12.26.11 Kings vs. Lakers, Laker Fan Reaction Thread

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Taken from http://forums.lakersground.net,http://www.clublakers.com, and http://www.silverscreenandroll.com/.


No way...who plays for the Kings? 1st win baby Guaranteed!
Who's going to guard Cousins?
One of the white guys on our team... duh!
no way Lakers lose this one, but stranger things have happened..Kobe goes for 30+ pau finally starts blocking more shots..and Blake keeps hittin 3's ...please DONT PLAY ron and fisher more than we have to
I hate cousins. No foul.
Hayes bailing Fisher out. LOL
Fisher sucks so freaking much, he had zero court vision it's pissing me off.
Jimmer torching our rookie....
Forgot it's retarded Sacto....they start the game 30 minutes early. I missed the first 6:00 of the first.
Gasol looks awful wow.
Please trade Pau while he still has some value.
jimmer about to drop 50
Gasol is worthless. Literally he is getting outplayed by the likes of Chuck Hayes.
Jimmer is fast, I thought those expert analysts said he was slow.
Kings are running circles around us.
The Kings are making us look foolish.
LOL at fish. Get out.
Fish grabbed by the Court Monster.
Derek FIsher crossed himself over lmfao!
Fishers biggest contribution to the lakers was getting NBA back thats about it
look at 6'6' Chuck Hayes statline, 8 rebounds, 4 points, 2 assists, 1 block, 2-3 FG ... lol
We can't lose to Sacremento.
Where's Odom when you need him? Oh, that's right..
Hayes is Gasol's kryptonite.
Were my eyes playing tricks on me or did we run an isolation for Fisher a few possessions back.....
Mike Brown throwing in the towel with Luke coming in.
Mike Brown, your days are numbered.
Refs giving the Kings every call.
Raining shots on us all night.
...the Kings? Wow.
Cousins looks like a baby with a dirty diaper when he makes that face....
want to turn off game so badly...
This team is terrible.
This jerkbag Cousins is pretty irritating to look at.
Marcus Thornton... All Star.
Thorton.. killing us.
0-2 Somewhere David Stern is smiling
20 points on 11 shots for Thorton? Damn!
Don't disrupt World Peace please.
This team is a laughing stock. Can we trade for Marcus Thorton?
and chuck hayas is hitting fadaways against us?? that kind of night I guess
chuck hayes hitting jumpers...nice...NOT
The passing game has returned, Queens starting to choke a bit.
Kings: live by the jumper...
Thorton, starting SG for this year's all star team apparently.
It's amazing how much Hayes is allowed to manhandle Pau under the rim.
Sacramento needs to STFU.
How did Chuck Hayes get fouled? LOL
hayes just jumped over the line and no call smh
Queens announcers are annoying me now.
next time we play them, I want Bynum to destroy Cousins
Fish blinked at Evans and got whistled for a foul.
omg another fould.... This is B*LLSH*T
lmfao. I am speechless.
lol this is embarassing
someone needs to kill these refs im serious
That was pathetic.
I want to punch the fat Magoof brother.
this loss is on david stern
Hate these Queens announcers. Whatever guys. Moving vans are already packed fellas...
RIP Lakers
Cousins was still moving his feet.
i thought showboating was a technical? Cousions is celebrating like he won the title!??
Cousins just went above Chris Paul on my most hate to watch list...
Whatever, this is like the King's championship. Let them gloat.
I should have punched Gavin Maloof in the face when I saw him a few years ago.
It's so cute how hyped up they get when they beat us. Congrats you're 1-0 and on your way to 26-40.
Kings 102 Lakers 84
this should be an easy win.
cousins might rape gasol. sacramento alway sees us as their game 7. will be a ton of guard play to deal with. will test the defense.
Kings new uniforms are ugly....
i hate cousins
Is Gasol trying to be part of the blackout?
Ugh, i hate Thorton
We cannot leave Thorton open.
