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  1. Arco Arena

    Cousins Working His Butt Off (New poll)

    He's on the original team he wanted to leave. I get the feeling you're the type that likes having the last word. Alright, have at it. So long.
  2. Arco Arena

    Cousins Working His Butt Off (New poll)

    He's still on the original team that he wanted to leave. That was the point. You missed it. Also I'm assuming you bolded "Bricklayer" as another snarky jab. Is everybody supposed to write screennames in full? Please.
  3. Arco Arena

    Cousins Working His Butt Off (New poll)

    Interesting, you've completely missed the point in an attempt to make a snarky comment. Yes, Gordon was traded but for the purposes of our argument, that doesn't matter. NO had the same contract and rights as if they drafted him. Gordon could not leave in restricted free agency even though he...
  4. Arco Arena

    Cousins Working His Butt Off (New poll)

    Gordon is still with his original team... I'm assuming you bring him up because you think he faked his injury to force a trade, that is based on no facts. Funny that you bring up Melo, Dwight, and Deron... they each signed extensions with their original teams from their rookie deals. Know why...
  5. Arco Arena

    Cousins Working His Butt Off (New poll)

    He wouldn't be the first RFA to have his heart set elsewhere only to be matched by his current team. In fact, almost every season you see this happen. You think he'll have so much contempt after a contract match that he'd stop playing hard? Underperform? Maybe fake some injuries? Lose his heart...
  6. Arco Arena

    Vivek's daugther........................

    This is kind of creepy.
  7. Arco Arena

    Kings vs Mavs - summer league

    Actually... Tyreke had 15pts, 4rebs, 2 assists, and 4 turnovers in his SL debut. You're talking about his second SL game.
  8. Arco Arena

    We've made an offer to Monta?

  9. Arco Arena

    Greivis Vasquez triple double 2/8/13 highlights

    They are audited/reviewed. It's actually quite easy with the rise of Synergy over the past ~5 years (all NBA teams and their television partners use it). Very easy to call out any shenanigans. But hey, conspiracy theorists will believe what they want to believe.
  10. Arco Arena

    Greivis Vasquez triple double 2/8/13 highlights

    ah, you guys mean the scorekeepers are padding assists for them eh? lol, well, i'm not going to argue about conspiracy theories
  11. Arco Arena

    Greivis Vasquez triple double 2/8/13 highlights

    Please, elaborate.
  12. Arco Arena

    Luc Richard Mbah A Moute to Sac for picks

    Internet abbreviations need to be as obscure as possible so you can feel all smug and stuff when people don't understand what you're talking about.
  13. Arco Arena


    You gotta be kidding me.... ...
  14. Arco Arena

    Striving for mediocrity?

  15. Arco Arena

    Fire PDA!

    Agreed! Ranadive has been intimately involved with every organizational move thus far. You think he wasn't consulted in Tyreke not being matched and Landry being signed? You think that he didn't ask PDA what his strategy was with Tyreke and Cousins during his interviews? Fire Ranadive...
  16. Arco Arena

    Fire PDA!

  17. Arco Arena

    Now, about Vasquez...

    My mistake
  18. Arco Arena

    Now, about Vasquez...

    ... You think it's better that the FO break their verbal agreement? No team does this because it's essentially suicide. Nobody would talk to them again. How is that better? Getting to the minimum salary requirements would not be hard at all if Cousins is given the max as expected.
  19. Arco Arena


    Sam Amick scoop
  20. Arco Arena

    Kings pull offer to Iguodala (split)

    Looks like Dwight has chosen the Rockets.