Search results

  1. tradepeja

    What are you listening to right now?

    How can you leave off songs like The Crowing and the title track of In Keeping Silent Secrets of Earth? That one being my favorite album. For the most part I find their music pretty intriguing (i'm not totally with you there on the "greatest ever" thing though :D) but I can't follow the story...
  2. tradepeja

    What are you watching on TV?

    Truth. The Office is far past its prime, but it still makes me laugh every episode. Shows you just how much of a gem it was in its first 3 seasons. I feel that How I Met Your Mother and 30 Rock have ran away with the funniest show on TV titles by now
  3. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    Woops. Apologies all around. I check the board every day except the day that I'm up.... Make-up picks, i'll make it short and sweet Robot Chicken (2005-present) - Cartoon Network Great little off-the-wall stop-motion sketch show with plenty of celebrity voice cameos. Psych...
  4. tradepeja

    Ellis Can't Play with Curry?

  5. tradepeja

    DeShawn Stevenson face/throat tats!

    Wow, sure is TDOS in here.
  6. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    Wow, these last few picks have hurt my list. Great job grabbing them up when you could, everyone. A skill I still have yet to learn :p But, where I am getting destroyed in live action drama and comedy, I feel I am more than making up for in grabbing legendary adult cartoons. Here's another...
  7. tradepeja

    Computer Help - New Video Card - System Won't Boot

    Were you the guy who made the help thread about what PC parts to get to build your computer? The one where I kept on reiterating to not skimp on your PSU because most people do and then come to regret it... Well I hate to say it but.... (if you aren't him then I retract the above snide remark)
  8. tradepeja

    Shout outs for your favorite obscure band!

    Three words: Andrew Jackson Jihad. Check out their album People Who Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World They are a two-man folk-punk band. Incredible song-writing, awesome musicianship, the whole thing. I've already heard...
  9. tradepeja

    Computer Help - New Video Card - System Won't Boot

    Not to be a Debbie downer or anything C Diddy, but if I were you I'd RMA the card. Newegg is very forgiving in these situations and would take the card back for a full refund. Sparkle isn't the greatest card manufacturer and its cards always tend to run a little hot, along with some strange...
  10. tradepeja

    Computer Help - New Video Card - System Won't Boot

    Your video card is compatible, but it does in fact need a power connector plugged directly from your PSU (as in, an ATX line with no other peripherals attached) to operate correctly. Also, once you get it up and running, run Driver Cleaner...
  11. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    Wow, the dramas are really all snatched up. Nice drafting everyone. Ryanandtv, I'm guessing with my two picks whatever you were contemplating will be safe. Unless I'm just totally missing something... Da Ali G Show - HBO (2003-2004) Too few episodes...
  12. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    I'm contemplating my picks here very carefully. I'm guessing jerryaki doesn't mind the extra time either. And have you been watching CNN or something, VF? Picks'll be up before midnight
  13. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    :D I'm very glad to be wrong. Actually, that was a needling comment at best. I kind of wanted some discussion of Chappelle. That show was too good.
  14. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    Wow, Spongebob was a great pick. Almost had it. I'll take this as consolation, as I can't believe its still hanging around. King of the Hill - Fox (1997-2009?) I let Futurama slip through my fingers by reaching with Chappelle's Show (not really a reach IMO, though I'm guessing many of...
  15. tradepeja

    The Last Band(s) Standing - Final results

    Man...the remasters sound great +Beatles -U2 136-The Beatles 26-The Rolling Stones 106-U2 98-AC/DC 66-Guns N Roses 10-Bob Marley
  16. tradepeja

    Bruce Bowen Retires

    Good riddance isn't enough. Great riddance?
  17. tradepeja

    IPOD Decades Songs Draft - Rankings underway

    And a paragraph explanation of his quest for a clean version coupled with a link to a video that butchers the song doesn't make it even the most obvious? Man, this bring me back to the good ole days. Trying to wrap my mind around some of the rules on this board is an exercise at best...
  18. tradepeja

    IPOD Decades Songs Draft - Rankings underway

    This seems absurd. Do you really have to only link to clean versions of songs in this draft? I mean, if you wanted to link to a song with explicit lyrics, couldn't you just label it explicit and someone at work or at home with children nearby could just opt not to click it? What's the deal...
  19. tradepeja

    Kings Fan’s TV Show Draft! - Round 20

    Maybe the show is not as legendary and storied as SNL, maybe its cast never goes on to do as big of things as SNL's, and maybe it trailed SNL in the ratings each and every of its 14 seasons, but with the last pick of the 6th round I select MADtv - FOX(1995-2009) Despite all the negatives...