Jimmer, Thorton, Tyreke, Salmons, Cousins. All ball hogs. take advantage LA
Jimmer enters
wow.. look at King's court. I was fooled into believing it was Staples center
Kobe has no respect for Tyreke
Things more tan than jimmer. Troy Murphy
uh no. kings starting to get hot.
Seriously... a bunch of rookies and scrubs are running circles around our damn team!
Why do we suck against the Kings
wow... embarrassing
Not worried. The Queens always play us tough.
Just tuned into the game. Is Kobe really 3-10 against Isaiah Thomas ?
Queens announcers whine more than any crew other than the Blazers.
That's not "great position" Mr. Kings Announcer...it's called "sliding over" to cut off a guy going up for a shot. Not even close to a charge.
Cousins is probably only guy who won't get that call against kobe
The Lakers need this game badly after yesterday, cannot lose to these guys.
This is so embarrassing...I don't even know who this team is right now.
Gonna lose to the friggin Kings.
i need a drink to watch mess
There is a lot of time left, but unless Pau gets over his yeast infection...I think the Lakers are going to go to 0-2.
WTF Lakers?!!!
Lakers suck.
Just want to let you guys know. This team f'ing sucks.
I don't even know what to say. This team is horrible.
What a bunch of fair-weather drama queen f@gs, shut up!! It's one bad half of basketball, doesn't mean sh!t. You people suck way more than the Lakers right now, go be bad fans of another team, jerks!!!
This is a joke. Down 11 to a scrub team.
It doesn't seem real hard to get into Cousin's head
it's kobe's fault again I suppose when Tyreke blew pass 4 players
Gasol sucks...
(bleep) defense by Fisher leads to a 3 for the Queens.
Evans carries the ball every time
Fisher is terrible.
Fisher cannot stay in front of Evans with two of himself.
OMG (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep)
Fisher is a dinosaur.
I feel bad for Mike Brown.
FISHY JUICE getting PWNED by Tyreke. Hahhahahahha
Someone needs to floor Hickson.
Who has smoked more weed tonight, me or Pau?
Here we go again with Sterns clowns getting tech happy.
David Stern ruined our franchise by vetoing that trade.
Paul Westphal thinks he's Phil Jackson.
PUKE WALTON in before Matt Barnes? What did Barnes do to Mike Brown??????????????????????????????
(bleep) HATE THESE (bleep) REFS
Luke go burn in hell
Brown knows that the Kings are going to Cousins and chooses to roll with Walton. WHY???
Now they're just clowning on us... pathetic.
How hard is it for Cousins, WE HAVE ZERO SIZE IN. Brown, what the hell are you doing?!!?
wheres the taunting tech on cousins?
Getting blown out by the Queens in a half full building.....embarrassing.
We are getting clowned by the Kings... What a JOKE!
Cousins is such a tool.
Mike Brown is trolling the Lakers.
Even Phil was not dumb enough to play Luke this long
it's 6am in Serbia & i stays awake to watch this &^$%%@&*
MWP has been our best player?
STERN screwed us so hard our butts will never stop bleeding.
Kobe getting burned by Marcus Thornton? Is it over for the Mamba? Is he finished?
fisher is really the worst pg in the league. hes nearing smush parker hate right. might surpass it in the next two weeks
Jimmer Fredette redefines "white". Jesus, someone get me some sunglasses and sunscreen.
i hate thornton
good shot by thorton
Maybe Thorton wouldn't have made that if people were playing D before the 4th quarter.
NO FOULS??????????????????? Screw you refs.
Refs making up for tha non call on Cousins
how is that a foul on Barnes? Evans just ran into him.
chuck hayes is a honey badger
Chuck Hayes has been eating well.
refs helping the Kings now... sounds 2000ish
Who's gonna start the Fire Mike Brown thread?
Demarcus Cousins...the guy who said Bynum shouldn't touch the trophy? He looks like a punk.
Fisher is Human Diarrhea.
Cousins just owned Gasol.
I can see Pau's v***** from here.
Thornton has lit up Kobe tonight. If Kobe can't outscore Marcus Friggen Thornton by a wide margin, we are hurting.
evans gets calls kobe doesnt
Somebody needs to floor that clown Cousins. Whatever...he will always be stuck in Sacramento...
