

Talk may be cheap, but Sacramento has a lock on it
Sources Say

Sacramento Kings basketball operations chief Geoff Petrie recently denied Trail Blazer management permission to speak to coach Rick Adelman about Portland’s vacant coaching job, the Portland Tribune has learned — and Adelman isn’t too happy about it.
“Rick’s our coach. He’s been our coach the whole time here. He’s under contract,” Petrie said.
Asked if the Blazers had contacted him about Adelman, Petrie said: “It doesn’t matter. They wouldn’t have been given permission.”
Blazer General Manager John Nash declined to comment.
Late last season, Sacramento owners Joe and Gavin Maloof exercised the option on Adelman’s contract, securing his services for the 2005-06 season. But after last season, the Maloofs admitted they had contacted Phil Jackson’s agent, Todd Musburger, to get a read on Jackson’s interest in the King job.
“That’s incredible,” Adelman says of his not being allowed to talk to the Blazers. “That shocks me. Well, it doesn’t shock me, because they don’t want to be looking for a coach at this stage (of the summer).
“If that’s true, it would upset me, especially after everything that has gone on. They can go out and talk to (Musburger), and then I’m not allowed to? I have a contract, so there’s not much I can do, but it’s upsetting.”
Adelman, 59, is 708-443 in 15 years as an NBA head coach with Portland, Golden State and Sacramento. His teams made the playoffs in each of his 13 seasons in Portland and Sacramento.

This was from the Portland Tribune. I do not know how credible their sources are, but this does not sould like it is all "water under the bridge." It usually is not a good thing when the head coach, GM, and owners can't get along and voice it in the media. Just when I was trying to make myself feel better about the season . . .:(
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This sounds credible to me. They are using quotes from Adelman and everything. Man... it sounds like their is a huge riff between Adelman and the front office, this could get ugly. They are talking about it on 1140 right now.
Basically Napear and Lamb is saying that this story more than likely is true, that Adelman at this point is very hurt about what went down with Phil. And that he would not mind making Portland his permanent home.


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chelle said:

Talk may be cheap, but Sacramento has a lock on it
Sources Say

Sacramento Kings basketball operations chief Geoff Petrie recently denied Trail Blazer management permission to speak to coach Rick Adelman about Portland’s vacant coaching job, the Portland Tribune has learned — and Adelman isn’t too happy about it.
“Rick’s our coach. He’s been our coach the whole time here. He’s under contract,” Petrie said.
Asked if the Blazers had contacted him about Adelman, Petrie said: “It doesn’t matter. They wouldn’t have been given permission.”
Blazer General Manager John Nash declined to comment.
Late last season, Sacramento owners Joe and Gavin Maloof exercised the option on Adelman’s contract, securing his services for the 2005-06 season. But after last season, the Maloofs admitted they had contacted Phil Jackson’s agent, Todd Musburger, to get a read on Jackson’s interest in the King job.
“That’s incredible,” Adelman says of his not being allowed to talk to the Blazers. “That shocks me. Well, it doesn’t shock me, because they don’t want to be looking for a coach at this stage (of the summer).
“If that’s true, it would upset me, especially after everything that has gone on. They can go out and talk to (Musburger), and then I’m not allowed to? I have a contract, so there’s not much I can do, but it’s upsetting.”
Adelman, 59, is 708-443 in 15 years as an NBA head coach with Portland, Golden State and Sacramento. His teams made the playoffs in each of his 13 seasons in Portland and Sacramento.

This was from the Portland Tribune. I do not know how credible their sources are, but this does not sould like it is all "water under the bridge." It usually is not a good thing when the head coach, GM, and owners can't get along and voice it in the media. Just when I was trying to make myself feel better about the season . . .:(
I wouldn't reach for the rusty razor blades quite yet.

As far as their sources go, it's on a page called "Sources say" and it says right at the bottom, "If you have something to contribute, send it to..."


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Purple Reign said:
Basically Napear and Lamb is saying that this story more than likely is true, that Adelman at this point is very hurt about what went down with Phil. And that he would not mind making Portland his permanent home.
Grant and Lamb don't have a lock on what Adelman is thinking and/or feeling. They've been wrong before...

As far as making Portland his permanent home, he comes from the Pacific Northwest anyway and has a lot of family there, so that's not breaking news.

Sorry, but you have to wonder if this is just a way to find something to talk about on a very slow period in the NBA calendar.

