Kapler is a moron who manages like a robot. Everything is dictated by the piece of paper in his pocket. He has to manage the team not the dang analytics. The sooner he and Analytic Ball are gone, the better... that said, Farhan’s also apparently a huge analytic guy so I think he’ll be safe, at least until the team’s talent level improves.
GM Farhan... He’s low-key stocked the farm a bit. The current team is awful, but that’s mainly the last regime hanging onto the 10/12/14 past and trying to hold on by adding above average but non-star vets to an aging and declining roster.
I’ve actually read some analysts say the Giants top prospect, a teenage SS named Marco Luciano, will be the #1 prospect in all of baseball in a few seasons. That’s obviously huge, especially for a team who hasn’t had a prospect that hyped in ages.