Cousins is such a little (bleep) and acts like a filled douche bag.
cousins ragdollin pau around
Kings just won the Trophy.
Banner time in Sacramento
Kings celebrating like they won the champsionship!
Marcus Thornton has outplayed Kobe tonight.
Refs' agenda is VERY clear this season already. Already sick of the NBA. Bring back the lockout. This is unwatchable.
God I hate the Queens and their fans.
Thornton feels like he just won game seven. Easy there, Turbo.
I thought Kobe was going to punch Cousins.
If I didn't know basketball, I would have thought Cousins just won an NBA title.
Cousins wanted to fight.
The Sacramento Kings...your 2012 NBA Champions!Oh wait..
I just want to punch Thornton in the face.
thorton asking to be placed on the nba db list
What a hump Maloof is. Just a total ***clown.
Looking forward to the Lakers 1st win of the season
sweet Kings jerseys though
Kobe please guard Thorton
please take Fisher off Evans
wow take fish out. GARBAGE
evans-thornton so explosive
kings coach going for the beard look, not good
Evans = Akon
Part two:
pau can just go ahead and park his *** on the bench
kings making us look bad
kings announcers whining about artest name change
lakers killer hayes
we getting blown out
no need to show off evans
why are we just letting evans shoot?!?!?!
so i can get fantasy points.
kobe can't even shoot over that little guy
just waiting for the kings fan to chant overrated to kobe so he can burn them.
darth vader? Thought that was kobe
kings announcers are too much
count on the kings to fall apart...
hope sactown gets steamrolled next halp
omg fire brown
fish for head coach
walton for assisant coach
brown suxors!!!!
trade mike brown!!!
****ing bench fisher
sooo many boos
hahahahahah wow troy murphy looked like a freaking cadaver
this season has 2005 written all over it
why was luke guarding cousins on that last bucket?
mike brown gets playing time?
john salmons for 3? Tyreke evans hitting multiple 3s? I shall now be watching this kings team now to see if this continues
oh. David sterns hornets won
you know, if they're making threes its a good idea to try to stop them
wtf no foul for the lakers but the kings get one? **** you refs
****in gasol looked like he got runded over by a 16 wheeler
hayes block was clean..that was weak by pau
why is it that we always suck?
we can't win
evans destroys fisher every time.
we do ****ing suck without bynum, gasol is plain bad
i want to see the look at the maloof's faces when we get dwight and deron
i hate the kings announcers and the kings owner.
those commentators are pretty dumb.
**** this..i'm not sticking around to see the kings get the larry o'brien trophy
zomg. That's it. I've had enough. Trade derek pisser, puke walton, and metta world fail for dwight howard, deron williams and phil jackson.
maloofs pounding his heart: Later in the year it’ll be a knife when we give them the payback
rebuild around ebanks! Amnesty kobe! Trade everyone else! Gogogo
after **** like this, andrew bynum might want to be suspended for the first 5 games
lol @ espn hyping up the lakers vs kings game as a jimmer vs kobe matchup
at least thornton is on my fantasy team..
times like these makes me hate david stern more and more and more....
thornton is worth every penny
who left thornton open again for the one millionth time?
either that or watch thornton get buckets.
who the **** is this thornton guy
i love going to the other team's forums and reading through the game thread after the kings beat them, especially if the fans are as arrogant and entitled as these lakers fans.
I hate Laker fan with a passion. I always get crap from them when I wear my Kings t-shirts or ball caps. Last time it was a cashier in a Rite Aid here in town (Fontana- San Bernardino County). The idiot asks me: can I ask you a question? Why do you like the Kings? Are you from Sacramento? They suck. I won't mention everything I said to him but the last word he heard from me was 'you.'


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OK, I'm closing this up with this note: we don't do these sorts of threads on here guys. What it leads to is an open invitation to troll, either by our members going there to taunt, or their members coming here to defend, and you get board scrimishes and all sorts of stupid behavior. Thx.
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