And you also have to wonder about the "source" of the item in the Portland Tribune.

But people can feel free to panic if they like. IMHO Adelman is too much a professional to make a comment like that. He never has before - he's not that fond of talking to the media.

He did sit down and give an on-the-record, properly cited interview, where he said he and the Maloofs have mended their fences over the Phil Jackson situation. Personally I would rather believe what the man actually said - in a legitimate article with a by-line - than what some unknown person has submitted to a Portland paper for their rumor section.

But maybe that's just me.
If this is true, that's very bad form.

Oh, and Napear and Lamb just called their listeners "stupid."

Well, in fairness, they only said "most" of them are stupid.
I guess my concern is Adelman's quotes:

“That’s incredible,” Adelman says of his not being allowed to talk to the Blazers.

“That shocks me. Well, it doesn’t shock me, because they don’t want to be looking for a coach at this stage (of the summer).

“If that’s true, it would upset me, especially after everything that has gone on. They can go out and talk to (Musburger), and then I’m not allowed to? I have a contract, so there’s not much I can do, but it’s upsetting.”

I can see Adelman saying something like that. I know the media can be reckless, but they are not stupid. And I guarantee that this story will grow a life as the week progresses. Especially when Aileen "Poison" gets her grimmy hands on it.
I don't think Adelman will be back, even before this quote. Too much has gone down, a lot of very vocal fans are going to get what they want... no Adelman, we'll see how well it works out.


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Purple Reign - Yep, and it will also grow as message boards grab it and run with it. It's that slow...

To me, that does NOT sound like something Rick Adelman would say, especially at this point. He is a private person, not a public one. I, for one, am sick and tired of all these alleged "sources" who come up with stuff like this. If they are willing to print it, they should be willing to say where they got it. "Secret sources" are NOT the rule of the land in journalism right now...
what i find most upsetting about this whole situation (which seems credible enough) is the fact that adelman sounds genuinely upset. i'm not sure what's in portland (other than history) that adelman would be interested in, but have things really gotten that bad here in sacto? i'm probably reading too much into this. adelman is most likely just lashing out against the hypocrisies of ownership and management in the nba. but still, sucks to see such an obvious rift between adelman and the kings' front office.
VF21 said:
To me, that does NOT sound like something Rick Adelman would say, especially at this point. He is a private person, not a public one. I, for one, am sick and tired of all these alleged "sources" who come up with stuff like this. If they are willing to print it, they should be willing to say where they got it. "Secret sources" are NOT the rule of the land in journalism right now...
I agree that Adelman is private, but after the interview he did on the radio last week, privacy has gone out the window. This has become a very personal and public issue. When he was questioned about the team's defense last year, Adelman was very frank in pointing out that it was not his fault, that the team did not have the personnel. If that ain't taking it personal, I don't know what is.

I am going out on a limb in saying for the first time that Rick Adelman will not be the coach of the Sacramento Kings next year.:( Not that I do not welcome a change, because I think that the team does need a little change. But not like this. This should have been done in May or after next season is over. Not now.


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He's in the last year of his contract. Saying he's not going to come back isn't going out on a limb. If anything, saying you think he'll stay might be going out on a limb...

Here's the part of the interview with Grant that pertains to RA coaching:

Rant: We haven't had a chance to talk to you since the end of the season, and obviously a lot has gone on since the end of the season. And recently in the Sacramento Bee you were quoted as how you were a little unahppy with the way everything transpired with the Phil Jackson rumours and etc. I don't want to rehash that too much, but I do want to ask you once training camp opens in early October is that going to mean anthing? I mean, it's still your basketball team, you're still the coach, you've obvioulsy won 50 games five years in a row, is everything going to be okay in terms of moving on?

Well, Grant, it's not going to mean anything because I have a job, I have to go out and coach a team. And which ever team we have it's going to be no different than it was before. The only thing that's going to be different is I'm going to be asked about it then too. And that's just the way it is. And yeah, I don't think I was out of line by saying I wasn't extremely happy with that, I don't think we would have won 50 games five years in a row, I think there's four teams that has been in the playoffs last four years, we're one of them. Three have been in the playoffs in the last seven, we're one of them. I think people think being in the playoffs is a given, they're not given, not in our conference. I just think the Maloof's, who have been terrific to me, they want to make a change, that's fine. I just didn't understand, as good a coach Phil Jackson is, what was he going to change in our season last year, I just didn't understand that. We made two major trades, traded our best player away an won 50 games and lost in the first round. I didn't want to lose in the first round, but I just didn't undersatnd what was the kneejerk reaction so quickly when the season ended, I think we've always talked about things, so, you know, it wasn't handled in the right way but we've moved on and we're trying to get this team ready and Phil Jackson, he didn't decided to come. I'm just glad they didn't go after Red Auerbach! (laughter)...
The trouble with nameless source quotes is you have NO IDEA when they were made, if they were made, to whom they were made or if they were taken out of context.

