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  1. tradepeja

    Wizards @ Kings Game Thread

    I noticed that too. After he made the steal of the young season, Donte went up yelling and slapped him and gave him a big chest bump and he literally had no expression on his face.
  2. tradepeja

    Spencer Hawes

    I can understand the softness because he was always soft. I can understand the inability to score in the post because he's always been unable to score in the post. I can understand the bad pick and roll and bad post defense because he's always been bad at that. What I don't understand is how...
  3. tradepeja

    All about Bosh (merged)

    Worst loss of the season.
  4. tradepeja


    Great season, but some huge plot holes opening up. How was Trinity to know that Dexter wasn't working undercover for the homicide division and was merely leading him in to a trap where he walks himself right in to Miami metro for an easy arrest? It seems like it would be an easier logical...
  5. tradepeja

    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread 5:30 p.m.PST 12/9

    I guess this is better than getting blown out every game, but man is it much more frustrating. It was just so much easier last year when you could just turn the game off after the 3rd because we were down by 25.
  6. tradepeja

    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread 5:30 p.m.PST 12/9

    Donte doesn't need to be taken out, he just doesn't need to be getting the ball on the wing like that when it'd be much better for any of the other 4 guys to get the ball in that position.
  7. tradepeja

    Race for ROY - revised title

    The race isn't really a race anymore at this point. Take away the 55 pt game and Jennings as the top rook is laughable. I'm just glad the double-nickel happened so early, hopefully its imprint will be gone by April.
  8. tradepeja

    During this losing streak...

    This is the utter truth right here. The only thing separating this 3 game losing streak from a 3 game winning streak is free throw shooting.
  9. tradepeja

    Grades v. Hornets 12/08/09

    Really could have used Garcia or Casspi tonight. The offensive black holes that are KT, Nocioni, and Udoka are wearing our team down. edit: also, who had a little mini-cheer inside when my namesake swished that 29-footer? Its like reflex for me to want those flings to go in...
  10. tradepeja

    Kings @ New Orleans Game Thread 5p.m. PST 12/8

    This. It was the easiest shot out of the 4 shots he made in that sequence of the 4th.
  11. tradepeja

    Kings @ New Orleans Game Thread 5p.m. PST 12/8

    At least we didn't have to watch the Hornets wake up and blow us out in OT.
  12. tradepeja

    Get Reke to the all-star game!!!!

    Great post Brick. Wow, that'd be quite a way for a Kings player to return to the game. What has it been, 3 or 4 totally dry years?
  13. tradepeja

    Our Young Bigs - Spence and JT

    Requesting name change to 'tradespencer'
  14. tradepeja

    Heat @ Kings Game Thread 12/6 - 6 p.m. PST

    No, I am not a better judge of the players than Westphal. If I had said that then I really would have been the buffoon. But, I do think he made a mistake here. Of course, I have the massive benefit of retrospect. Tyreke had already rested the final 30 seconds of the 3rd, the quarter break...
  15. tradepeja

    Heat @ Kings Game Thread 12/6 - 6 p.m. PST

    Anyone arguing that Tyreke couldn't have played the entire final quarter tonight and been completely fine for the remaining 60 games this season is [ERROR CODE 29038] He's 20 years old people. He played only 32 minutes last night and has a full day of rest tomorrow. Westphal keeping him out...
  16. tradepeja

    Heat @ Kings Game Thread 12/6 - 6 p.m. PST

    Omri's free throw stroke is just so damn awful. He has about 3 hitches in his shot before he finally gets it off.
  17. tradepeja

    Oden's season over

    Really sucks. He is extremely young still though so who knows. The fact is, Portland is better off without him. His defensive contributions have just not been worth how much he hampers their offense.
  18. tradepeja

    Kenny Thomas

    Turns out he should have been playing at least a little all these years. Am I dreaming, or when we first acquired him, wasn't he starting and having multiple 20+ pt 10+ reb games? I remember him being a sweet mid-range shooter as well, and now his freethrow stroke is borderline retarded.
  19. tradepeja

    Gavin's pro tyreke tirade on draft day...

    Not only is he totally justified now, but I think everyone is overreacting a bit to his overreaction. He was pumped. And the truth is, we all should have been too.