
Females - Kady Malloy and Kristy Lee Cook


Hall of Famer

Asia'h Epperson - Decent. Not special.

Kady Malloy - I really wish she was good, because she is so pretty~!

Amanda Overmyer -
For the first time since the competition started, I actually liked an Amanda performance.

Carly Smithson - She's good and Ive liked her since day one.

Kristy Lee Cook -
Dog girl! I lover her embarrassing story. She'll stick around.

Ramiele "Lull-a-Bay" - She was so good, but has gotten pretty boring recently. Use the big voice you have!

Brooke White -
Still not a fan.

Syesha Mercado -
Good voice. One of the best.

Eliminated: Kady and Asia'h...Chikeze and Luke


Hall of Famer
America was right last night...And Im 100% shocked that Danny went home!

Chikeze needs to time morph himself into a more modern fella, though. It still seems like Im watching an old guy from the 70's when I watch him.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have to disagree in that I do not think Chikezie is any better than Noreiga. I would have sent both of them home, along with Luke. At least this way I think the next one to go is pretty obvious.

Glad to see Michael Johns back on track. He was my early pick to win it all and I'm still thinking he's the one guy to beat, with Carly my top pick for the girls.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I like Chikezie. I mean, not top 5, but he seems like a cool dude. I think David Hernandez could have gone before Danny. I think Michael Johns is a one trick pony - he reminds me of Brandon from Rockstar: INXS who looked like an early favorite but was gone after 3 weeks because he could only do one thing. "Hello" has been rocked before, so I saw nothing special with guitar dude who's name I can't remember performance at all. Jason Castro is still my favorite from the guys, despite my hatred for dreadlocks.

I think all the singers are really competent but none of them grab me at all.