Rick Adelman spoke to Grant in a formal interview. He has done the same with Marty McNeal. What he doesn't do is give informal interviews to nameless sources. Never has, and I'm willing to bet he never will.

The bolded part is why I don't think the quote is recent, if accurate.

Of course, who knows anymore? I used to have a pretty good feel for what made sense and what didn't. Now, as much as I love this team, it's impossible to figure out what's real and what's not...
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VF21 said:
Rick Adelman spoke to Grant in a formal interview. He has done the same with Marty McNeal. What he doesn't do is give informal interviews to nameless sources. Never has, and I'm willing to bet he never will.
While I think I agree with you, what does the Portland writer to benefit from making up Adelman quotes?


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Don't know, Yoda, because the "Portland writer" isn't identified. It's on a rumor page titled "sources say" and the page - at the bottom - asks for people to contribute items for the page.

As I added to my post above, however, I just don't know any more. If Petrie refused to give the Blazers permission to talk to Adelman, he was within his rights. And I don't see Adelman getting all upset about it since he had just recently said he has one more year on his contract and they're looking forward to October.


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Padrino said:
what i find most upsetting about this whole situation (which seems credible enough) is the fact that adelman sounds genuinely upset. i'm not sure what's in portland (other than history) that adelman would be interested in, but have things really gotten that bad here in sacto? i'm probably reading too much into this. adelman is most likely just lashing out against the hypocrisies of ownership and management in the nba. but still, sucks to see such an obvious rift between adelman and the kings' front office.
Why does it seem so credible? If it was truly legitimate, and those were quotes directly from Adelman himself, why didn't the writer identify himself?

There's a big difference between saying something like "sources say Adelman is upset about not being able to talk to Portland," which is passive and something like: "I'm not happy about this," said Adelman.

The second, as a first-person quote, would be something a legitimate sports writer would drool all over themselves about. They wouldn't hide it on a "rumor" page - they'd emblazon it across the front page of the sports section, much as Voisin did with her exclusive quotes from Peja about him wanting a trade.

There's just something fishy about the whole thing, at least from a journalistic point of view.
KP said:
I don't think Adelman will be back, even before this quote. Too much has gone down, a lot of very vocal fans are going to get what they want... no Adelman, we'll see how well it works out.
No offense KP, I hope I didn't read into your post wrong. I highly doubt any decisions the MOFF's make regarding RA would not be based off "VOCAL FANS" as you term.

As far as my take, This entire offseason RA has been taking jabs at the Maloofs in print media. This is just another article that appears to continue the trend. I think there is no way he will be back next year. A choice made prolly by both parties. There is a reason they say coaches have a limited shelf life. There are exceptions of course, AKA Sloan, I just don't think RA is one of them.

He had a team that could of taken us to the promise land and didn't get the job done. As owner/owners shelling out zillions of dollars I would be upset also.

As a fan I am also upset. I realize he may not have had the tools everytime to get the job done but I also know he did have the tools at one point.
I hope they will get ride of Rick. This coach has no idea to teach the guys that they must play defense to win big games. For me the kings have a pretty good team like the pistons without a franchieseplayer. But the pistons have the better coach an know how they can win big games an how to play defense. The kings must look to get P.J. Carlismo the assistant Coach from the San Antonio Spurs. I think, that with him our team will be better than with Rick.
As far as it being valid quotes. Now that it's exposed I am sure we will get some local print media to get a more qualified answer. Either way Lame Duck coach does us no good this year.
Montenegros-Finest said:
The kings must look to get P.J. Carlismo The kings must look to get P.J. Carlismo the assistant Coach from the San Antonio Spurs. I think, that with him our team will be better than with Rick.
What? Surely there are better options then PJ.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Montenegros-Finest said:
I hope they will get ride of Rick. This coach has no idea to teach the guys that they must play defense to win big games. For me the kings have a pretty good team like the pistons without a franchieseplayer. But the pistons have the better coach an know how they can win big games an how to play defense. The kings must look to get P.J. Carlismo the assistant Coach from the San Antonio Spurs. I think, that with him our team will be better than with Rick.


I am virtually speechless.
Montenegros-Finest said:
The kings must look to get P.J. Carlismo the assistant Coach from the San Antonio Spurs. I think, that with him our team will be better than with Rick.
Might want to take a look at the non-assistant coach of the Spurs, P.J. Terr-i-ble!
BigWaxer said:
What? Surely there are better options then PJ.
You are right. But do you think Flip Saunders will come to us?? I don´t think so because he has a huge chance to become the coach from the pistons.

And PJ is "only" an assistant coach but he works with the best coach in the league and i think he has learned a lot of good things from pop.

I don´t like Rick and i am sure with a better coach who could teach the guys defense we will be much better.
BigWaxer said:
No offense KP, I hope I didn't read into your post wrong. I highly doubt any decisions the MOFF's make regarding RA would not be based off "VOCAL FANS" as you term.

As far as my take, This entire offseason RA has been taking jabs at the Maloofs in print media. This is just another article that appears to continue the trend. I think there is no way he will be back next year. A choice made prolly by both parties. There is a reason they say coaches have a limited shelf life. There are exceptions of course, AKA Sloan, I just don't think RA is one of them.

He had a team that could of taken us to the promise land and didn't get the job done. As owner/owners shelling out zillions of dollars I would be upset also.

As a fan I am also upset. I realize he may not have had the tools everytime to get the job done but I also know he did have the tools at one point.
I'm not saying ownership will base their decisions on what some very vocal fans have been calling for, just that those same fans are going to get what they have wanted, and that might not neccesarily be a good thing. In fact if the team falls even further than the .500 club they've already become, and fails to even make the playoffs without Rick, they are going to look downright stupid. I do agree with you he won't be back though.
As far as PJ Carlisimo... put down the pipe Finest.
(sweet avatar though)
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BigWaxer said:
As a fan I am also upset. I realize he may not have had the tools everytime to get the job done but I also know he did have the tools at one point.
I don't know why I even bother but I have to ask...

Yes, he had the tools to get the job done and the Kings got to game 7 of the Western Conference Finals. If you read Phil Jackson's book, he even agrees with a majority of people that the main reason the Kings didn't win and go on to win the NBA championship was because they forgot how to shoot free throws.

How is that Adelman's fault? He sat there and watched as players who usually hit FTs like ... well ... free throws tossed up brick after brick and ultimately cost us the game.

How exactly is that Adelman's fault again?

You know what. Never mind. Don't bother to answer. People are becoming as polarized about Rick as they have been about Webber and Peja. And it breaks my heart.

It used to be that Kings fans SUPPORTED our players and our coach. We cheered them on. We didn't tear them down.

It's truly a shame, but I'm honestly starting to believe that if anything takes this team away from us, it will be ourselves.




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Montenegros-Finest said:
You are right. But do you think Flip Saunders will come to us?? I don´t think so because he has a huge chance to become the coach from the pistons.

And PJ is "only" an assistant coach but he works with the best coach in the league and i think he has learned a lot of good things from pop.

I don´t like Rick and i am sure with a better coach who could teach the guys defense we will be much better.
You just don't have a clue, do you?

With a better coach? It may be time for a different coach but be careful what you wish for. There aren't many truly "better" coaches out there. Unless, of course, you're only considering coaches who have actually won titles as being better. In that case, you're in deep doo-do. The ones with titles on their resume are either retired or pretty comfortable where they are.
VF21 said:
I don't know why I even bother but I have to ask...

Yes, he had the tools to get the job done and the Kings got to game 7 of the Western Conference Finals. If you read Phil Jackson's book, he even agrees with a majority of people that the main reason the Kings didn't win and go on to win the NBA championship was because they forgot how to shoot free throws.

How is that Adelman's fault? He sat there and watched as players who usually hit FTs like ... well ... free throws tossed up brick after brick and ultimately cost us the game.

How exactly is that Adelman's fault again?

You know what. Never mind. Don't bother to answer. People are becoming as polarized about Rick as they have been about Webber and Peja. And it breaks my heart.

It used to be that Kings fans SUPPORTED our players and our coach. We cheered them on. We didn't tear them down.

It's truly a shame, but I'm honestly starting to believe that if anything takes this team away from us, it will be ourselves.


Unfortunately that is a great post.